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Everything posted by SwampNut

  1. Before I file an NHTSA complaint, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced airbags turning off for passengers in the 100-110 pound range.
  2. I can't find any more info, other than their own web site said the collection points were those two cities; Mesa and Huntington Beach. My best guess is that since they classified this as an NHTSA safety recall, and absolute, they can't be sold.
  3. Maybe, what is "whack?" I think they were $16k-18k.
  4. "Saturated fats" is code word for meat and other animal products.
  5. This is a predictable failure because Americans just are too emotional and illogical for this vehicle. It had a place, and as I told Moriah, people are too stupid to use this solution. I bet it would have sold in congested EU cities. https://www.theautopian.com/piles-of-cheap-three-wheel-electric-cars-are-dying-in-a-junkyard/ They are in a real junk yard, but they don't list them in inventory. So I'm going to call and see what they cost, if they will even sell them.
  6. This makes it sound like floating ground on generators is the wrong thing for most use cases.
  7. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-tame-trial-targeting-aging-with-metformin/?subscriber=true&utm_source=NutritionFacts.org&utm_campaign=7587e1145b-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_7_26_2022_12_48_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40f9e497d1-7587e1145b-28710906&mc_cid=7587e1145b The TAME Trial: Targeting Aging with Metformin If you have diabetes, metformin can make things better, but if you don’t, the drug may make things worse.
  8. No, you don't know this, and it's exactly opposite of reality. This is why we're such "assholes" because you make something up and present it as fact. Of course there could be someone out there doing that, but everyone I know tells me the opposite; they take a percent of collected revenue. And in fact one of my friends had to fight them against raising the price on a good tenant because they wanted a bigger pie slice.
  9. You don't understand it. Everyone I know with rental properties is making a killing, whether they work on them or not.
  10. What you think you know about food, particularly factory farmed meat, has never been your own thoughts and is mostly incorrect. They've been fed (heh) to you by billions of dollars in marketing and owning the politicians. In what free country should it be illegal to take a photo of a slaughterhouse and share it publicly? How is that even acceptable? As you can see below and at 1:45 in my video The Role of Corporate Influence in the Obesity Epidemic, in a single year, the food industry spent more than $50 million to hire hundreds of lobbyists to influence legislation. Most of these lobbyists were “revolvers,” former federal employees in the revolving door between industry and its regulators, who could push corporate interests from the inside, only to be rewarded with cushy lobbying jobs after their “public service.” In the following year, the industry acquired a new weapon—a stick to go along with all those carrots. On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court’s five-to-four Citizen’s United ruling permitted corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on campaign ads to trash anyone who dared stand against them. No wonder our elected officials have so thoroughly shrunk from the fight, leaving us largely with a government of Big Food, by Big Food, and for Big Food. https://nutritionfacts.org/blog/corporate-influence-and-our-epidemic-of-obesity/?utm_source=NutritionFacts.org&utm_campaign=cd230b04da-RSS_BLOG_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40f9e497d1-cd230b04da-28710906&mc_cid=cd230b04da
  11. You're all homos if you're not running a 15 and saving front tire wear.
  12. That sounds quite terrible. If you want to neuter the bike, maybe try pulling a plug wire or something.
  13. Hah, right, memory eraser by Sailor Jerry. By the time we had that call, I was dabbling with it, so I can't imagine I would have been wholesale negative, but certainly could have expressed cautions. If it was on my business line, I'd have a recording.
  14. And now, how it will kill you... https://nutritionfacts.org/video/side-effects-of-metformin-as-a-life-extension-drug/?subscriber=true&utm_source=NutritionFacts.org&utm_campaign=dc92c42605-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_7_26_2022_12_48_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40f9e497d1-dc92c42605-28710906&mc_cid=dc92c42605 Side Effects of Metformin as a Life-Extension Drug Michael Greger M.D. FACLM · July 24, 2024 · Volume 66 5/5 - (5 votes) As a mild mitochondrial poison, metformin carries a variety of downsides.
  15. I can't imagine why. Maybe something different? Maybe I mentioned that my friend who's on a high dose is having on super annoying side effect (but he'd be fucked without it)? Would this have been an in person conversation? "Metformin" doesn't appear here or in any of my data other than quoting studies and saying that it might help me. I don't have an opinion on it really, outside of the medical studies seeming to be overwhelmingly favorable. The long term side effects of tirzepatide suck, and are dose dependent. I need to try to back up from that, this is a potential tool. June 15th I mentioned that I needed to do this and would try metformin, in the Zepbound thread.
  16. You sound well qualified for Secret Service.
  17. More evidence for it. I decided, fuck it. Costs nearly nothing, I can just get some, why not? I'm doing the minimal dose, blood sugar is better, and I'm cutting back on tirzepatide. That has lots of side effects and Metformin, for me, has zero sides. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-metformin-work-as-a-life-extension-drug/?subscriber=true&utm_source=NutritionFacts.org&utm_campaign=e082c86ae9-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_7_26_2022_12_48_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40f9e497d1-e082c86ae9-28710906&mc_cid=e082c86ae9
  18. https://www.cycletrader.com/listing/2003-Honda-CBR-5032182354?cmp=email_cycle_search-alert
  19. Well, remember what happened to the chicken around here...
  20. I've heard they are assholes. I don't want to get banned.
  21. And the religious conservatives who get abortions after they get knocked up.
  22. No. Which ad blockers and non-ad streaming services did you use 20 years ago?
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