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2016 F150 Supercab EcoBoost.

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My female cousin lives in Irvine CA - her father is Irish so she too is an Irish citizen. Couple months ago the parents announced they were moving back to Ireland. For reasons I cannot imagine cousin announced Friday night that she quit her job and is going with the parents - probably not to return.


One of the details she seems to have forgotten is her truck. 2016 F-150 Supercab 2x4 with 3.6L EcoBoost. 37k Miles. Maroon red, XLT package. Guaranteed flawless. 


She he needs to sell it by end of day Tuesday. She’s got an appointment with Carmax Tuesday, however if someone was ready to move fast they could could probably buy it really right. KBB is 31k, NADA 29,500. She would probably sell it for 27 or a bit under rather than go to Carmax...



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It wasn't. She sold to CarMax for $22500. Her fault for the failure to plan. She pretty well owned it outright and isn't planning to come back to the states so...


Both her and her mom cited Trump as one of the big reasons they are leaving the US so I guess it does happen...

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That's about the price range I was guessing they'd offer.


Lots of famous people said they'd leave, none did AFAIK.  It would be interesting to know how many actually have left because of Trump, and previous presidents, even if the president was only a partial motivator.

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16 hours ago, racer212 said:

It wasn't. She sold to CarMax for $22500. Her fault for the failure to plan. She pretty well owned it outright and isn't planning to come back to the states so...


Both her and her mom cited Trump as one of the big reasons they are leaving the US so I guess it does happen...


I wonder what it was that made them leave?  The consistently improving unemployment numbers?  The steadily rising economy?  The the evidence that aggressive anti-US foreign dictatorships are begrudgingly reaquainting themselves with respect, moderation, and diplomacy on the international stage?  Could it be the attempts to prevent the US from going down the same failed path the EU is stuck on in regards to immigration?  Maybe it was the protecting and defending of the Constitution that pushed them over the edge?

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Talk about a one sided view of everything.  Keep spraying that pile of shit with rose colored sugar.  Eventually you'll cover the shit and it will smell great.  Although still rotting from the center outward.

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29 minutes ago, DBLXX said:

Talk about a one sided view of everything.  Keep spraying that pile of shit with rose colored sugar.  Eventually you'll cover the shit and it will smell great.  Although still rotting from the center outward.


It ain't all roses.  He may be as batshit crazy as Ron Paul or Bernie.  


But... which of those do you contest? 

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50 minutes ago, DBLXX said:

Talk about a one sided view of everything.  Keep spraying that pile of shit with rose colored sugar.  Eventually you'll cover the shit and it will smell great.  Although still rotting from the center outward.


Which of his points do you disagree with and why?

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13 hours ago, blackhawkxx said:



Pretty much... her mom/my aunt openly wept on Facebook Live when Clinton lost. Shes a Professor at UC Irvine so I'm not surprised shes leaving though. My cousin on the other hand - she is a great kid who used to have a pretty level head and you could have reasonable discussions with even tough she leaned left. I fear she is following  her moms path though.

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7 minutes ago, DBLXX said:


Not a single one. But that is what being one sided is all about. 


So you agree that Trump is doing a good job?

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1 hour ago, DBLXX said:


Not a single one. But that is what being one sided is all about. 


I was attempting to find a reason why someone would leave the country over what is unquestionably a temporary political figure.  I presented those examples as a sarcastic counterpoint to highlight that I am unaware of anything perpetrated by President Trump so aggregious as to make a sane, logical person flee the most free country in the world.  If you have some examples to support an alternative argument, you're free to present them, or contradict my exemplars.  


Otherwise, it sounds like another whining liberal casting broad, nonspecific allegations because they don't like the man in the White House for reasons they may not even have yet realized or admitted to themselves.  

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A one sided right winger would feel that way.  It's all good :)


Kardashians are on and I believe they are going to tell Drump to pardon some of the MS13 leadership. :)  I'll get back to you on some of the items listed on the side of the coin.

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19 minutes ago, jon haney said:

LOL.  Captain Pot-stirrer strikes again.


Only a moron would continue to watch a TV program they continuously complained about. 


Sounds ridiculous - doesn’t it?

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20 minutes ago, jon haney said:

LOL.  Captain Pot-stirrer strikes again.


Oh - and I wasn’t the one that turned this thread political. I just disagreed with one of the one sided posts. So, you’re welcome :)

Edited by DBLXX
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What is one sided is all those screaming at trump for all he has exposed wrong with DC. 


He is nuttier than squirrel turds but is clearly showing those who pay attention how currupt and fucked over the American people have been for decades. 




Could just have Hillary and continue down the same path. 


Sorry your family left Scott. If all they can do is pack up and leave because of what has happened and shown wrong with DC business as usual.. Good riddance, America first, your feelings second. 

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3 minutes ago, DBLXX said:


But fail to see that he is continuing to pollute the swamp with his own set of liars and cheats...including himself.


I think most people have resigned themselves to DC being full of liars and cheats.  I'm not condoning it, but I fear it's a permanent reality.  It's a shame, but who has the time or power to do anything but complain?  It's rare to find a ballot choice without some filth, and even if there was one, they don't have a lot of unpolluted choices for staff.  Even the few good ones can be corrupted.


If the choices are only between liars and cheats or liars and cheats with a good economy, lower taxes, lower unemployment, etc., I don't know why I wouldn't choose the latter.


There may be some logical reasons why someone would leave the country because of the president... someone with strong socialist values not seeing movement in the direction they wish, illegal aliens in fear of new enforcement measures who decide to just self-deport on their own terms, probably a few others that I haven't considered.  Those are two that a change of country might rectify.  I just can't think of many reasons to leave the US wherein an alternative flag would be a marked improvement as opposed to waiting out the current administration.

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18 minutes ago, IcePrick said:

I think most people have resigned themselves to DC being full of liars and cheats.


But Trump was hired almost completely by his promise of not being that guy with GREAT people who are incredible business people.

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Just now, DBLXX said:


But Trump was hired almost completely by his promise of not being that guy with GREAT people who are incredible business people.


I'm not sure where you get that impression.  Certainly an element, but I think Trump was hired more because he wasn't Hillary than anything else.  I think the electorate was willing to try something - anything - different than the usual politicians.  We've had the discussion about picking the least worst candidate before.  



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