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Everything posted by XXitanium

  1. I emailed the link to a friend. He said it was posted on C.L. for a total of fifteen minutes before it sold.
  2. I figured this would be gone in less than two days.
  3. Check eBay. FYI - Frequently the phones are proprietary - they only work for one service - go figure - who would want them portable? They can be had cheep though. Good luck Bill
  4. ...couple feelers on new jobs - wonder if I could pass it off as a reward to self for getting work. ....OK, bump!
  5. Never heard of a 1100CBX before! Very astute observation. Hmmmn - he does say cash though.
  6. Those pictures look strangley familiar. Watch your blind side (scam?).
  7. OK, there is a ride this weekend... at Hawks Nest. (Forgive me I'm haaving one of my homebrews). My wife already thinks I'm not spending enough time lining up a new job. Here's how the world ends. I buy rocketmeupto125's bike and make it to Hawks nest on the way home. Sorry Hobicus with a long O, but I could use some adventure..... I'l use my ownplane ticket. The homecoming would be spectacular.
  8. ....SOLD "Price drop: $2,500 on other link... http://bbs.tsba.org/showthread.php?t=45319 Couldn't get at the pics.... $2,500 was the last price I saw.
  9. Yeah, There was one linked back here from another forum in very good condition that went for a couple hundered less to my recolection... He should have made it a regular auctionand seen what the market would bear. Set a reserve if you're just fishing and at least he would know what the ballpark price it might bring. This might be an OK deal for a breaker...
  10. Bump - What would a Titanium paint job or a set of plastics run? I need to learn to think outside the lines maybe.
  11. I bought a Hurricane and a CBX on terms like this and I'm very happy with both. Wish I had the scratch.
  12. Pics might be helpful for those interested. True.. I am bored at work and quickly posted it up. I will edit and add a picture when I get home. I have to wait to get to the bike in storage at dad's to get a couple of close ups:) I was at a couple of XX meets this past year so a few might have seen it. Thanks for the feedback. Greg Speaking from experience - take the pics before you put it inside a garage or something. It can get hard to get good angles inside and outside can be an opportunity to give it "presentation". Give it a nice backdrop.
  13. For sake of thread discussion, what did these go for retail? Tx Bill
  14. Tough market. I have three teenagers. I feel relief each time one of the Ti's gets sold. It asaures I won't do anything irrational :-) Make it worth my while to go have it out with the wife ;-)
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