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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2018 in all areas

  1. I can readily empathise. I turned 63 last Saturday and my memory is like Swiss cheese. I now have two note pads, one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. I'm constantly writing down things I don't want to forget to do. Despite this effort I lose my keys, my cell phone and my glasses at least once a day. Aging is not for the weak of heart. All the best.
    1 point
  2. What's wrong with the cowl? It looks okay from the bottom.
    1 point
  3. Once a year or 4500 miles on average. Normally around same time I replace tires. Do everything at one time to not worry about it for rest of year. I will write mileage down on masking tape and stick to one of my tool boxes when doing tires and oil. When I went to bridgstone bto16s my mileage went up to 4500 miles. Will be going to bridgestones 21's next so will see how that goes for mileage comparison. Run it in track bike as well. Two track days on last change. Oil still golden in color just slight odor of fuel in it. Also prefer wix filters, napa gold are same filter.
    1 point
  4. Great news!!! I resolved my heat problem... I still dont know what the problem was... but at the mo all i care is that its resolved... I was worrying about the worst, a blown gasket or something but it just needed a good clean up Here is the list of thinks i did.. 1- removed the water pump cover, It was clean inside, no corrosion what so ever... I checked the blades, sharp, not turning, it started to turn when i start engine for a few secs though... 2- removed radiator, took it to a radiator service, they cleaned it, put chems etc, took it back. 3- installed all parts pack, put garden hose to radiator cap, and opened bleeding bolt from pump. 4- i run the engine and constantly run water inside it for half hour, cleaning out the radiator acid as the radiator repair shop instructed. They said the acid will clean any corrosion that might have happened in the block, in pipes, etc. 5- finally when I'm satisfied that the water is running normal and the water is clean, without particles and rust and such, I stopped the engine. close bleeding bolt. Put one litter of coolant and top up with fresh water. tighten radiator cap. and thats all. yesterday 2 hours in stop&go rush hour traffic in flaming 35+ C weather. And heat was around 105C, 110 max. No need to rev in stops, no need to pull over for cooling. With NGP+ arriving soon, I'll bleed the system and run only NGP+ inside. (as bartonmd suggested). Water wetter? well I'll just keep it for future.. Thanks all for contribs. Anyone need directions in the above steps pm me
    1 point
  5. I remember the first time I freaked out when the bird got past 240 F. Almost got to 250 and I was sweating it saying I'd pull over and let it cool down if it hit 250. Never did fortunately. I was passing through Dallas in the summer, right around rush hour. Lots of stop and go traffic and a noob to bird ownership = freaking out. Now in town and under 40mph I typically see 220 +/- On the highway in summer I see 186-190 and 175 in the winter. Basically I ignore it till it gets close to 250. Bun
    1 point
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