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Everything posted by TOXXIC

  1. My wife eats those too, I have yet to try them.
  2. 😀 Holy Low miles! Good luck with the sale. Wish I was 10 years younger, this would be very tempting.
  3. Gorgeous bike. A couple more pics might be helpful for those interested, especially the throttle side with the exhaust. Congrats on the incoming new addition to the family.
  4. In Mexico the cartels call them "Green Gold", and have been biting into the billion dollar industry. https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/investigations/2021/08/18/mexican-drug-cartels-mexico-avocado-farmers-farming-industry/7878297002/ This is the LA Times article I read a couple years ago, which detailed how prolific the problem is for growers. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2019-11-20/mexico-cartel-violence-avocados
  5. It's like you were there when the "explosion" happened. Holy Oat mess! LOL. I should have done the 3 doses rather than the steady nuke.
  6. Good to know. Not sure if we even own a pressure cooker. I am not much of a cook or chef at all. I can barely boil or burn water, but can burn meat on the grill. I thought pressure cookers were just for bombing places in Boston? 😀 The overnight oats sounds more my speed. Thanks I will look into it.
  7. Couple questions for you fellas. I purchased steel cut oats and oat milk. Curious how you prepare your steel cut oats or oats? First try used 1/4 cup of oat and 1/2 cup of water in the microwave. I added a little oat milk after letting them set for 2 minutes, and I topped them with fresh blueberries. Next try I attempted to use 1/4 cup of dry oats and a 1/2 cup of oat milk. How do you cook your oats? Thanks!
  8. Great, thanks! I was trying them with the little "ribbed dildo" looking pads. You know like an anal toy to stretch the sphincter. LOL
  9. Meant to update this the other day...they fit my tiny little ear canals perfectly. Curious if I can fit a helmet over them, but will be good for walking or working out either way. Thanks Dave!
  10. Holy SHEET, that is amazing. Super proud of you man. This is a huge accomplishment, had no idea the numbers were so impressive when you mentioned Nutri System. Congrats !
  11. Never heard of Belvida breakfast biscuits. Looked them up on Amazon. Tons of options. Which are doctor recommended? Want to avoid unnecessary sugar intake. These? https://www.amazon.com/belVita-Blueberry-Breakfast-Biscuits-Count/dp/B00QF27JL0/ref=sxin_13_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-YmVsdml0YSBicmVha2Zhc3QgYmlzY3VpdHM%3D-ac_d_rm_rm_rm&crid=LZZNLDVW3ZZA&cv_ct_cx=belvita%2Bbreakfast%2Bbiscuits&dchild=1&keywords=belvita%2Bbreakfast%2Bbiscuits&pd_rd_i=B00QF27JL0&pd_rd_r=3fe9dc01-f5f8-4425-964f-e0dbba3f5dfe&pd_rd_w=yHUeT&pd_rd_wg=EJeGP&pf_rd_p=c41d1f6c-956c-4fe2-8019-1663b7e1dd23&pf_rd_r=DWWY57G7WRYR802YPTV2&qid=1634922262&sprefix=Belvida%2Caps%2C262&sr=1-1-12d4272d-8adb-4121-8624-135149aa9081&th=1
  12. Got a link to fiber cookies you like? In my 20s and 30s I used to head off to work with just coffee, usually skipping breakfast all together. Now, I take my meds in the morning and they advise not to take on an empty stomach.
  13. Feel free to share more details about these oats. I suffer from pretty sever diverticulitis and try to eat yogurt for the probiotics. However, I can find other sources of priobiotics, but the key is I need to up my fiber intake.
  14. Oat Milk? We have almond milk, never seen oat milk?
  15. What do you all eat for a healthy breakfast? I’ve been eating Costco egg pucks,and a banana, but looking for better, more healthy choices.
  16. Looks amazing and very inspiring. I love salmon, and could eat that meal every night.
  17. TOXXIC

    Honda cbx1050

    The CBX certainly has a unique sound! Here is one for sale in Seattle. https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/mcd/d/seattle-fs-1979-honda-cbx1000/7391875051.html
  18. Funds sent via PayPal. Comment has address, although you should have it in the Rolodex by now.😲 Thanks! 😀
  19. Well, in fairness we probably are. Ancestors from the Caribbean... Christopher Columbus arrived in Puerto Rico in 1493 during his second voyage to the New World, After first landing on an island then called Guanahani, Bahamas, on 12 October 1492, Christopher Columbus commanded his three ships: La Pinta, La Niña and the Santa María, discovering Cuba on 27 October 1492, and landing in the northeastern coast on 28 October.
  20. Sold! I will take them.....I have small ear canals and those might work.
  21. My wife cooks a ton of cauliflower crust pizzas, we get them at Costco, and she spruces them up. I was skeptical at first, but have become a believer.
  22. I have a number of ratcheting wrenches and they have a place and serve a purpose, but I’ve often found clearance issues as the shoulder on the boxed, ratcheting end is too thick or large and will not fit in the tight locations a traditional wrench will fit. When access is open they are great. I’ve also tried to not put extreme torque on them as they don’t seem as robustly built internally. I’ve had a few skip teeth over the years.
  23. I've used Sears Craftsmen wrenches for years. But that was likely before they started getting farmed out to China for manufacturing. I do like to keep my wrenches in an organizer because I grew up with a father who just threw them in a box or drawer and would tell me, "Timmy get me a 3/8" wrench!" I remember frantically looking for disorganized wrenches, and him yelling at me to hurry up. All of my wrench and sockets are stowed on sticks or in holders. I also have a massive amount of hand tools, like 2 or 3 of everything. I have some Snap On stuff, but since I don't use my tools to earn money, the ROI isn't there for me. I've heard the Home Depot Husky brand tools are good and they supposedly warranty them like Sears used to.
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