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Everything posted by blackhawkxx

  1. I also do the same thing and have seen reviews for the wrong product.
  2. If it is not worth it now, it will be. It's great that basically unused examples are around for the future.
  3. Sometimes that is all you have to go on, like this exhaust fits your make model and year. But Carlos's example is in a different league. Anyone that buys a exhaust shield for a Zero maybe needs the education of the experience.
  4. Ohio man tied woman to chair I heard the ratchet part was too close to the chair to be able to tie her down correctly. 😀
  5. This is good stuff and makes life easier.
  6. You should have wrapped the front flat face of the car also as I bet it gets sand blasted over time.
  7. You could swing past a welding shop with the trailer and ask. Sometimes you may be surprised what a good welder can do.
  8. Even if you don't make them very tight, I'm adding a backup strap/s in the rear. Of course that is without a front chock that tightens on the wheel. Never had one of those.
  9. That thing would make you deaf in about two miles.
  10. A while back while we were on this subject I bought some Nu-Salt to replace the regular stuff. It does NOT taste the same so I'm just trying to be sparse with the good stuff.
  11. Old not so perfect vetts can be a money pit as compared to other cars. Read up before jumping in.
  12. Me either but then I didn't know that the early 60s Ford van was called a Falcon until I saw them mod one on TV.
  13. So you have to get the metric panels? 🙂
  14. Looks like a retirement project. You are going retire one day, right? 🙂
  15. Would paint serve the same purpose as the plastic?
  16. Didn't that include Suzie Somers?
  17. You live on the sun, why do you want excessively hot water?
  18. My water heater is also at the other end of the house but with thought you can use the cold water. Also our water is way cheaper than electric. An extra thousand gallons of water cost me $5. I thought of moving the natural gas heater but the work/reward is in no way worth it. Bill, you are still working so I know time is a thing.
  19. For the big hole, I could see a divider type thing being of use that can be removed when not needed.
  20. So how do you get it high enough to change oil? 😉
  21. I don't know why but that made me chuckle but I know it stinks. I have come across many places that have bad fitment info.
  22. Moderation does work. I try to restrict myself to just one very high speed run when I take the Bird out. If every mile was WOT, I think I would have more troubles.
  23. Wow! That sounds like a selling point for vegies.
  24. Remember the Atkins diet? Eat all meat and lose weight. Most heavy people I see consume massive amounts of carbs. If you eat at McDonalds, say a cheese burger, fries and Coke, where does all the calories come from? Not from that little piece of meat.
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