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Everything posted by superhawk996

  1. If they drop the price or get it running, neither of which is likely to happen.
  2. Love it. I think the reason the first cut got buggered is because you were pushing on both sides. I think the cut gap closed right at the end 'pinching' the blade. I'm guessing that it pulled the part on the right into the blade a bit, or flexed the blade into it.
  3. The thief would need to know and be prepared and willing to wear a mask and cut the line. Cops will take a while, unless there's a unit in the area. The neighbor can't watch it 24/7, but a siren going off would let him know to take a peek. A blaring siren helps persuade the burglar to go elsewhere. You presented reasons for not getting it while presenting obvious reasons why it would help. Locking the doors was pointless since most of them can be kicked open faster than you can open it with your key. A house door can be effectively hardened for a few pennies, yet very few people do it. Nearly impossible. And no matter how secure it seems, someone's got the tools to defeat it. I entered a customer's "certified secure facility" without damage and faster than their own people can get in. Then opened and started their armored truck about as fast as you can with a key, also without damage. The padlock on the garage added minimal security, but you did it anyway. Taking the key out of of your Mazda's ignition and locking the doors offers minimal security, yet you do it. An alarm system would add way more security than the locks, but you probably don't have one because it's as useless as a home security system. Do you actually know anyone who's had this happen? I recall hearing about it in the 90's, but not since. Seems rather pointless to steal an unusable helmet, unless it has a valuable comm system.
  4. I still have the points and just put my ohm meter on them again, they seem to be fine. So strange. I wish I had an engine I could put them in to re-test. Maybe I need to buy a C2 instead of that C4 we were talking about 😆
  5. It never backfired or ran noticeably rough, it seemed to run perfectly or nothing. Hard to say for sure because it runs somewhat rough when cold, but it wasn't obviously worse than normal. Watching my timing light connected to the coil lead it wasn't a 'sputtery' spark, it would be on, off, then on again.
  6. Dehumidifier in AZ...your clothes might turn into dust.
  7. You should wait 'till the next "election". There's no reason to think that we'll still have gasoline available to us in the near future.
  8. The greatest thing for the automotive world was the internal combustion engine, and now trying to take that away too.
  9. Yup. And it turns out that if you fill it with Cox airplane fuel (high nitro content) and manage to get it running (had to push start it pretty far), it won't turn off 'till you forcibly stall it out.
  10. I'm guessing they came from the same lab that made Covid.
  11. Reason 857 we should have nuked China long ago. I've hit those fuckers with a few different flavors of canned "flying insect" killer and it mostly does nothing. If I get a really solid hit it'll knock them to the ground, then they shake it off and go back to attacking if I don't rush over and smash them. I have a really old can of stuff I inherited which had an interesting effect, after several minutes the antennae or a couple legs had detached and they were on the ground still moving around for several minutes. I don't know if they fell off or it pulled them off. I think the wings came off too, but they're really small and it was on dirty concrete so I'm not sure. I finally smashed it and moved on. Belt dressing knocks them down and they stay down, I think it glues their wings. But the shit's messy and they're quite zippy so getting a hit on them is difficult. Suspend SC and TalstarP seem to do nothing. ExciteR might work, but it has very little residual effect. I dribbled some ExciteR into a bucket of rain water, it killed the larvae in it and none came back after several weeks of it being out, but maybe just because ExciteR is oil based and not because of the poison. A film of oil on the water keeps them from being able to breathe. I check it regularly and have watched a few mosquitoes approach the water and then fly off, they apparently know it's no bueno. The eggs can live a long time in the dry, like years. And a thimble of water can be enough to get them going. I had a 5 gallon bucket with really old dog shit in it, don't ask me why, there's no good reason. It looked dry, but the bottom was damp. I didn't realize they were breeding in it 'till I moved it and they swarmed out. For about two weeks I hit that bucket with every insecticide I own to see what would work, but every time I checked there were still mosquitoes in it so I ended the experiment into the trash can. The insecticides were probably just helping keep the turds damp for them. Hornady One Shot gun lube just makes them smell good so don't bother wasting it. I didn't expect much, but it was right next to me so I tried. According to google it appears that the only defenses are frequent yard foggings and breeding prevention.
  12. First time I brought mine out to a slow fire I got a lot of WTF? Then they saw how well it works.
  13. Mechanical and vacuum, like most distributors have. Advance mechanisms can cause running problems, but won't cause the spark to stop like this was doing. It was the points. Both advance mechanisms work properly, nothing left to scrutinize.
  14. It's possible that something on the engine killed them, but I think everything was set up right. I remember reading something about the voltage, or coil resistance, or something being somewhat important. After it shitted out I read many forum threads about them dying. Maybe it's just a VW thing. It's also possible that it wasn't a Pertronix brand device, I can't say for sure.
  15. In this case I believe there was something in the points allowing an electrical path to ground when they opened weakening the trigger to the coil. I was only able to measure continuity once and that's what lead me to suspect them. Even tho statically it was an open circuit every other time I checked, the voltage created at the moment of the points opening could jump a small gap which could cause it to not trigger the coil properly. The triggering was good enough to make the dwell meter show that the points were working, but I can imagine how the magical pixies could tell the meter "all's good" while not giving the coil what it needs to make a spark. I assume this problem could be measured with something, maybe an oscilloscope(?), but I don't think any of the meters I carry could have detected it. If they could, I don't know how to do it. I initially eyeballed the gap, then set them with a dwell meter which is the most accurate way. My eyeball was about one degree of dwell off, well within tolerance, but I went for the exact 30 degree setting.
  16. My '78 CVCC had points, my parents bought it new. I don't recall it ever having a points issue. Electronic is all or nothing with no warning. I've never had points suddenly fail, this instance was the closest to that giving a somewhat short warning accompanied by several stalls. It had really cheesy looking Standard Ignition brand points. I installed 'standard duty' Accel, they also have a high RPM version but this thing can't out-rev the standard ones so it would be dumb to run the high tension spring.
  17. No corrosion. I removed and re-installed the old points with no change and had the wire off of them several times while testing stuff. The only cleaning I did before installing the new ones was to clean the cam before applying the new grease.
  18. I installed new points and condenser, then swapped the old condenser back in to know for sure and it worked fine. It was the points, but I put the new condenser back in before wrapping it up.
  19. I put a Pertronix in my sandrail. I made it about 5 miles downhill from camp when it died. Luckily I had the old points with me along with tools. I never did get around to properly gapping them, the precision eyeball setting ran perfectly for the rest of the season and then I sold it.
  20. I always thought they were pretty. Such clean flowing lines, but maybe too clean and flowing like a fancy moped with integrated luggage.
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