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Everything posted by SwampNut

  1. Yes, though I kept the interior clean if I had the doors on. The Jeep was on dirt at least three times a month, not worth any effort. The KTM, perhaps sadly, sees dirt a lot less often. Also, far less work to clean. And it's garaged. And I won't ride in rain or mud.
  2. You put the Virginia State Bar on it? Is that legal?
  3. Oh, you might be shocked at how much I've cleaned the KTM. Right now it's just barely dirty, but in my defense, I was on dirt yesterday. It has approached Dave Clean(tm) at least twice. Pipe arrives soon, I guess I really need to decide on a programmer.
  4. Well, he died this morning, of general bad health, like a 90 year old. Also malnutrition. It seems shocking at first that you can be obese and suffer malnutrition, but the standard American diet is sadly incomplete. Make it a fast food diet, and sheesh.
  5. Ah fuck, that explains the extra parts left after I put it back on.
  6. A bag of frozen pineapple Pinch of turmeric, and potassium chloride Heaping teaspoon of green powder Around 3 tbsp non-dairy vanilla yogurt About a tsp of vanilla extract Heaping tbsp of inulin. Enough oat milk to blend, as needed It tastes basically like a pineapple orange Julius. Really damn good. Makes enough for two people to have a pretty solid serving. Moriah just wants around 12 ounces so I'm ending up with what I guess is around double that, maybe 30. Great deal of fiber, all real food.
  7. That motor has quite a bit more power than the ones you and I were looking at. So we know that works, we don't know the minimum. That's the same flex coupling I had in my cart. Lucky me, that motor is now out of stock, so back to searching. I'm thinking that if the wattage is half, but the speed is half, torque should be the same then, right? Or go the other way. There's also a 600 RPM version of that motor, that would save some adjustment time. This would be a great time for a project that can be done fully inside a heated garage.
  8. Well, turns out Rottweiler doesn't have a map, it was misleading on their site. They only have the other KTMs, not mine. So back to searching for an option, maybe the PC-5, from another vendor.
  9. Obviously there are some privacy issues on giving me answers, but basically he's alive, and I've been asked to give access to all his accounts to other people. So, not dead, and not returning to work. I could text him, but at this point he needs to focus on himself. I may just send an encouraging message later without questions.
  10. That obviously is not very sweet, so some options... Erythritol is a natural near-zero calorie sweetener that works well in most anything with some liquid. This is very low liquid, so I'd probably add a little water first, enough to melt but not dissolve it, and then mix in. Erythritol is exothermic so some people don't like the mouth-cooling effect it has when eaten dry. Honey and maple are mostly just sugar, but on a scale of unhealthiness, a small amount of either is not the worst you could do. Date syrup is pretty good both nutritionally and flavor-wise. Or just add chopped dates.
  11. Also, research is incredibly frustrating when seemingly more than half of the people talking about it, vendors and buyers, think that the resonator is the cat. Idiots. So "catalytic eliminator" may well be the mid-pipe that removes the resonator, or the header pipe that actually does remove the cat. Basically you have to look at photos and hope they match (that's not always so either). I'm still not certain what I'm getting, because that GFYCAT seller has two sets of pics on the same listing. Ah well, I bought via Walmart which will handle it if they are a problem, and also they have good reviews both there and on Ali.
  12. The decat pipe is on order, now to figure out a programmer. I'm going to start a conversation with Rottweiler Performance about their PC 5 options, $400, and it's a known brand from a known KTM specialist. They have good dyno-backed claims on their map, which is free if you buy the PC from them. Any opinions on just going that old/proven route?
  13. If only someone had thought of that.
  14. Remarkably better, very much so. It went from sewing machine and Jetsons to a bassy rumble. I measured the dB change at only 2dB at idle and at 4k, measured from the seat. But that's misleading, because most of it is deep and low and that part of the spectrum probably went up 4, while possibly reducing high spectrum noise a lot. I think it was a cheap upgrade for the looks, weight, and sound. There are also cheaper versions of that muffler, which are supposedly identical clones. Dunno, but I looked at a seller who had nearly all great reviews, and paid more for that. Maybe that's why I got unexpected gaskets and extra fitment parts. Also, I have not tested it with the spark arrestor out, which should be a bit louder. But why.
  15. It would be the exact same problem, of course. Trent just ran into this, it's pretty common, because the tops have actually become more compact over time. He had a nice stainless steel trim ring made and not only solved the problem, it looks way better. There are always solutions, unless you choose to always look for problems.
  16. Also, it removed 6 kilos of shit, and replaced it with 2.2 kilos. And what a ridiculous amount of wasted space on a small bike just to meet retarded EU noise specs. That held the big black resonator can.
  17. The mid-pipe, exhaust can, and gaskets arrived. First, noticed that the gaskets were included with the pipes. So that was a waste. The people who had posts and videos about those parts had re-used gaskets, so that changed I guess. I don't have the header pipe even ordered yet, but I had seen videos showing that the mid and muffler are pretty easy to do. So I get on it. A few hours later...I'm removing the entire skid plate mount (already removed the skid plate), and the front pipe. It's that kind of project. Apparently my model year was different from the ones in the videos, and the front pipe has a super long extension that goes into the resonator a few inches. So even if you get it off the flange, it can't come out without removing or loosening the header pipe. Ok. Bolt it back together, and realize that I can't put the skid plate holder back on with the front pipe in place. It has to be partially installed, loosely, then the skid mount, then tighten it all up. Fucking great, so the header has to be loosened again, and hopefully there's enough jiggle in the mid pipe to let it move, or the whole fucking thing has to come off. At least that should tell me whether the header pipe will be doable without re-removing the mid pipe and muffler. Good quality parts and great welds, for being Chinesium.
  18. White coat syndrome is common and nearly everyone gets it. They take this into account. Also, "couldn't" care less. Could care less means you care a lot, could care less.
  19. Oddly worded. They cite "target" range, but not actual? It's super easy to hit 2 grams of sodium without ever even seeing the salt container, as everything we buy is full of it, unless you go out of your way to avoid it. It's been broadly known that you will die if you get too little sodium since it's a critical part of various systems in your body. That's not news. But the number of Americans deficient in sodium would be ridiculously tiny. Hah, I just went to go read the actual article and figure out why your quote sounded very off. Newsmax. LOL
  20. My onboard espresso machine consumes most of the excess power.
  21. Hahahahaha, I get it, matter and anti-matter, no room.
  22. That sorta explains not knowing that Macs don't run iOS. But the Mx Macs can run iOS apps without running iOS.
  23. I hate white turn signals, so I went another route. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NXS9RHB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832674042489.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.173.7ebd18021v2oid&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt&_randl_shipto=US https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251801795989449.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.178.7ebd18021v2oid&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt&_randl_shipto=US https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074RFSFVT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Bonus bling: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832727346849.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.168.7ebd18021v2oid&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt&_randl_shipto=US
  24. Always live your whole life around planning for the worst. Sheesh. You could also use wood blocks to simply make it bigger where it needs to be. Stick them on with light glue or double-stick tape.
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