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Zero Knievel

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Everything posted by Zero Knievel

  1. I suppose if I’m looking at the images correctly, a 20x20 has the media slightly narrower so it can get past the lip in the return vent that holds the standard 1” filter depth.
  2. Do you have to change the return vent to accommodate the deeper size?
  3. When acronyms strike…. I was wondering what brand BNIB was. 😆
  4. I should make a website with videos of my grass growing. It would be a hit.
  5. Would have happened already. I know it’s BS because I can put the front burners on max and the metal of the frame isn’t hot to the touch.
  6. So long as they don't issue a cease and desist order...
  7. Just put a square inch of VSB tape on the front two corners. I'll let you know how well it works out.
  8. No…that’s the base of the unit…the catch pan for anything that falls through the heating element hole. Lowes and Home Depot understood my situation, but they didn’t have anything in stock that addressed it. Searching inventory wasn’t helpful since unless you know exactly what something is called, you get results for a ton of stuff that’s not what you want. However, I had an idea. Why not make a shim to close the gap? I have lots of scrap wood. Taking measurements, I’m trying to close a 1 1/8” gap in the front and 10/16” gaps on the side. The counter itself is 1/4” thick. If I want to do front and back evenly, that’s a 9/16” gap for front and back. I also noticed that with the exposed holes, I could secure it to the drip pan where the shim and hole aligns.
  9. Straight where the cooktop is, but 90 degrees on both ends. Came in 2 parts and had to be glued together. The first one was poorly made and should never have left the factory. Head of QC came out and redid it all (to their credit), but he commented that this happened all the time…installs without a final review by QC before installation…resulting in complete replacements at the company’s cost. Don’t recall off hand. Not crazy expensive but not cheap. It’s a step up from the fiberboard/laminate basic countertops (original was still in good condition). This is a resin composite. Looks like stone but isn’t.
  10. Yeah, the guy went by the wrong measurement and nearly cut out too much material. That would have forced them to provide a whole new countertop…again.
  11. Failure to so do is why we’re out THOUSANDS because dad presumed we’d never need to work on or replace something. I could probably tabulate and easy $10K so far in house repairs because he didn’t think something was necessary.
  12. I hoped to find the original mounting hardware. No luck. Here’s what I’m working with…perhaps spring clips? Photos to follow…
  13. As far as what the stove top should have come with, we’re talking 30 years ago. Also, the last countertop had a precision cut hole so we didn’t have to worry about mounting it permanently so it wouldn’t shift.
  14. The range top sits in the hole cut into the new countertop. It’s larger than needed, so the range top shifts from time to time. Mom doesn’t want to bolt it down in case it ever needs replacement and the replacement’s footprint doesn’t match for holes. I bought some Permatex Clear RTV Silicone. My thought was to apply a dab at the front corners, and when it cures, it will be a strong enough hold to prevent it slipping. I’m concerned about heat, but if the burners emitted that much heat at the countertop level, the range top would be too hot to touch and the counter would melt. Thoughts? If not this, what product would be better?
  15. Not inclined to, but the question is if the milk is adulterated by the changes to the cows’ DNA. I’d not trust an analysis done by China, but if enough independent studies showed it was the same as natural milk, I’d see no reason to not consume it.
  16. I was given the option. Had I known how little information a home study would produce (and the doctor said if I had severe apnea they'd HAVE TO do a lab study), I wouldn't have opted for it. My whole point for wanting the lab one is that the home study provided very little information as to causation. I'm not having the issues that would justify going to a CPAP without a proper diagnosis. Life experience. In Wyoming, I watched a hospital prescribe anti-depressant pain killers when both the patient and I warned EVERY FUCKING PERSON who handled him that he had extreme adverse reactions to anti-depressants. At home, more and more stuff is moving to Johnson City...meaning if you have a trauma issue, instead of going to Kingsport or Bristol, you now have to go even further into Tennessee. Abingdon has a nice hospital, but not a place you want to go for anything serious. Had nice staff, but the hospital doesn't have any fucks to give.
  17. If they just fix it so all the editing tools are accessible, it wouldn't be an issue.
  18. Can we just get rid of the side bar? I don’t see any real benefit to it. I’m tired of being limited in editing tools because it truncates the formatting bar…and at random to boot.
  19. After watching incompetent medical staff nearly kill family and friends because they are stuck in a rut, yes, I self-diagnose. If a doc wants to throw pills at me but not find out why I have an issue, that’s not a competent doc. It’s just like the mechanic who wants to fix your car by randomly switching out parts…charging you for each one. I’m not paying the freight for a lab study out of pocket. I do not have an issue with being chronically tired, not gaining weight, normal (if not low) BP…no reason to jump into the CPAP bed just yet. I’ll talk to the insurance company today and see if they will reconsider, but even if they approve it, if the lab isn’t going to try to find out why the events happen, I already know CPAP isn’t the magic solution. I asked the last sleep doc “why.” She can’t tell from a home study because she only saw raw data. A lab study by competent staff is the only way to diagnose sleep disorders. Again, lesson learned. Don’t go with home studies. Incomplete diagnosis procedure and then insurance fights getting to the cause of a condition.
  20. I’ll keep my ears open, but around here, places just want to push new kit out the door…who cares if it helps the patient. Lesson learned, never go with an “at home” study. I was wondering how good the scheduled study was going to be. A pulmonologist would read the results but techs would monitor the study. They might have just repeated the error…diagnosing apnea but not diagnosing the trigger. At this point, I may be better off going back to my ENT specialist to see if he sees an issue. He may have diagnostic tricks up his sleeve.
  21. The point is that most everyone prescribes the CPAP instead of looking for more effective and simple solutions. It frequently can be an issue resolved with therapy or minor surgical intervention rather than a piece of cumbersome equipment.
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