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Everything posted by XXitanium

  1. What does you little Chevy pump attain, 5~15 GPM? I'd worry way more about the insulating properties of the calc buildup and other crud that's mixed into the coolant over the years myself...
  2. harmonics - BLM boundary layers matter https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19650002478.pdf I need to crack open that bottle of Crown that's been on the shelf for two months.
  3. When I browse the Gallery all I see is black squares where the pictures should be. Any ideas what I might have wrong?
  4. Anybody have a write-up or link as to how to set a picture inside your profile? The background, not the profile pic ...or is it because I'm using Chrome and it's available in some other browser.
  5. Samsung Galaxy S6 case Brand Metallic Shell by "Turtle Box. Made in China. Mom bought it for her iPhone. They don't interchange. PM me your address.
  6. Look on their site. Mine had the receipt in the box from the PO. It fas the better part of $700.00. I have the backrest, but iy shouldn't make 350 worth of difference. The pictures look good. Are there any flaws to mentio or wear? How big a hurry are you in? GLWS Bill
  7. Well, it could be something else. White powdery substance that adhered - it was on there when I got it from the PO. ....Powdered Donut droppings? Curious, at one time I had three of the four PO's accounted for. Over the years the list has kind of faded away though. As far as year, all seats are interchangeable, no?
  8. How do you price that? I've got one that has very light white paint misted on it almost unoticable....
  9. ...two airplane tickets and gas money. . ...it's never that easy.
  10. The ones i remember were the yellow over black color scheme. https://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=HSgKWPipB8XVjwSd_pCIDQ&q=cbr900RR&oq=cbr900RR&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.12..0l5.2272.7941.0.9210.
  11. I keep coming back to find out which crazy buys it. (I would if I had the money/room)
  12. I was also recalling using a left hand drill bit to drill it out. If it loosens up you effectively have an easy out.
  13. https://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=6&f=2&t=273968
  14. Do you have a welder? I've heard, but never had the need YET, that you can take one of those high frequency engraving tools and back it out.
  15. Hondas - cold blooded.
  16. Find a titled frame that hasn't been junked? Hope they are in worse shape than the bike they stole.
  17. Ha! ....duh! Six into two Mac. Over the winter doesn't seem so long to me. I've had it since 1988 and this has been my normal modus operandi I have winter stuff that sits over the summer also. That almost seems worse. There's less u s a b l e winter months with snow. I have a friend who mists his bores with 2 stroke at the end of the season. I haven't seen the actual procedure. He shoots it in through the plug holes.
  18. Those are Mac's 4-2'. After about six months I got tired of the sound. They're raspy. I've been looking at the re-man denkos and Sankei duplicates. Superhawk996, I ran the carbs dry for the winter. I'll owe you next spring.
  19. Mine is fixed now. https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/photo/104659328802033227242/6340022544135282754?icm=false
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