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  1. Today
  2. Political derangement is definitely a thing. Makes me smile and sad at the same time when the likes of Black and XXtitanium make a politically deranged post and slaphappy literally up votes it within minutes of it. Posts at 2am, 7am, 12 noon, take your pick. You'd think there was life to live. Instead - we get nutty AI generated Clinton foundation tax returns posted to see. Sad part... there's not enough education out there to understand that about .02% of what they see on the www isn't real. But... you do you. When your laying on your deathbed you can think about all the great times you had and all the wonderful memories you have of the time you spent... well, posting fake Clinton Foundation tax returns on a forum seeking the adoration of the like of the strangers around you. I was under the impression most humans matured and evolved as they got older. As their time to spend with those around them became shorter time became more valuable. Just not the case in all instances.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Refrigerate gloves to make them last longer, like my garage.
  5. Cooking gloves DO NOT stand up to conformal coating.
  6. I've had nitrile gloves go bad, I don't think they were ancient, but most likely over a year. It seemed to mostly effect the ones near the opening of the box, as I was about to give up they got better. I was given some that were of unknown age and storage conditions in closed boxes, all were quite weak. That gift included some latex gloves also, those had put themselves into recycling mode.
  7. Last week
  8. Breast armor?
  9. Me too (well smoker, no Weber), but it dried out a lot over time. I'm going to clean it up and use this restorer on it.
  10. I Ceramic'd my Weber BBQ's.
  11. Does it drive as if you are in 1850's covered wagon on the trail with wooden wheels? No, then you don't have the heavy payload package. πŸ˜†
  12. Light switches and outlets come with instructions? Colors aren't needed. Everyone knows the little one is hot, the round one is ground. It was merely a question of amusement. Irrelevant since it's obvious anyway.
  13. Yeah, but so long as the instructions let you know....
  14. You didn't understand what I wrote. Colored terminals have been a thing all my life. Its WHICH color.
  15. And look how that turned out, totaled. πŸ˜€
  16. It’s a recent thing to prevent poor wiring. Every switch or outlet I’ve bought of late has different colors for hot, neutral and ground. The instructions tell you which one is which. Smart move. Easier than using a marking on the back you can barely read to tell you which terminal is which.
  17. Battery will run dry before he hits 117mph.
  18. No siesta.
  19. Most hybrid and electric cars call for the low resistance tires, but they're not mandatory. Back then they might have used a goofy size, but I'm sure there would be something off the shelf close enough to work fine. With our first Prius I replaced the normal tires it had with a set intended for old air cooled VW Bugs (somewhat tall and skinny with a low weight rating), the ride got better and it picked up a few MPG. They were free NOS, only about 10 years old 😬
  20. Absolutely. The white construction workers are more likely to use meth so they'll be able to work faster and get everything properly done in the allotted time.
  21. I didn't say anything about a bus. There are alot of windows on the way to school. Ask Bill.
  22. A couple decade ago we had a landlord who drove an early Honda Insight (Gen 1 perhaps, it had half covers over the rear wheels) and I recall him complaining a lot about the tires as they were not off-the-shelf, were some sort of low resistance compound, expensive, etc ...
  23. Jack squat. Homeowner shit at most, spring/fall yard maintenance, dirt bikes. Good call out, will check! I did! They looked new, guy bought them in 2021 for a older Wrangler he had, they were on for one summer. This is exactly what I was wondering with original post, thanks. Seemed as such but I didn't want to skirt mfg direction and kill my family! Thanks
  24. Today I was called a leftist because I explained to someone how to keep a syringe sterile, and not follow some really retarded non-sterile advice. Well documented stuff. What the actual fucking fuck? Free thinking medical procedures; viruses love this one weird trick.
  25. Jesus fuck. AnD tHEy'Re SO hEAvy. I've also seen that explanation on speed ratings, and thought it was rated at 70F. There's also a delamination thing they talk about. The load would have to go with it, because full speed with full load is gonna be very different from unloaded.
  26. It will get much better once we deport all the Mexicans and white people do this work.
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