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Excess radiation being emitted even though we don't use the smart features on our new household appliances. 



Dish washer

Clothes washer




...some random internet dude said he was getting the wifi bits physically removed.


Birds aren't real.


EMF meter




A woman on Next-door claimed that her neighbor was pumping poison gas into her house, many believed it.  About a week later she posted about all the EMF and whatever that was attacking her, she backed her claim with meter readings.  I told her that she could probably solve both problems with the assistance of a mental health provider.  I'M NoT cRaZy!!!!  Yea, ok.


I'm subscribed to the Reddit sub where those posts come from, it's pretty funny.  The best are the ones who say that the harassment, stalking, V2k (voice to skull transmission of words), and similar things stopped...when?  While they were in therapy and on drugs.  "THEY just want to keep us all on drugs and in therapy."  Man, SO close to figuring it out.


And I make fun of it but also realize that mental illness is not funny and they have a real medical problem.

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