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Vitamin D toxicity when you lose weight

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I don't think I posted this before.  If you're losing weight, stop any D supplements!!  Everything that is fat soluble in your body will be moved into the blood and has to be removed.  This is everything from the vitamin D, to metals and all sorts of shit stored in fat.  It's one reason that fast loss is so dangerous; your body can't deal with it.


So I had a blood test in the middle of it, and my D level was over 100.  Normal range is about 30-80 (variable depending on who you ask).  But generally 100 is toxic, 30 is bad, 25 is extremely bad.  I hadn't considered this, and neither did my PCP, nor anyone else.  I'd never been warned about this.  Out of all the people I interact with losing weight, none had been told. 


Today I'm at 59.1, with a target of about 50.  Before supplements I was just below 30 and had been holding 50-55 for many years with supplements.

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My doctor has me taking lots of Vitamin D3...250mcg per day.  I don't know what scale 30-80 is in reference to, but considering D boosts immunity, I doubt it's an issue.  Yes, I test "high" but the standard for "normal" is very low.

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16 minutes ago, Zero Knievel said:

I doubt it's an issue.


Yes, we know that you're very resistant to facts.  Vitamin D toxicity and safe ranges are extremely well proven.  Back away from the nutter videos.


16 minutes ago, Zero Knievel said:

D boosts immunity


No.  A lack of it depresses immunity.  Saturation level is what it is, and extra doesn't "boost" anything.


Why are you measuring D in mcg instead of IU like the rest of the planet?  Some crazy holistic doctor shit?  In any case that's 10k IU which is what I was taking also, and is a high-normal for many people.  Others only need 5k.  As long as your tests are under 70 then you're fine.  But I have a friend who somehow produces extra D3 endogenously, and for him, 10k IU would be deadly.  So what do your tests say?  That's the only way to know.


During weight loss:

CleanShot 2024-07-10 at 11.33.12@2x.jpg






CleanShot 2024-07-10 at 11.33.47@2x.jpg


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1 hour ago, SwampNut said:

Why are you measuring D in mcg instead of IU like the rest of the planet?  Some crazy holistic doctor shit?  In any case that's 10k IU which is what I was taking also, and is a high-normal for many people.  Others only need 5k.  As long as your tests are under 70 then you're fine.  But I have a friend who somehow produces extra D3 endogenously, and for him, 10k IU would be deadly.  So what do your tests say?  That's the only way to know.


My label says 125 mcg per softgel.  The two D3s I take each day is a total of 10,000 IU.  I don't feel like fishing out my blood test results, but I know it's over maximum and my doctor does that for all his patients because of the pivotal role it plays for resisting illness.


Don't rely on the min/max scales the test charts have.  Someone sets those based on various standards.  Remember the BS about wanting people under 200 cholesterol...but your body NEED cholesterol, and it's not a disease unto itself but an indication of something else being wrong.  IF you're doing what you should with diet and exercise and have high cholesterol, there's no point in taking drugs to force the score lower.  Some people have naturally high cholesterol levels with no health consequences.


Hell, your testosterone levels naturally go down as you age, so a test would say you're "normal" for someone your age, but ideally you should have "normal" for a 25 year old to get the health benefits.  Low T doesn't have to be low for your age to have the health detriment.

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Just now, Zero Knievel said:

but I know it's over maximum and my doctor does that for all his patients because of the pivotal role it plays for resisting illness.


How did you find a nutter doctor too?  Jesus.


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And, frankly, why worry?  Weight loss fast enough to somehow "toxify" your body with all the stored content being dumped into the blood would itself be an issue.  Most people lose maybe 3 pounds a week.  The body does a great job at purging excess material...especially if you're properly hydrated.

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Just now, Zero Knievel said:

And, frankly, why worry?


You definitely should not worry, I don't.  I simply modify my behavior to not harm myself.  No worry.  I'd worry if I couldn't get it under control, since vitamin D toxicity can have both horrifying acute effects and long-lasting damage you cannot reverse.  But luckily, I listen to my body and doctors.


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4 minutes ago, SwampNut said:

How did you find a nutter doctor too?  Jesus.


I'll trust his many years of practice and medical degree over your opinion, thank you.


Hell, he has many patients where his office detected breast cancer in women patients who passed a recent mammogram.  Many common medical standards DO NOT promote optimal health.

Edited by Zero Knievel
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Just now, Zero Knievel said:

over your opinion, thank you.


I'll review this thread, but I don't think I've posted any opinions at all.  I'll try to be sure I don't.


Just now, Zero Knievel said:

Hell, he has many patients where his office detected breast cancer in women patients who passed a recent mammogram.


