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  3. How do you sleep at night, offering nearly free cocaine to us addicts?
  4. This cures to a hard, medium shine finish that won't attract dirt, and lasts for months. Also, view of low mode and off-road mode.
  5. True. Vote Camacho for president, he knows what the people need. And unlike Dorito Donnie, listens to experts.
  6. I *love* those videos. I also love the bullfighting videos when the bull wins. I'm always rooting for the animal. Steve in Austin basically has pet deer in his back yard. They hate drones though.
  7. Well one of these will get ordered, the Ready Ramp in silver just came back to stock. Mike has one, so there's a point for it. https://readyramp.com/shop/readyramp-i-beam-compact-bed-extender-ramp-silver-90-open-50-on-truck/ And then there's this on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GM859O6/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_7?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1 Amazon ramp seems better looking in the photos, and I *think* that *maybe* it could lock in place to be a scaffold. If so that's a bonus. The Ready Ramp has more space being square.
  8. Tested, cannot cause it to happen with a clicky wrench, didn't try a bar/pointer style. Not a problem with click wrenches, all of mine have stops. In general now all of my bicycle/motorcycle work is done with a single 1/4 torque wrench that lives on my driveway cart.
  9. I don't recall if they asked about the house first, I guess they must?
  10. Thanks man. Nice to meet you. Hope that bike serves your son well. I think I've got a deal working for the next one of these lol
  11. RTFM. Read the fucking manual. It will tell you if/what/when lubricant. When assembling motorcycle engine, so gearbox, clutch and the rest under one roof, I use torque wrench for rods, head and big bolts that go around the crankshaft. Everything else goes by "feel". Of course some bolts are torque plus angle. Technically I do have ""angle meter" but I don't use it. Seriously, how difficult is to apply 75, 90 or 180 degrees of turn? Mark the head of the bolt with sharpie, etc. Something like sprocket on counter shaft, clutch basket- electric impact wrench. Beam type torque wrenches, why? Because they are pure physics, impossible to malfunction and/or wrong reading. Except. Once upon the time I had a brain fade and used torque wrench for oil drain plug on XX. Cracked the oil pan. Why? I looked at the wrong scale, standard instead of metric. 😁
  12. azxr

    Lux Weedeater

    Thank you guys. I will look the circuit board over closer in the morning. Parts replacement might be more expensive than what it is worth. I have a new battery and charger and told this weedeater is probably 12 to 15 years old and worked just fine. I found what I think is the same weedeater under a different name for 20 euro. Since I only have a very small area to do, it might be worth it to grab this one and keep the motor and switch off the broken one. https://www.brast24.de/brast-akku-grastrimmer-ohne-akku-1004226001.html?___store=bon_de?utm_source=billiger_de&soluteclid=a5c5ff2c2bac4d538e1a35e57d9b7bdf I understand about the HF meter. I keep that in the garage with my tools mainly for continuity or quick check. I do have a quality BK Precision and will double-check with it.
  13. I was taught to never use an extension (busted), always keep the wrench beam 90* to the fastener (technically true), hold the wrench ONLY at the handle (true), and pull smoothly and evenly at 90* to the handle (untested). Follow assembly instructions, if the torque value given is with the fastener lubed in one specific area and you lube the whole thing, or don't lube it at all, or use the "wrong" lube, torque will be wrong (seems to likely be true from the video). Also, repeatedly "checking" torque can cause torque creep and fastener failure (untested). Always return the wrench to zero (true). Don't ever use a torque wrench to loosen a tight fastener (untested, but I don't see the issue as long as you don't go too far beyond the torque the wrench is set to).
  14. I believe there was a discussion a while back about using torque wrench adapters and how to use them without screwing up the result. We also talked about lubing fasteners and how the clamping force changes, I was shocked at how much it changed. Another thing that surprised me was how much it changed by changing where on the tool you put your hand, I wouldn't have believed if if I didn't see it.
  15. No idea why it's NSFW, but the board in that discussion is completely different.
  16. I don't have a Reddit log-in: NSFW ?
  17. Model number? https://www.google.com/search?q=lux+electric+trimmer+parts+diagram&client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=e11fd8c8d000e92d&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKmusJB3BEClMeM-0JbfOtfu9HlgQ%3A1715433170338&ei=0m4_Zs2sFMe8p84PycmawAU&oq=lux+electric+trimmer+parts+diagram&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiJsdXggZWxlY3RyaWMgdHJpbW1lciBwYXJ0cyBkaWFncmFtMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESL5TUL4YWLZAcAF4AZABAJgB9wOgAaUeqgEHMy0zLjUuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCqAChR_CAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgIIECEYoAEYwwTCAgoQIRigARjDBBgKmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcHMS4zLTIuN6AHhxU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  18. The suspect component appears to just be a jumper, if so it's probably carrying a lot of current and would need good connections.
  19. Depends on whether the cause was a bad solder joint or if something else caused it to melt, I've had both.
  20. Also-I've had several of those HF meters, beware that they can lie. Sometimes they're so far off it's somewhat obvious that something's wrong, usually it's just far off enough to fuck with you.
  21. ...and will occur almost immediately again after re-soldering?
  22. The upper left side of the PCB shows evidence of a smoke event, right above the thing labeled 7550. Looks like the solder melted, but it's hard to tell. If the solder did melt away it might be as simple as re-soldering it. Sometimes I see stuff like that caused by a bad soldering job, sometimes it's because there was another problem that caused it to happen.
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