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Wow, I would have thought considering the CFM on that thing it would have easily controlled that.  Well, that's why I keep Monica Lewinsky on speed dial.


Yeah, it's learning experience for sure.  I've been through the gamut of collection systems, talked to great experts, and been refining this for over 20 years.  Then there's the difference between air quantity and vacuum pressure; or both.  The squirrel moves lots of air but gets no vacuum, and can be damaged by it even.  The shop vac gets low volume but high pressure (why you need it for ROS and router).  The big vane type get lots of quantity AND a bit of pressure, plus they can run "dry" as long as you want.  Which is good, since you don't want to stop/start motors a lot, so you leave it running as you move between tools.  So much shit to learn.


I added this custom overhead to the TS, and still get shit flying off.  And of course the 4" to the cabinet itself.




I guess I'll just build a paint booth and downdraft the entire room.  Can't breathe it in if it all gets sucked out the floor! 😁

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