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Everything posted by OMG

  1. Or this one. https://missoula.craigslist.org/mcy/d/missoula-2007-honda-vfr-interceptor/7290332973.html
  2. I am somewhat tempted to get this just to go along with the AT. https://missoula.craigslist.org/mcy/d/corvallis-2007-honda-vfr800-interceptor/7297970361.html
  3. Or braid loops on each end. Even better if you slip a swage on first and crimp the end of the loop
  4. Or move to Montana, I don't think it's ever been warm enough to have the fan come on.
  5. Wish I knew what this was in, but I'm happy not to have to drive it.
  6. Could this be called a cluster fucked?
  7. OMG

    Useful trick

    Honda BMW shop 1973 useful tip - no pun intended. The air device shown was also use with the rubber tip removed - insert short phillips screw, point it in a "safe" direction and strike the operating handle smartly and it will send projectile with enough velocity to penetrate a hollow core door.
  8. OMG

    What is this?

    I wish but not mine, my son saw it and wondered. It's in a garage in California
  9. OMG

    What is this?

    I don't know what it is but a filtering device sounds right.
  10. Well if it's speed you want, there is this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQh56geU0X8
  11. The problem with electric vehicles is that you can't carry an extra gallon of amps with you.
  12. OMG

    What is this?

    My son is wondering, two pressure gauges 60psi, two valves into the top two on the bottom. Two small valves on the top with glass chambers just below them. Alternate sections appear to be piped separately. 2020121895152707.mp4
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJfSS0ZXYdo
  14. https://www.amazon.com/FastCap-Zero-Clearance-Tape-Strips/dp/B07C68GTVK/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_bmx_0_4/147-9294584-2486841?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07C68GTVK&pd_rd_r=3814509d-0896-4d3c-ad0b-5580a6bacf77&pd_rd_w=FSCNl&pd_rd_wg=n6hqQ&pf_rd_p=b28226a2-0f87-43ba-813f-368e822218aa&pf_rd_r=MN0JS07XD75CSQ35RKFD&psc=1&refRID=MN0JS07XD75CSQ35RKFD#customerReviews
  15. I have not caught the 60 ford people home yet, when I do, may I say you are interested?

    Tomorrow I'll poke around it a bit and let you know more. It has not been disturbed in quite a few years I think.

    1. XXitanium


      Oh man, I'm trying to reward my wife of thirty years by letting her side the house with some new windows next year.


      It would go to a loving home. I've had my CBX since 1988. I'm a Fird guy. I have a small mad money purse. It doesn't hurt to ask.


      You don't deal drugs too, just to round ut out? ...kidding. Fords are like crack to me...

  16. St. Peter "how did you die?" me "feet first at 200mph". That is, if I get to heaven
  17. Nope, as a youngster, the insurance premium was more than he could afford. There is a possibility that it was divine intervention. He did get the bike back, in pieces. The police picked up as many scattered parts as they could, put them on a trailer and he picked them up. Very unlikely that whoever crashed it lived. I think there was one side fairing still in one piece. Everything else was broken. I remember him telling me that he learned that 185 you need to pay attention to both lanes of traffic.
  18. My son had his new Busa stolen in Louisiana, sucked paying off 10k for a bike he didn't have. I'm thinking maybe get this for when I travel. https://monimoto.com
  19. He's retired, I've had him do excavation work for me but it's been years ago. Don't know what his plans are for the ford but it's been there in the same spot for years and not in good shape at all except very little rust. Things just don't rust here. I'm asking around for his cell#. 



  20. I'll find his number, he winters in Az.

  21. nearly every mod available - what's it worth - '99'
  22. https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1943-sherman-m4a1/
  23. https://www.businessinsider.com/scorpion-computer-cockpit-workstation-2020-10
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