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Everything posted by XXitanium

  1. https://www.facebook.com/reel/2139402499728407?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
  2. Bikes can be sentimental like that.
  3. ...that's too bad... What does it need? ...cycle repair thread anyway...
  4. How much room in your yard do you have to store this? Could you store one? That's just a little bigger?
  5. @Zero Knievel I'd see if you can find a weight limit. You Zero turn might be too heavy. Is it a spring suspension or the rubber torque style. My snowmobile trailer make it from Milwaukee 3 and 1/2 hours north, OK, but they're highway rated. The comments on the one that you have listed say top speed of 60 MPH? https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/carry-on-trailer-5-ft-x-8-ft-wood-floor-utility-trailer-5x8gw2k-pc-2079869?store=2544&cid=Shopping-Google-Local_Feed&utm_medium=Google&utm_source=Shopping&utm_campaign=&utm_content=Local_Feed&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzZmwBhD8ARIsAH4v1gVedRfdQUdBnpFtC251ACX69hG1G-xsQGGjCUVQ_LqCbfjIHKY-XrIaAnvpEALw_wcB
  6. ...wellllll? How many are Hondas?
  7. Good thing my android isn't listening to me 24/7..
  8. This i the bike with the bent front wheel? Can insurance be asked to cover things not caught during the first inspection/repair?
  9. ...bitches. (Nürburgring)
  10. Excess radiation being emitted even though we don't use the smart features on our new household appliances. Samsung: Dish washer Clothes washer Dryer TV ...some random internet dude said he was getting the wifi bits physically removed. Birds aren't real. EMF meter
  11. Some guys... It's not the right model or year, but people do dig into them. I think this is the trouble my friend is experiencing.
  12. Starbuck ~ I'd like to see Nantucket again.
  13. parable noun [ C ] US /ˈpær·ə·bəl/ a simple story told because it represents a basic moral truth or religious principle. .............. Most men have their white whale.
  14. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1334573/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_45_act
  15. ...that was 30°F on a 4 lane. I was doing 75. He passed me.
  16. ...watching the mini-series Moby Dick - Captain Ahab, Ishmael, Queeqweg [Queequeg], Pip. Good stuff.
  17. I suggest you should edit your listing title to include Blackbird and CBR1100XX. I've shown it to a few people. That's a beautiful machine.
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