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Everything posted by XXitanium

  1. Where is gthe calendar picture withe sunset banking off it it -pure art.
  2. ....I was thinking the same thing....
  3. ...hmmm, I let the board get tacky. I saturated the wireways and slathered them in dielectric grease. My thought was that water would have a hard time getting in if it had to push grease out of the way. It started and we put about 40 miles on it. I think I'll do the windshield / seal - and see if I can get six months more out of it. This stuff resembles WD-40. It did talk about drying in the instructions though. I suppose I trapped propellents and solvnts in there...
  4. https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?2065465-Syma-x5c/page599
  5. I'm trying a "CorrosionX" on my drowned F250 GEM module. Have any of you heard of this stuff? I was told it it used by NASA and the US Navy.
  6. I have multiple friends that have had them - no bad reports.
  7. Nasty Wendy has a really nice bike with a whole extra engine.
  8. Parked in the driveway - the carpet is wet. The fan motor ran key in OFF position, alarms dinging radio was doing some voo doo. There were a few others. I understand from reading, if tey start, they may be fairly undriveable. I found a little one man shop thet will install a new glass and seal $300 including labor. I need to get it running to get it there though.
  9. Hmmm, yeah -those are showing up when I've been Googling replacement parts... http://www.thedieselstop.com/forums/f24/gem-module-problems-79724/ I haven't found a place to decode my part number. Ford F250 2001 4WD Auto, Air, 4Dr SuperCrew rear ABS. https://www.ebay.com/p/2001-2002-Ford-F250-F350-Super-Duty-Gem-Module-1c3t-14b205-bc/1923511332?iid=183019810790&chn=ps&ul_ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-117182-37290-0%2F2%3Fmpre%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.ebay.com%252Fp%252F2001-2002-Ford-F250-F350-Super-Duty-Gem-Module-1c3t-14b205-bc%252F1923511332%253Fiid%253D183019810790%2526chn%253Dps%26itemid%3D183019810790%26targetid%3D400308414184%26device%3Dm%26adtype%3Dpla%26googleloc%3D9019130%26poi%3D%26campaignid%3D1030262527%26adgroupid%3D51036957339%26rlsatarget%3Dpla-400308414184%26abcId%3D1130066%26merchantid%3D8576824%26gclid%3DCjwKCAjwgr3ZBRAAEiwAGVssnYlZ_H_CDxcrJSFRJCz4RLixdewhSWQt4W0I1_HA_am66MeW5OCw6hoC4FwQAvD_BwE%26srcrot%3D711-117182-37290-0%26rvr_id%3D1576317338475%26rvr_ts%3D31f1672c1640abc628a7296efff10988
  10. GEM module drowned from a windshield leak. https://repairpal.com/ford/f-250+super+duty Ouch.
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