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Everything posted by XXitanium

  1. OK, Mine is new in the box. $50 - takers? Example: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...RK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  2. I can't complain but sometimes I still do. Silver X and red over black Hurricane are ours. Camp ground a mile south of Copper Harbor MI. X-cellent point BTW. I have it in my head that I'll own the X till I die. We'll see. Ya dont make a profit unless you sell.
  3. I'd have it way paid off by now and would not have lost half of it's initial value. I work with a guy that has the "Disposable Japanese Motorcycle" mentality. He's a sharp guy, but he doesn't get Hondas. I should have bought one of these new also. What were they $30,000? I Ride Red It hasn't sold yet, but if they were to get their return. ....8 times initial value over less than twenty years.... There has to be a decent bit of investment there.
  4. I am in the market and I had a hard time ignoring the avatar(s) long enough to look at the bike pics... How do those mod springs that are installed handle? Are they better than stock? I weigh in at 240 BTW.
  5. I won one similar to this at a business PM ... they had a drawing for door prizes. http://cgi.ebay.com/Universal-Remote-Contr...=item4cf4496d33 Any offers. All my electronics are are older than most of the board members. They don't communicate. $200?
  6. I'm thinking it could get titled in Wisconsin with an inspection. Heck, we only get about two days to ride up here.
  7. If you aren't putting a door in the opening it isn't worth insulating the wall. Sound will pass way too readily through the opening.
  8. $500 Low miles (only ridden at the track?) $1500 in extras $2000 in custom paint $3500 for the bike added to attributes above. ? ...and right now, it's the only one like it.
  9. http://www.ksl.com/?nid=218&ad=7345222...t=144&lpid= That it? honda cbr1100 site:ksl.com http://www.ksl.com/?nid=218&ad=1275266...id=&search=
  10. I have that in my memory bank..... Still thinking I want to fix it.
  11. Fixing the CBX came up in our home conversation last night. She started the discussion. I've owned it longer than we've been married. It's a piece of machinery, but I find it interesting and t makes me happy. Trying to budget the tax return. She asked if I was still intersted in getting a Blackbird Vs fixing the X. I got a couple things on the original post done - decided a couple others don't need to get done. Some of it is fiscal responsibility. Dcisions, decisions...
  12. Charlotte Michigan if he keeps it as his own location. That's almost too close - tempting.
  13. Lokks like a fairly nice bike. Cycle Trader
  14. Bump. Springtiime is on it's way. ..and no the flirting thread is a seaprate thread.
  15. Cool beans on the enviro website.

  16. I don't think my kids ever had Sega. How old is that? If it's minty it could be worth something. There are quite a few on fleBay from $20 ~ $50 http://cgi.ebay.com/SEGA-GENESIS-CORE-SYST...=item33645841a6 Personally - I'm not up on it, but the guy on eBay has a disconnect from reality.
  17. The only use we'd have for those little things here would be to hang from the mirror in the truck as decoration.
  18. OK, I guess I see it... Really a bit obtuse. Your mind just isnt dirty enough.
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