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  2. I use this: https://www.google.com/search?q=compress+Image+App+Google+Play&oq=compress+Image+App+Google+Play&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCggGEAAYgAQYogQyCggHEAAYgAQYogQyBwgIECEYjwLSAQk0MTA5NmowajeoAhSwAgE&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  3. Yesterday
  4. Bravo, I was wondering when or if you would ever realize what you were pointing at were not the wear indicators of the tires.
  5. Hi to all. Still building a track (fun) bird, but cannot find an FI ecu for sale anywhere. Engine is a 2002, frame 2004 so well into the injected models. Looks like I am needing 38770-MAT-E01 , possibly 9607 100295ED but not sure about the second set of numbers. Have 'pairs' delete pipework, dont know if I'll require anything electronic to fool the ECU into thinking its there as a plug-in. Good price paid, and willing to travel to collect, cash in hand.
  6. Oh, interesting. I guess I sort of knew that, my Apple Watch monitors blood sugar but is not covered, yet the prescribed dedicated monitor is (which obviously, I didn't get). It costs more than the low end Watch. And also I had to fight with the pharmacy to NOT buy the fucking thing, because they didn't actually understand that the sensors work without it, and with just the Apple Watch. I had to um...as they say, be my own pharmacist. LOL
  7. If you get audited you better have a note from a doctor about them being medically necessary for a particular condition, as general fitness items is not covered.
  8. One meaning you, yes, but not me. I am still confused as to why you'd assume that. I do agree that your 10k life is great and you're due.
  9. Okay. After some serious searching, I finally found the tire wear indicators. For some reason, they do not align with the markings on the side walls, so I kept missing them. Both tires are not quite down to them, but close enough that I might as well replace them. Given the savings, I'll try the Dunlops. Worst case is that I don't get the mileage out of them to justify buying them again. I liked the Road Attacks. 10K+ out of a tire is doing well in my book.
  10. In tires designed for a specific application (e.g., touring), one expects the one rated for longer life to cost more than one rated for less.
  11. Same here. It's grabbing, but I don't know that I'd want to look at it every day. If you're referring to Jeep's Gecko Green, I think the bike is very different. And while I loved Gecko on my Jeep, it's questionable on a stocker. Too much "look at me" with not much to look at. Porsche's LIzard Green seems to be pretty similar to the Jeep green and I love it on a pimped out 911 GT3, but I don't know that it would look good on my mundane 911.
  12. If you lean the bike over, the center of the tire will last longer.
  13. Last week
  14. "So you'll cover the treadwear warranty and lifetime balance and rotation right?" I'd like to offer something on the original post, but this short-circuited me: WHY??? I've never found a distinct correlation between those. If anything the opposite. The sport tires cost more and give shorter life. I just chose a 60k rated tire for the Rivian over a more expensive 40k OEM tire. I did the same on the Tesla. I don't recall specific wear:cost ratios on motorcycles, and have never noticed one. The less expensive Avons gave me more life than others for more money, but not enough to stay as a specific memory.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if he talks them out of wanting to do it.
  16. Right, I'm familiar with it, but don't know the answer on whether its legal or not. I bet someone will be a test case. Sort of how our advisor said to write off only half of anything that might be business but also has clearly personal value. No way to argue that I don't use my phone for personal things, etc.
  17. An HSA unlike an FSA - I regulate what gets reimbursed and if I get audited by the IRS and they find out I’m expensing items not health related they would come after me. I put my walking pad, recumbent bike, kettle bells, exercise bands and my last 3 Apple Watches on the account. Now - I can’t use the VISA card to buy any of it but manually submit the receipt for immediate reimbursement. I also invest in the stock market through the program with the funds siting there. And yes, before tax funds.
  18. Huh, fuck, shit, that would be an interesting loophole. Then the Watch would apply too, if the same reasoning works. I don't like shit in my ears for hours. Moriah does that, I don't get it. An hour or two on a plane, and I pull them for an ear stretch for five minutes. Four hours and I'm done, mostly don't even wear them on the jetway or in the terminal.
  19. I tried 4 different hearing aids priced from $599 to $7000 and all failed me. Mostly because I couldn't get used to the discomfort of wearing them for so long. Same with my current APP’s - currently headed to Houston and have to take em out every so often to relieve my brain from having the holes in my head plugged up for so long. If I can out these on my HSA - I’ll try ‘em’ for sure.
  20. I really can't decide if the color is annoying-interesting or just annoying-annoying. Fine line. I'd like to see it in person. There's some sporty car in that color that looks ok, and the similar Jeep color looks ok in person. But never photograph well.
  21. That's not a Black Bird, it's a fire-fly. 🤢
  22. Fuck the hearing aid industry. Sleazy. Apple is pretty heavily invested in health improvements that cost so little compared to legacy solutions. https://www.theverge.com/24275178/apple-airpods-pro-hearing-aid-test-protection-preview Apple’s AirPods Pro hearing health features are as good as they sound The AirPods Pro 2 will soon offer more robust hearing protection and a new hearing aid feature. But it’s the hearing test that really hooked me.
  23. You should move to America, where we can do things like that.
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