Political derangement is definitely a thing. Makes me smile and sad at the same time when the likes of Black and XXtitanium make a politically deranged post and slaphappy literally up votes it within minutes of it. Posts at 2am, 7am, 12 noon, take your pick. You'd think there was life to live.
Instead - we get nutty AI generated Clinton foundation tax returns posted to see. Sad part... there's not enough education out there to understand that about .02% of what they see on the www isn't real. But... you do you. When your laying on your deathbed you can think about all the great times you had and all the wonderful memories you have of the time you spent... well, posting fake Clinton Foundation tax returns on a forum seeking the adoration of the like of the strangers around you.
I was under the impression most humans matured and evolved as they got older. As their time to spend with those around them became shorter time became more valuable. Just not the case in all instances.