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Everything posted by XXitanium

  1. I clipped it and sent it to him/text. He's out on the ice today fishing. He'll be back tonight or tomorrow, I'll bring it up.
  2. Dang, nice. ...to replace this... Rockers are ALL rotted off and mini-doors bolted shut due to rust as well. (I"ll show it to him)
  3. Quote EVLXX I went for a short ride yesterday.. 222.9773 corrected miles and I tried to keep my speed down in the 55 - 65 range... when I got back to the gas station... I was shocked... it only took 4.189 gallons. That's 53.2 mpg... I was riding solo out in eastern colorado, temps in the low 60's and later down in the 50's. I know that seems really Hi... and maybe it was, maybe I wrote a number down wrong or something. I also noticed that when I was going up small hills the AFR guage was showing around 17.8 to 1 sometimes... Don't really know if that's bad... yet... might need to do some more adjusting there... might need to richen things up just a tad bit. Anybody else that's been running one of the maps have anything to report ?
  4. Pot-holes, parking hard against curbs too. Your kids catching air and landing it.
    • They had to replace my metal plate with a plastic one. Every time Catherine would rev up the microwave, I'd piss my pants and forget who I was for about half an hour.
  5. The whole car if I could remember what town it was...
  6. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mr. Green
  7. It's an old smilie - shit eating grin.... Green smilie with big white teeth...
  8. I am remiss, as I intimated I would do one again. If I can get a couple dozen new pictures, I'll make every effort to put one together. Doing it last year was fun and somewhat therapeutic. Goal ~ $10.00 - ish.
  9. That's just surface rust. Have you ever been to Wisconsin January? Most F250's up here have the plastic add-on fender guards to hide the four-inch rust belt around the fender wells. Yeah - I know, it starts somewhere, I just have to decide if the price is OK Vs buying something marginally better for a lot more money. There's a King Ranch about 45 minutes away 2 years old, $57,000.
  10. I just stuck $1,200 into an F250 that I've owned for 10 years. I brokded it whilst deer hunting. ...been looking for a replacement/ upgrade. I found a short bus that tickles my fancy. https://milwaukee.craigslist.org/cto/d/superduty-lariat-amarillo/6360606983.html Or were you specifically considering a two wheeled vehicle?
  11. Mine are kind of titanium colored, that could be enough to make a different part number.
  12. 2000's are beautiful. Titanium. EFI and clocks.
  13. That's your best work? "The Garage Discuss mechanical topics related to the XX such as maintenance, repairs, and synthetic oil flame wars."
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