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Zero Knievel

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Everything posted by Zero Knievel

  1. My rule is to go by urine color. The darker it is, the more water you should be taking in. A big issue in hot, arid climates…not so much where there is high humidity. My college roommate worked in New Mexico for the summer and came back with the mantra “clear and copious” for hydration. I laughed and told him it won’t last a month. Sure enough, after a few nights of getting no sleep because he kept having to get up to pee, he came around. Southwest Virginia isn’t New Mexico.
  2. I have a motorcycle trailer for sale. Put one in the bed and one on the trailer.
  3. I’d have to start a new thread and get the forum’s combined input first. 🖕🫵😊
  4. FWIW, when I’ve pasted formatted text, I’m given the option to convert to plain text. I would think I chose that option in the Buy/Sell issue…maybe I forgot to?
  5. Well, they do start out as whores in business suits.
  6. When did you become such a pessimist? 😉
  7. If you paid attention to what I wrote, I made it clear that it didn’t prevent being pulled over for another reason and then being cited for it. A cop doesn’t need a reason to pull you over…just a convincing lie the judge will believe.
  8. It is enforceable, but police officers are not allowed to pull you over if that is their sole reason. Lack of a license plate light is not sufficient probable cause to initiate a traffic stop. This, of course, means that if they pull you over for another reason, they can then sight you for the trailer plate not being properly illuminated. Yes…this is specifically in the Code of Virginia.
  9. Admittedly, I wish I had looked at full assemblies when looking at bulbs. For the slight increase in price, it’s a better option. The law specifically imposes that on trailers. I suppose because being able to read the tag on a trailer isn’t as important as the tag on the vehicle.
  10. Tried the LED bulbs. I couldn’t use the white ones because the fit was loose…and yes, I double checked how they installed. So the low beam didn’t come on. The red ones worked (proper fit) but… As you see, it bathes the license plate in red light. Technically illegal, but in Virginia it is not justification to be pulled over. Can’t say that’s not so in other states nor can that prevent being pulled over for another reason and then be cited for it. So, either I go with white or replace the assemblies with LED ones that will provide white light on the license plate. …. Well, seek and ye shall find….$17…. https://www.amazon.com/iBrightstar-Submersible-Trailer-License-Snowmobile/dp/B07FTJ59L1/ref=sr_1_24?crid=2NY6IL6DE9VUD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.W65Wb-O04ZEKd_HE8zxgianQaRV0VdxGTrRjpIbLQ5ijvJZACTmKvK2UzZ9nLPefHr4RvuqgEfGrlJG8fXKqpO5xuQCpdnPhkxnGOkEI28IvgVEVwk0Jn-FoEhP2ie-pREh7cG_ggd3plMTdHTWHSkQvuFHLBD0iq68Ks7m2iuIbSjHL-Bj6hwjTjaJf-f8D97GMfYhnpS2e_Cp9XXyunjXkQAgB6oOJXYWc0TZwg-wEtvpXdJrq4QdoCYl4ss7L_Zv7VxC9-4uXvBuoDVr4OKZiCYvzC5xIkb7dZOa-oa0.3khcsKK3I0GBrD9rmeYufthl0-7tNYCWlcKrX4PoaBw&dib_tag=se&keywords=led%2Btrailer%2Blight%2Bkit&qid=1712398314&sprefix=LED%2Btrailer%2B%2Caps%2C1822&sr=8-24&th=1
  11. You need crayons and construction paper...not video.
  12. And you had to make it 220. Attention whore.
  13. I don’t get why Carlos is being an asshole about how the manufacturer made this choice as if it’s a bad idea. If he can’t understand how scissors and knifes work, then no amount of explanation will get him to grasp why the manufacturer went with this choice. Soft loops work with the standard strap hook BECAUSE THE STRESS IS APPLIED OVER A LARGER AREA. It’s the same reason an arrow or knife can punch through ballistic armor while a bullet can’t. Physics 101.
  14. I suppose you strap on your motorcycle helmet with a half Windsor? The D-ring distributes friction over a large area of densely woven fabric. The latching hook is not like the standard hook...it imparts more friction on a small point by comparison. Metal on metal is better than narrow metal on fabric.
  15. Can't you tell by looking? The D-rings are sewn into the soft strap and that's what connects to the latching hook.
  16. The manufacturer confirmed my suspicion. They use the metal loops with hook latches. For others, they use standard soft loops.
  17. Thoughts on this? It’s rated stronger and cheaper than the ones from Macs Custom. https://www.amazon.com/USA-Ratchet-Straps-Motorcycle-Strength/dp/B0B8KY8DLR/ref=sr_1_4?crid=19GMFWFGBOB64&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3HMeYldkzrWlIZgwUybxmZ9wmWwt6R-rbhDWL0n1iRxuWAhLEwhtTp5v5NB07ceRfn5QRPWuQ1b2SvlF85nf2akzslOL-qkHnWPi64HKPHVh9XgPJGbEcWw0WIwgvJjfrfx5zm-J3KPoytIUSR_wf9JBBhKij_j6KbfbwaFMGfTKBCujzmxMc-iSE5hYlFcJlc0IWa5ZVCgzHRtq8PCykqOuisVLOViaBfu6GCUACRdsB1TY11YpfIAdQfhultLbgNz-bdHMvNIBRKgwq7nttgpisyyxt-lyd0t6P0BaVFs.0q5fSX0VssWEIP4AuCCLwstQ3siOhavcRM4XESouzjo&dib_tag=se&keywords=rhino%2Bstraps%2B4%2Bpack&qid=1712223399&s=automotive&sprefix=rhino%2Bstraps%2B4%2Bpack%2Cautomotive%2C1313&sr=1-4&th=1
  18. Difference of opinion. The hook latch is small and metal, that could tear into the material. The metal loops make a point of contact that won’t wear. I’ll ask them why they go with this option.
  19. I suspect they are provided because of the nature of the hook latches...makes sense when you think of it.
  20. Carlos sent me a couple of these. I ordered 4 more, so 6 total will be installed on the trailer. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BFB3XSLP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  21. Hey. I'm the pedantic one around here.
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