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Everything posted by BigBird

  1. My low beam just died on me. I'll hunt down the Silverstar or the Vision Plus at my local Canadian Tire. Thanks for all you input guys! Nexxt... Here I come!
  2. I thought they where all sold out! :oops:
  3. Are all Honda OEM filters the same size for all Honda sportbikes?
  4. They are said to be more robust. But good luck finding one!
  5. BigBird

    Scuff Removal

    Why not start with the sticker and screw the buff and all? :wink:
  6. I like to use the credit card trick. As long as the sticker is not under a clear it's (I think so) the best way to go. Actually any peice of hard plastic will do. Once you have taken it off you can clean the excess glue with WD-40. It's a longer process but 100% safe for the paint.
  7. I purchased 3 sets of EBC on friday. Took out the toolbox on saterday mornig and HUH :shock: The brakes are fine! What the hell was I thinking? Outer left side pad is worn at angle like many of you have stated.. but it still have 2-3 millimeters left ... so... fuck it. They are staying in there! I<ll return the pads and see if I change the bike next year for a new XX. If not.. I'll go get some new rubber and brake pads. Thanks for the info everyone!
  8. Guys, any links or price info on this lovelly item?
  9. So far.. all of my local shops only hold EBC... I guess for convinience sake... I'll simply take 3 sets of them. after 11000 miles... my OEM are shot. I'm going to buy some new pads tonight.
  10. Is there a reason why you want to switch to synthetic? Are you going to race the bike?
  11. BigBird


    Air bubble??? Something seems to obvious here...
  12. BigBird


    AND DONT USE A FLAT HEAD SCREWDRIVER to pry the pistons back in. Use you fingures if possible. Play nice with the rotor.
  13. You can also take a look http://www.avonmotorcycle.com/mcycle_produ...002/AV45_46.pdf Scroll down and take a look at the images I like this site: http://mecamotors.free.fr/index.html but it's in french.... And.. try this http://auto.howstuffworks.com/tire6.htm Luc
  14. Well... actually I've been looking for an Idol for quite a few years. :wink: It was a toss up between you and Nik. But since he is too heavy.. I opted for you. Now.. I'm not so sure. :cry: I'll have to find something or someone else :cool: Anyone up to the challenge?
  15. Thanks for the explanation Joe. Fly By.. I'm also an idiot (well.. I'm not saying YOUR an idiot, I'm just saying you... haaaaa whatever... you get my point) Joe.. where do you get all of this information. Are you a natural born mechanic ? Where you feed with a NASA spec spoon at the age of 1? That would not explain anything... but It would still be cool! I degress..
  16. WD40 to clean (with tooth brush or plastic BBQ brush) then rince it out good. I then add chain wax, go out for a quick 15 min. run and wax it again.
  17. The pads are supposed to retract???? I thought this kind system was usesless and to a point dangerous on bikes. If such a system existed, it would need to be VERY quick... and very precices. I would not like having to pump my brake lever every time I would want to stop. Because the system retracted the pads a few mm too far back. I've read about this somewhere...
  18. I have'nt checked out the other threads... but how much will a new set run you guys? Generally speaking... whatever manufactuere/model.. I've gne out and priced front back in stock sizes in Michelin Pilots and Roads... installation included (with bike) was something around 490$ cnd (roughly 380 USD) Is that right? (Installation costs run around 30-40$ a tire)
  19. Thanks Carlos. I'm just pissed that I'd have to kill that back as it only has 5000 miles on it. It is a 205 after all.... I don't what to go D207 or 208.. I want my Pilots.... (I feel like a cry baby)... Soooooooooooooo I'm fucked unless I mismatch from the same manufacturer (generaly speaking). Ho well... I might keep the front a bit longer then and wear out that back on my next long trip to nowhere.
  20. So.... No one here would se a prob. with a 205 in the back and a Pilot Sport/Road in front??? I need to get that front 205 off the bike PRONTO! After 20,000km IT IS DEAD! (still a good 4000k of possible wear.. but the front feels like crap any time I get serious)
  21. Same problem here. But I blame the wingrack and Givi boxes. It has'nt moved since I got the bike (sept. 2002).
  22. Phil, Glad to see your OK! Bitch for the bike... but good luck for the work ahead! Keep us posted!
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