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Everything posted by Dotetcher

  1. I went with the HID for now. Basically a direct re placement for what was in the bird and didn't want to have to figure out anything new. New bulbs are a lot brighter. Seems like that's all I've been doing since the weather got nice is working on 2 wheel, four wheel and floating vehicles. Pain in th ass. Time to have some fun.
  2. That sounds too much like work. All connections I touch or replace get a nice coating of dielectric grease. Stops corrosion in its tracks.
  3. OK. Replaced the ignition relay. That seems to have corrected the problem. Haven't put too many miles on it. Gonna take it out tonight for a few. Thanks for the help and the suggestion.
  4. What's the consensus at this point? As usual TIA.
  5. Replaced main ground. Still having issue. There is the ignition relay. My next question would be is this the relay that carries all the key on power to the bike.. I don't see anything labeled main relay. Anyone? Im thinking it would because that 30 amp fuse that is connected to it.is the main fuse for the bike. But not 100% sure.
  6. 1997. JcRichs original '97 I bought off another guy (cant remember his name) after my first bird got its beak bashed after a soccer mom ran a stop sign.
  7. That will be my next step. Thanks. I've replaced headers and oil coolant lines do to massive corrosion. Salty roads in winter and actual salt water during storms while in the Outer Banks (Hatteras Island) NC. Salt is a motherfucker.
  8. I'm replacing it. Having an electrical issue while riding. Bike dies like battery is dead. All gauges go to O and engine dies. Wait a minute or two and it fires right back up. Checking grounds was a suggestion so for $20 I figured I'd replace the main one.
  9. If the starter mounting bolt doesn't work I'll try that next. Will the bike be faster?
  10. That's the one. I'm just going to move it one bolt back from where it is now. Still a starter mounting bolt but at least I can bend the coolant hose to get at the bolt. Thanks Jon
  11. The original location is fucking impossible to get at. Looking for a more accessible location to attach ground to bike. Any suggestion?
  12. (Max BMW) Purchased 2016 with mileage in the 29,000 range. Comes with bag liners and tank bag. Top Case from another year (and color) and Garmin Zumo available. Selling for a buddy who moved to Florida. Mileage 36651. $5500.00 / $3000 below book. Just not getting the lack of interest.
  13. Considering battery voltage is fine throughout this issue I'm thinking it may be R/R. I have one on order. but won't be getting to it for a while. Leaving for a 1 month this coming weekend. Thanks for your input.
  14. Bike has set overnight. Battery is reading 12.8-12.9 volts.
  15. Took my '97 out for a spin yesterday. Didn't get far from home and noticed speedo and tach are both at 0 while moving. Headlight not working. Other indicators on dash are reacting as if very low voltage. Bike also stumbles and dies as if no voltage. In the past this would suggest dead battery/stator/regulator possibilities. I replaced the stator last year. Battery is fine. Got the bike home and let it sit for a bit. Started it up and at idle from the battery voltage is measuring 13.8 volts. Rev it a bit and voltage drops to 12.3 and symptoms reappear. So I'm thinking bad rectifier. That being said wouldn't a battery with good charge/voltage keep everything running until it is drained? Like I said battery is fine. I turn bike off. Turn key back on all llights except low beam (might be dead as high beam works) are as they should be and hit the starter. There's a slight hesitation and then bike fires up with same issues described above. What do you think?
  16. Pilot roads. Have always felt well planted and confident in their ability to grip wet and dry. Did a circumference of the country (- florida) on one set on a loaded bike. Well over 100000 miles using them.
  17. I've always changed both at the same time but I'm getting lazy as I get older. Don't even do my own tires anymore. Anyway I'm thinking about just going with a chain this time and do sprockets with next change. Thoughts?
  18. At least the valves don't need to be adjusted yet.
  19. So With my new ricks stator and stock/original regulator I'm getting 14.3 volts at idle and it drops off to 13.7 as rpms increase. Holds at 13.7 even while using heated gear. I'm thinking of replacing with a mosfet regulator. I have a '97 xx. Recommendations for brand?
  20. OK so new bearings in. Putting stuff back together. Get the forks in and am getting ready to tighten the pinch bolts and I say to myself, "Gee, when did they start putting inspection stickers on the inside of the forks.....fuck."
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