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Everything posted by SwampNut

  1. Bathroom AC vents...as in, the things that blow cold air in from your AC, right? They should be connected to ducts that go to the air handler. They should not be open to outside humid air. Or...something else?
  2. Cleaning up a bird on the cheap, figured I'd ask here before buying retail. Stuff I need: Right mirror stem Left rear lower fairing bolt (one of the not-pretty ones, might be generic) Push pins for the dash cowling below the tach on 2001 and newer Bottom fairing push pins Front cowling push pins (the black cover behind the front wheel) Various other push pins Thermostat Grommet nuts for the middle bolt on the windscreen Plastic washers for the windscreen bolts
  3. If anyone happens to have one...otherwise I'll order a new one in a few days.
  4. Yeah, I missed a word: I'm not aware of any other current car without it.
  5. Famously, not pieces of shit like Jeeps that lack even the most basic modern upgrades. I'm not aware of any other car without it however.
  6. I'm sure many do. I can tell you that both Kryptonite and Xena mention it as a warranty-cancelling usage. Lock-safe lubes are NOT graphite, or anything that stays "wet." I posted one already, which I've used for close to ten years. The one bottle still isn't empty, and I use it on locks, knives, cigar cutters, and anything like that which needs fine, clean motion. You can use any number of dry lubes on locks safely. If you're paranoid there are a few small-can options that specifically say "locks" on them.
  7. Nobody wants a wet lock I suppose? Nice and dry, just like metals like to be when rubbing on other metals.
  8. People who aren't idiots and don't want to attract dirt and garbage into their locks, I guess. And since WD isn't a lubricant, I suppose also people who don't want to make a small problem worse.
  9. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2048224240.html?storeId=1037273&spm=2114.12010615.8148356.32.40432f95QO6PNW
  10. I had two duplicates made of my previous XX keys, and both were harder to use then OEM. One was from some shitty random place, the other from a locksmith shop. Same shit. They were made from my unused OEM spare key, before I started using it since the other was wearing out.
  11. When gas prices went up, gas theft was common and locking cap sales skyrocketed. I have no idea why they are on bikes, since there's so little to steal. And sugar is not soluble in gasoline, I think that hole thing is a myth. This seems like a stupid question, but I assume everyone knows you need to push down on the cap before turning the key? Otherwise you're using the key to scrub the locking lugs against the ring.
  12. Someone cut the top on my old Triumph to steal some shit, when the doors were unlocked.
  13. For a while, not sure now, it was SOP in NYC to leave your doors unlocked. Otherwise they'd break a window just to see if you had something to steal.
  14. If I leave town, I carry a spare key, in every vehicle. In town, nah. Sounds like the lock might have been getting hard to turn? I use TUF Glide in locks (and a bunch of other things), doesn't attract dirt, makes them buttery smooth.
  15. What did it end up going for? Kinda weird to see that Honda Monkeys are being advertised for more than a typical XX price.
  16. Probably not so much literally can't, but that you sure as fuck aren't going to enjoy riding a Monkey half way across the country. I wouldn't do it on my full size 250. Can a Monkey even hold 70?
  17. Undervolting things is very tough on them. On the other hand, the spec is the full power needed to charge it quickly and play it at high volume. But really, you're going to cut it's life down at least a little. I haven't used Pandor in probably 3-4 years. I just always found it on the better side of just ok, but never excited me.
  18. If you have an Amazon Prime membership, you have free music with some features like that. You mentioned Pandora...why not just use that?
  19. Picked up Zerex Chrysler-specific OAT stuff at Auto Zone for $13 after rebate. I've used around a gallon of it in the last five years in all vehicles put together, I think I can spare the $3/year.
  20. Definitely no for R410, don't know about the others. Also, only three years old but was made for R22? I thought the changeover was happening long before that?
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