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  1. Past hour
  2. You are looking at a Harley Fat Girl? Must be for someone else.
  3. Today
  4. Maybe you all don’t have a convenient shop in your area, but for $20 it’s cheap peace of mind for a radiator that old to be inspected for damage and pressure tested. Local lawn mower repair shop did this for me. It would suck balls to get it all back together then have it spring a leak from a defect you didn’t catch when you had it apart for service. It’s not my bike…no skin off my nose if you don’t do it. Just a suggestion to check the whole system while you have it apart. Replacing the thermostat was a significant tear down. It’s like going through the work to fix a head gasket but never check the parts you’re taking off to get to it.
  5. It's unfortunate that Mike's brain is what it is. I shouldn't give him shit when he posts retarded stuff, but it sometimes feels like it's the only way to possibly get the message through.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/993144665803510/ Spitball values please?
  7. Yesterday
  8. I had an 18T on BB1. When I got Zero’s bike I thought about swapping it over, but instead put a new OEM front and rear sprocket with a new chain on at about 90K miles. I regret it every time I hit the highway for long distances. I want to keep shifting one more time at speed. I also have to shift more in the mountains. Thanks for the link; perfect timing to get a new one since the bike is on the stand for some work. If you are past the “rocket launch” phase of riding the bird, I say go for it.
  9. 16 front, 46 rear here but I don't do any highway droning.
  10. Just spray it with some Flex-Seal. 😉
  11. They sell 18s at the vegan restaurant next door to the EV dealership. There's even a manbun mechanic that'll install it for you while you share your soy latte with your boyfriend. I've never tried any alternative gearing on the BB. If I were doing lots of highway cruising I'd probably do an 18. I have a 16, it should be fun, but I've never tried it out.
  12. You have to choose in the drop down menu
  13. I don't see where they say it is dampened.
  14. Last week
  15. I had 12/49 on Furbird with the wheelie bar setup. It went through the traps in 6th on the limiter on the nitrous. Never did that bullshit again 🤣 BTW, that was the 1/8th mile 😈 I will never, ever, ever reveal how much nitrous I REALLY had on that motor. It should NEVER have stayed together. I will also never reveal which of my multiple engines I had it on. One day, someone will get the magic motor. Or will they...
  16. I’ve never consider my Blackbird fast after owning a ZX14R and Duke 1290. Now I just appreciate it for what is and enjoy the nostalgia factor.
  17. A place they call Special Gearing for Homos. I’ve heard good things https://sprocketcenter.com/i-30497574-jt-sprockets-jtf339-530-pitch-chromoly-steel-front-sprocket-honda.html
  18. Where did you find a dampened 18? For a vfr?
  19. I agree with you while running a 16. Never understood why make the XX feel slower? Cal????
  20. I did find one that’s rubber damped. Should suite the bike well for what I use it for but we’ll see.
  21. He didn't say it was losing coolant, so no need to pressure test. Yes, Mike, it's really that simple. I thought Carlos' crackhead post rating was a little harsh, at first, but I'm starting to see his point.
  22. The thermostat open/closed will make almost no difference for the hose. What typically happens (not Blackbird specific) is coolant slowly makes its way between the hose and fitting leading to buildup and possibly rust/corrosion which slowly makes the leak worse. I've also had a few spring clamps that seemed to loose their tension. I would clean the nipple and hose and install a good clamp.
  23. It's pressure tested every time he starts the bike.
  24. What you think you know about food, particularly factory farmed meat, has never been your own thoughts and is mostly incorrect. They've been fed (heh) to you by billions of dollars in marketing and owning the politicians. In what free country should it be illegal to take a photo of a slaughterhouse and share it publicly? How is that even acceptable? As you can see below and at 1:45 in my video The Role of Corporate Influence in the Obesity Epidemic, in a single year, the food industry spent more than $50 million to hire hundreds of lobbyists to influence legislation. Most of these lobbyists were “revolvers,” former federal employees in the revolving door between industry and its regulators, who could push corporate interests from the inside, only to be rewarded with cushy lobbying jobs after their “public service.” In the following year, the industry acquired a new weapon—a stick to go along with all those carrots. On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court’s five-to-four Citizen’s United ruling permitted corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on campaign ads to trash anyone who dared stand against them. No wonder our elected officials have so thoroughly shrunk from the fight, leaving us largely with a government of Big Food, by Big Food, and for Big Food. https://nutritionfacts.org/blog/corporate-influence-and-our-epidemic-of-obesity/?utm_source=NutritionFacts.org&utm_campaign=cd230b04da-RSS_BLOG_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40f9e497d1-cd230b04da-28710906&mc_cid=cd230b04da
  25. You're all homos if you're not running a 15 and saving front tire wear.
  26. As I recall, this was popular among folks who wanted to enhance fuel mileage and temper cruising rpms. The (analogue) speedos tended to be more accurate (stock they read a bit high) but the odo will be off (recording fewer miles). There was a slight decline in 1st gear acceleration, but most hardly even noticed. It was an easy mod that usually only required rear chain adjustment. the stock sprocket (17T) has a rubber-like bushing; most of the aftermarket (18T) replacements did not.
  27. 18 front (1 up) corrects the speedometer but predictably, the odometer will then be off. I rode with an 18 for years, has no problem two up with luggage in the moun to ain switchbacks of TN and NC. A little slower off the line reflected by 1/8 mile times, but 1/4 mile times the same as you can pull 4th gear through the traps as opposed to running out of gear or short shifting. Personally, I enjoyed both the slightly broader usable speed range of the lower gears and felt I needed to shift less frequently. I also liked the cruising rpm a little more relaxed. Fuel usage improved by 1-2 mpg overall. Your mileage in all these aspects will vary, of course, depending on how aggressive you wish to be with the load handle.
  28. If you're going to tear it down, do it once...especially considering the AGE of the bike and IF it has ever been tested previously.
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