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TuffguyF4i last won the day on March 6 2019

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About TuffguyF4i

  • Birthday 05/25/1978

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  • Other Bikes
    '04 GSXR750

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    South of Syracuse, NY
  • Interests
    Weight training, fitness, politics.

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  1. Dave One ride and you took it to Syracuse? I'm so..so sorry. "-)
  2. It is pretty easy. Preheat your oven to about 200F. Turn the oven off. Place the headlight housing inside. Wait 10 mins or so. Pry the headlight housing apart from the back. The heat softens the buytl that holds it together. I've done about 6 housings this way. It's not bad. Any mistakes you make (drilling a hole for projector) get covered with a chrome plastic bezel that fits around the projector. If you want to tackle...I'll walk you through it. After you see the results...you'll want to do every motorsport you have.
  3. I'd like to try a set of these LED projectors. Gather that light and put it where you need it. https://www.theretrofitsource.com/bi-led-profile-bi-lens-led.html
  4. Used for 1k miles before swapping for after market. Traded bike years ago. It's in great shape. Make offer. It's big and bulky. Area code 13078.
  5. For my next home...I'm going to buy a small hoist with a pendant and just lift whatever I need to lift with strapping.
  6. I'm kind of a snob when it comes to beds. I don't know how anyone can sleep on a vinyl covered 3" thick mattress in a tin can. I would think it would just be super uncomfortable. I love the idea though. The freedom something like this creates, is incredible. At the same time, I wonder if i'd be happier with an enclosed toy trailer and just setting up a camp next to it with a nice tent.
  7. I hear ya. They are amazing units. I work from home and have one purring 3' from my head all day long,,,and I still love it. My condenser is below my deck behind my house and you can't even hear it running when outside. It is that quiet inside and out.
  8. Brand new. In box. Never opened. Sells for $2750 online. Has full warranty. 30k BTU. Will sell for $1750..which is the lowest price I could find on a private sale anywhere. The story...I sell Mitsubishi industrial products and was able to get a discount. I bought a bigger (42k BTU) unit for my house and thought I would save this one for a big garage. Well..now I'm moving and that doesn't make much sense. These are absolutely top of the line. There is none better in the mini split market. This is an AC unit and heat..because this is a heat pump. You can hook up to 3 head units to this one condenser. They run about $400 to $600 each. These are amazing for a home approx 1500sqft, big garage or that part of the house that is never really the perfect temperature. Here is the unit online. https://www.ecomfort.com/Mitsubishi-MXZ-3C30NA2/p68691.html?utm_term=0CMFSBMPN-68691&var1=ecomfortusa&var2=adwordsfroogle&var3=35229&keyword=GOOGLEPLA-35229&gclid=CjwKCAjwoMPcBRAWEiwAiAqZhzBajoFk0rmeJ-cYI6nAch2mVHgPLR4Hwip3tr8dnvIbKmVzqFXCXRoCYCQQAvD_BwE Here is an example head unit. https://www.acwholesalers.com/Mitsubishi-MSZ-GL09NA-U1/p65040.html Will drive a reasonable distance to help with delivery.
  9. Geotextile fabric Large stone and sand (3-6"diameter" 1 gravel...something with filings and 1/2-1" If you don't put geotextitle down first..the mud comes through and absorbs the gravel. Old thread..I know...
  10. Use closed cell foam boards for the walls. Do not use fiberglass batts. You can end up with big mold issues. Frame right over the insulation boards and you can use additional fiberglass bats over that. The closed cell foam makes for a great vapor barrier and is almost entirely waterproof. I agree with painting the ceiling..or drop ceiling. Painting is way cheaper.
  11. Get the gutters as oversized as possible. They make different sizes and you will be cleaning them less the bigger they are. I think mine have about a 4" downspout. Lots of leaves just pass through.
  12. If you are grinding/machining pads, just be careful not to breathe that shit in.
  13. Ok..couple of things in conformal coatings of PCB's. 1) You can only keep the PCB as dry as it is when you coat it. The PCB absorbs moisture and needs to be baked at about 150 - 200 F for min of 3 hrs to really cook the moisture out of the board. Coating without baking..will trap moisture and can help to cause failure..not prevent it. 2) Anti-static. Ground the board and yourself when spraying. You can't use too much, but make sure you layer and coat it like a you would paint a car...but liberal use is just fine. 3) Dry. Let it really dry. Another baking is just fine. In my days manufacturing industrial sensors..they used Humiseal quite a bit and that is where I learned the above practices. Full potting is the best option..but Humiseal is pretty good. https://m.skygeek.com/humiseal-1a33-humiseal-1a33-aerosol-conformal-coating-11-5-oz-can.html?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=shoppingengine&utm_content=humiseal-1a33-humiseal-1a33-aerosol-conformal-coating-11-5-oz-can&utm_campaign=froogle&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyYHaBRDvARIsAHkAXcsKR7F8ignRfRqM2xc_TB7f1J5vcZfvg5kDXX5g1L9Xed1w1IQxeRMaAijfEALw_wcB
  14. I would part off the accessories and then sell the bike roughly stock. You'll see more for it all.
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