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Everything posted by RXX

  1. In order of need/preference: left and right handlebar switch modules, with the wiring harness as far back as you are willing to yank. rear wheel rotor undertail ecm (if not gotten by Krypt) And, I can offer this: Whatever is left over, I have this big-ass barn that has a second floor designed to hold shit. Rather there, to be offered on an as-needed basis than the dumpster. I am a member of a moto-guzzi group that seems to have a centralized parts crypt for the rapidly declining supply.
  2. Many radar detectors have a voltmeter readout option, if you are a scofflaw.
  3. My '99 has done that since I got it with 2500 miles. I assume you are talking about during stop-and-go city traffic since you said it cools down once moving. They are not city bikes in the south. The extra fan trick works, as XXitNium says. I (and a few others) use Evans no-boil coolant. You may want to try that. Or avoid stop-and-go traffic.
  4. I sort of made all that up, based on my 1 year of teaching high school physics 35 years ago.
  5. Laaminar flow would be impossible in any case. the layer intimate to the wall, as it absorbs heat from the wall, is comprised of molecules which will become more energetic, and since the molecules cannot vibrate or move in every direction, can only move away from the wall. The temp delta, would of course determine the magnitude of the movement. Actually there would be a plethora of these deltas, as the excitation of the molecules would be mitigated by not only the less energetic molecules in the adjacent layer, but also, in the absence of Maxwell's demon, there will be a "pull" of molecules to fill the new voids created by the exit of the recently excited and highly mobile molecules. And pressurizing the system, shit that just mucks it up even more, doesn't it?
  6. I took a bunch of shit to the dump in my old pickup today. Only about 3, maybe 4 miles. It was pretty full, since I left the key on last month and the battery was dead. I tried to charge it last week, but the charger I grabbed had crapped out on me last year. Never got rid of it, just bought an exact replacement. Well, SIL had taken the good one without letting me know. Threw the junk one in the back of the truck. well, finally charged it. With all the shit in the back, there was no room in the back for the 2-5 gallon (yellow) diesel cans I was gonna fill up with off-road diesel so I threw them in the cab. fucker started overheating on me halfway there. I killed the engine and coasted when possible. When I threw all the junk out, I grabbed the cans to throw them in the back. And uncovered a (yellow) empty antifreeze jug sitting in the floorboard. Fuck me. I forgot that happened to me LAST time I went to the dump. So I borrowed a gallon or so of water from the dump and went on my way. I will try to fix it over the next few weeks, without as much drama as the OP. My question to you Nicolas Carnot wannabees is, did it make diddly-squat difference coasting with the engine killed? Why or why not? Atmospheric conditions pretty much STP. Low humidity, low 80's. V8 FI, not running AC (cause it's broke). Windows down, side vents wide open, sliding glass rear window open. No dogs, no beer.
  7. Go ahead and put Evans no boil in it while it is cleaned out.
  8. I would be interested in the front wheel and stock bar ends. Maybe other stuff.
  9. It was repainted? Looks like 2 different bikes. Sorry to hear about your loss....
  10. I have VFR bars and the bracket will need some modifications to fit it. Won't fit right out of the box. The pinch bolts are where I am looking also.
  11. Yes, it is a slick setup. Looking forward to the install.
  12. Hey, now that I see where you live, lemme axe you........ Have you eaten at the Bier Garden in Woodin? Their sausages are the fucking bomb, and they have German beers on tap. Next time I'm in town, we should meet. Last time I was there.......
  13. That would be a pretty sweet spot to put a small voltmeter too. PM me a way to pay for that and one of those trunk brackets.
  14. I used the Ventura full setup for years on many long trips. Not having to cover during rain, being able to lock, and other considerations make my GIVI setup way better. YMMV, but I've never looked back.
  15. I have wanted to move mine over the back seat since I got my GIVI setup. I would love one of those. I can't tell from those photos how the cases hook to the brackets. Do they lock? I want a set if you still have any.
  16. I have a hand grip warmer switch, a radar alert switch, and a cruise control module (which I don't think would fit, but maybe)
  17. He's in Australia. The only thing in the air there is the smell of marginal beer.
  18. RXX

    Rough Idle

    Look for dirt dobbers plugging up something. Those fuckers will build nests in ANYTHING. What oart of middle TN you in? I am in Cookeville this week. Gainsboro right this minute. Also, go to pure-gas.org to find some ethanol-free gas near you pretty quick. Also, everything those above posts suggested.
  19. RXX

    cruise problem

    Did you install a vacuum can? I had problems with mine until I did that. Still not perfect, but it works well enough.
  20. RXX

    Tire question?

    40 pounds is a long weigh from two up and heavy bags. What are the mileage differences and how differently are they advertised regardinh handling? My inner jew agrees with John.
  21. Pure-gas.org is your friend.
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