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Everything posted by blackhawkxx

  1. So the story is more about a bad employee than a bad vehicle, right? I hear stories all the time about competed work that was never done. On a different note, many years ago I got a recall on a fan blade. I removed it at home and carried it in. They yammered a little and then gave me the new one.
  2. Now you know how the conservatives felt at the last election with Tweeter, Facebook and MSM. It seems to be the world we live in now. I don't want to derail your thread so, sorry in advance but it is the truth.
  3. On my 1978 CB 750 I had many years ago, I was riding and the main fuse went. Replaced and it never went again. Was there a voltage spike or the fuse weakened over time? Who knows. Goldwings have them, you can get more square footage of radiator in there over the single unit. Servicing cars and bikes seems to not even be a thought to the design engineers or at least it feels that way when you are working on them.
  4. This shot is more impressive to me, looks like new.
  5. Wow is that thing is clean.
  6. A couple of months ago the wife was taking the car out of state to visit family and I worked to make sure she remembered those numbers. It could make a difference.
  7. Can it be turned off in the menu? I always turn off auto door lock that lock once the vehicle is moving. I love roll up windows and manual door locks. I keep things a long time and try to fix them myself. Different strokes for different folks. If I were buying a new car every couple of years, my opinion may be different but maybe not.
  8. I always look read through the manual but either missed the hidden key hole or it isn't in there. I already knew about the shifter lock out at least on Fords and Ford supplies a funnel with the vehicle for adding gas. I never step out of the house without my knife and flashlight plus 99% of the time, a weapon.
  9. Well, after searching, you are correct. It sure is hidden well and I didn't notice it in the manual. BTW- Ford Fusion. Someone knows the answer to just about everything on here, thanks.
  10. The battery in wife's car died and it got me to thinking, what if the battery completely died, how would you unlock the door to open the hood since it doesn't have key locks? I hate not having key locks for both the doors and truck. Something as easy as changing the battery turned into a pain. Napa didn't have one and said they could have it the next day (their best AGM). Pulled the old one today, took it over in the Wing and the one they said would fit was too big. So they ordered a smaller one for tomorrow (don't make a AGM in that size). So back over tomorrow.
  11. Yes, right at the end of the cut you can see the front edges come together.
  12. I have had that happen to me before, usually at dusk down in a valley near water and it really makes it hard to see.
  13. I agree 100%. And yes, Tap Magic (the brand I use) changed my drilling life. My low cost way is when Harbor Freight has their OK bits on sale for $9.99, I grab a set, use a lot of lube and when they start to dull, buy another set. Of course I'm not a daily driller nor making anything high dollar so...
  14. Here is one place, out of my price range. https://www.coremarkmetals.com/norseman-vortex-point-mechanics-length-drill-bits-29-piece-set-fractional Vortex-Point Drill Bit 29 Piece Fractional Set Each Price: $232.61 Each Price: $232.61
  15. Then I guess my clothes should last 10X of yours.
  16. A reality check is good for all of us at times. No matter how well someone can do something there is always someone that can do better. But saying that, other people is the reason I have always lifted at home.
  17. Well I did my part in smashing some with the Bird and my face shield yesterday. Putting it away for the winter.
  18. I didn't think mosquitos would be a AZ problem being how they are usually a wet climate thing.
  19. Thanks for the review. I hope that it doesn't apply to their tools as I have been sucked into buying more (7 I think). I do have their lawn mower for 2 years now and it has been flawless and haven't had any trouble so far with the rest. The price and the one battery is what drew me in.
  20. Maybe everyone is spoiled now? My 78 Subaru had points and every 10K I would check them plus the spark plugs would get swapped out often because of the leaded gas and being regular style but it only took a couple of minutes and really wasn't a hassle to me. With the old style ignition you could almost always get it to run at lest somewhat, with the new stuff, when it dies you ain't going anywhere. Saying all of that, yes the new stuff works better. Edit to add: I just remembered my Falcon had a Accel race dual point that was good for 10,000 rpm and seemed to work well.
  21. Maybe you improved the connection by removing them. Any type of corrosion at connection points?
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