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Zero Knievel

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Everything posted by Zero Knievel

  1. Would the pharmacy give a cash discount? I know my chiropractor and pharmacy will give a discounted price when it doesn't go through insurance.
  2. I thought they were rebranded “power points.”
  3. Plant based meat is an atrocity. The lab grown garbage is worse.
  4. Yeah, but you aren't that stupid, are you? Yo...that's my mom you're mocking.
  5. 1. Many are too weak or lazy to use a manual pump. 2. To use an electric off the car battery, you need to have a set of wires or know how to connect to a 12v system. Yeah, I know they come with cigarette socket plugs, but some people are just that stupid. An all-in-one unit solves that issue…presuming you don’t forget to keep it charged…which is why I don’t get one for mom. The one time she had a flat, she asked someone to help her change the tire…only to learn the spare was low.
  6. Why not make the length of pipe, run the wire through afterward, THEN bury it?
  7. My 2 cents…do it right. If you want to sell the house, it’s a selling point. The main reason I’d not want to sell our house to get something more manageable is that for all the quirks our house has, we know them, and we know we did things right when building. Besides, if something does come up, you’re suited to handle it better. The erosion issue we had to fix, the septic line breaking, $1,000 to install a septic tank access…all because dad took shortcuts. Yeah, he died first, but try to sell a house with a septic system that hasn’t been serviced in 30 years because you bury the tank without an access collar. The $150 cost for conduit should largely be offset by savings on not needing to dig as deep, and you can use the less expensive wire option as the conduit is adding protection.
  8. I'm more worried about what "education" is doing to our kids more than I worry about lead contamination.
  9. Since when does someone who can back their video with facts and evidence not credible? Most trust the MSM even when they frequently make statements that are easily proven as either outright false or a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts…loaded more with editorial comment than actual factual analysis.
  10. When I was a stickler for my diet, fat and protien was okay. Carbs were to be avoided. So long as you aren't overdoing the fats (and especially unhealthy forms of fat), your body will convert them to glucose and burn them.
  11. That was dad's philosophy. Of course, it makes sense in that you don't worry about overrunning the capability of your setup if it's set to handle more than you will use.
  12. I’ve not seen a AAA office in ages, and as often as I’ve needed roadside assistance, they would have to be more prompt to justify the $$$. Around here, that’s not the case.
  13. AAA? Doesn’t your insurance come with towing/roadside assistance coverage? It’s usually equal or superior to AAA and is cheaper if not included.
  14. Happens to the best of us…so you were really overdue.
  15. If the brake system isn’t computerized, is he riding the brakes and not realizing it?
  16. What can we say, you’re a total butch. 😂
  17. I bought the screws because I don’t know if the existing ones can be salvaged, and yes, I buy stuff before I start so I don’t spend half the day running back and forth to town to get what I need.
  18. Already bought the screws. I’ve been gathering the stuff I need before I start the work.
  19. Depends on who you get to help. Sometimes you get a person who knows their inventory…in spite of how often they rearrange the store’s layout. I got lucky yesterday. I was in Lowes and was checking out stair risers to repair the front steps. Amazingly, all of them were identical (how the manufacturer gets inconsistent shapes in a mass produced product is beyond me), but I could only identify 4 or 5 that were sufficiently devoid of flaws (knots in unacceptable places, splits in the wood, other damage from shipping). So I bought 3 as that would cover one side if I need to replace the risers as well. This is background for the next bit. I intend to reuse the stair risers provided they are undammaged (they are largely protected from the elements by the steps). My concern was dealing with the holes made by the original screws. I wanted to fill them in so that I wouldn’t deal with stripped out holes when installing the replacement steps. The associate suggested drilling out the holes then inserting a dowel. Brilliant…that never occurred to me. Still, normally the people I deal with can’t do more than look up where something is on their phones.
  20. I’ll necromance here rather than start a new thread…. 23 and Me has been hacked. This was inevitable. Forget TOS and contracts. Once they map your DNA, they own it and you have no right to make them purge the data. Your genetic profile, in the wrong hands, doesn’t just affect you, but it can affect everyone in your bloodline If you really want to have a DNA profile done, go to a lab that contractually must purge the results once delivered…they have no ownership interest in the result. If they purge the results and later get hacked, your data won’t fall into someone else’s hands. If they later change TOS or fall under new ownership, you won’t need to worry if they choose to sell or otherwise use your profile. Yeah, it likely will cost substantially more than 23 and Me, but that’s why…23 and Me is cheaper…the value contained in your genetic profile. I’m contacting LabCorp about their privacy and data retention policy. I know Carlos will argue to the contrary, but nothing stored digitally is 100% secure, “best practices” is not an assurance for today or tomorrow, and hackers will always target data perceived to have value…and short of how to access your money, few things are as valuable as your DNA profile. The only secure way to do a DNA profile is if both samples and reports are completely purged shortly after the test is concluded.
  21. I thought they gave you that option when I looked at the site and started answering questions.
  22. It seems so. I hate when they do that. They create a menu but to see it and the prices, you have to sign up…which means your contact information will be sold and you’ll be on a mailing list for years. It would help close the deal by disclosing what the customer is looking to get without having to join a list.
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