Very common.


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FWIW, last bloodwork had a scale of 78.7.


Back in 2022 it was 121, but he wasn’t worried.  I didn’t change the amount I’ve been taking, so either i was getting D from something else or we took the blood sample when there was a spike and the result was not representative.  It’s why I get my blood drawn in the morning…so it’s pretty much fasting as I maybe have had some coffee and will take my supplements after the blood draw.



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My doctor and I didn't worry.  I don't know why you would keep making that an issue.  If you're high, fix it.  That simple.  If you're losing weight, stop taking supplements.  Simple, no worries.  That's why we're here, to fix things, not worry.


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58 minutes ago, SwampNut said:

My doctor and I didn't worry.  I don't know why you would keep making that an issue.  If you're high, fix it.  That simple.  If you're losing weight, stop taking supplements.  Simple, no worries.  That's why we're here, to fix things, not worry.

Ah, but if you’re losing weight, there’s a greater chance you aren’t getting all your nutrients.  So, you don’t want to stop supplements.

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31 minutes ago, Zero Knievel said:

So, you don’t want to stop supplements.


You can't be that retarded.  I literally showed you the data on my actual blood levels being dangerously high.  Are you trolling?



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1 hour ago, Zero Knievel said:

or we took the blood sample when there was a spike and the result was not representative.  It’s why I get my blood drawn in the morning…so it’s pretty much fasting as I maybe have had some coffee and will take my supplements after the blood draw.


Wait, do you think that D levels rise and fall in a day?  Or hours?  Or even a few days?  Like you could cause a spike by taking them?


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15 hours ago, SwampNut said:

Wait, do you think that D levels rise and fall in a day?  Or hours?  Or even a few days?  Like you could cause a spike by taking them?

I don’t recall if there were unusual circumstances in the 2022 lab test.  I don’t take supplements prior to a blood draw because I don’t know how much recent consumption will elevate levels in the blood until it’s fully metabolized.

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So basically, you confirmed that you have no idea how this works, and everything you posted was for nothing.  If you want to have educational (in both directions) and rational conversations, you should go seek research and data before you opine randomly.


So, for everyone else, check your D levels, especially as you age.  And if you're losing weight, either test or just stop the Vitamin D supplements completely.  Being low sucks.  Being high can have lifelong consequences.





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Just a quick look.


The main consequence of vitamin D toxicity is a buildup of calcium in your blood (hypercalcemia), which can cause nausea and vomiting, weakness, and frequent urination. Vitamin D toxicity might progress to bone pain and kidney problems, such as the formation of calcium stones.


And another:


However, taking too much vitamin D in the form of supplements can be harmful. Children age 9 years and older, adults, and pregnant and breastfeeding women who take more than 4,000 IU a day of vitamin D might experience:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Poor appetite and weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Weakness
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Heart rhythm problems
  • Kidney stones and kidney damage
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1 hour ago, Biometrix said:

So this is bad right?

D 2019.JPG


That seems incompatible with life.  Holy shit, didn't know a living person could be that low!  Get supplements NOW!  You can take a lot to start, and it takes weeks or months to see a change either up or down.  20k IU is indicated for severe issues like that.



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14 minutes ago, CBR-RR-XX-CESS said:

I was at 17 IU and was given 50,000 once a week for a month if I remember correctly.


Under doctor care, I have heard that's done for extreme cases.  I agree with you.  I wouldn't feel comfortable telling someone to do 50k as it's outside my knowledge.  I only know for sure that 20k has been tested.  Personally this to me would be medically urgent.

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6 hours ago, SwampNut said:


That seems incompatible with life.  Holy shit, didn't know a living person could be that low!  Get supplements NOW!  You can take a lot to start, and it takes weeks or months to see a change either up or down.  20k IU is indicated for severe issues like that.



Well fortunately that was from 2019 and I had it checked based on a post you did back then about vitamin D. So thanks for prolonging my life. I have been taking 5000 IU D3/K2 daily since then and my current level as of last month is much better.

D 2024.JPG

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That's awesome.  


I should note that my test this week is after not having taken any D supplements since November, when I had the 100+, so I'm still living off my own supply.


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23 hours ago, Biometrix said:

Well fortunately that was from 2019 and I had it checked based on a post you did back then about vitamin D. So thanks for prolonging my life. I have been taking 5000 IU D3/K2 daily since then and my current level as of last month is much better.

D 2024.JPG

Just got mine today.

F 25OH Vitamin D 62 30-100 (ng/mL)

So I guess that is good.  I take 2,000 IU a day.

Edited by blackhawkxx
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