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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. Yep. Put one in my bathroom ceiling right above the shower last year.
  2. Looks amazing. I was thinking at first you were making a veggie burger. Looks like a perfect Sunday afternoon. I'm with a large group of friends at a friends Mexican restaurant. He opened it about 2 years ago and if you don’t get a seat at least 2 hours before the games start - the place will be wall to wall people until closing. AF Spicy Hibiscus 🌺 Margarita. Sooooooo good !!!!
  3. I guess a scam that delivers a nice little pump.
  4. Yep, my neighbor gave me one for Hanukkah and the rest of the neighbors. Awesome unit.
  5. I just assumed you were full of hot air https://getairmoto.com/?currency=USD&utm_medium=shopping_ads&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_campaign=16682668483&utm_term=&utm_content=137776029751&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA75itBhA6EiwAkho9e4cRTYLsjwFrhaB0X6jmgremI-jBgg7_Qgd7FHPuwYrM_bnslSp0xRoCVsQQAvD_BwE
  6. Ugh, the dreaded popping noise. Means the bottom is layered with rust and sediment.
  7. Tap Tap Tap....wiggle wiggle wiggle.... Tap Tap Tap... wiggle wiggle wiggle.... OFF. It's just all your caked up body gunk holding it on. I just kept tapping it with a hammer. I think I also bent that little red straw thingy attached to the WD40 can or the stuff that loosens shit up and sprayed behind there too.
  8. Picture of the watch? I posted a few in this thread. If you want more - say the word and I’ll snap a few more.
  9. Im sure Carlos will chime in but I believe they are all the same (series 7) and the only options are Size, band, metal, color, name and WiFi or WiFi and cellular. When you go to buy one those are the only options to pick from. Same with all the other series. As the watch itself develops they improve it but they are all the same. (The series) Go try and buy one now online at Apple. You’ll see what I’m saying.
  10. Hard to live on beef patties and lettuce but... it's really about what works for the individual. Best of luck and keep us updated. My cardiologist recently recommended I start Wegovy to maintain my low weight... seeing my history of yo yo'ing. I asked him what the side affects are or could be and he said "could any of those side effects be worse than death?" So... seriously considering it.
  11. DaveK

    Speech to text

    We use Dragon at work... have been for about 10 years. Works seamlessly for us.
  12. Building another shed? Buying another beater truck and have new wheels?
  13. $275 shipped. Great holiday gift - looks and works as new.
  14. Um, well, yeah…ya know.
  15. Brought my boat in yesterday and took off all my farkles before leaving it to be sold. Told him I was trying to sell the troller and batteries - they gave me $1200 for the whole package. He added it on to the trade so saves me not only the 12 but the tax on the 12. The storage place gave me a prorated refund of $900 too which they didn’t have to do. Cancelled my insurance too which was another $320.
  16. Hmmm.... I have a ton of Aleppo pepper from the last time you recommended it but never thought to put it in Hummus.
  17. Yes, as black said - thank you. Through all the petty BS. We appreciate you.
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