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I would like to purchase a good quality radar detector for my Bird, and need some type of mount. Or, is it OK to velcro the detector to the top of the dash? Any recomendations?

And should it be wired directly to the battery, or should I also purchase a cigar lighter type socket? (preferably the one with a waterproof cap)

Also, where might be the best place to buy these items on line?

Thank You,


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There are assloads of threads on these beauties....... pro's and con's of each type, how they mount, how they alert, etc.

There are a few constants among the threads though.....

Valentine has the most loyal following. Pretty much most expensive, arguably the most sensitive, but they are built for the long haul, being updateable.

Beltronics (I have a Vector 995) is a very solid unit, very sensitive and small enough. I have never gotten a ticket with my radar on (4 years and 40K+ miles). It might not be as sensitive as the V, but again, plenty sensitive enough to detect radar waaaaayyyyy out there.

You can hardwire, and I suggest this. Both V and B have hardwire kits.

Placement: This is probably the area of greatest variability. I have had mine all over the front of my bike. It has to be either visible or audible. I have mine wired in through my intercom, so it is not necessary that I be able to see mine (as long as I have earpieces in). Marv has his hooked up to some sort of real loud squealer.

I have velcro'd mine before but it was not very satisfactory. Remember that if it is anywhere visible it is vulnerable to theft, so it must be easily removable or glued and screwed and watertight. I am going to try Marv's approach and put mine in the nosecone.

Good luck! Let us know what you did.

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There are assloads of threads on these beauties....... pro's and con's of each type, how they mount, how they alert, etc.

Good luck! Let us know what you did.

Agree with the above...

I've had an Escort X50 now for years, we've been through hell and back together, and like the others mentioned it does a great job, unless I get hit with Laser or Paced (and don't see the cop behind you). Beyond that mine still seems to work great for an old guy. I only use a RD on trips or rides that are a bit longer, for running around town, I don't bother, so it's not too often I worry about theft, but he's right, you do have to keep your eye on the thing regardless when at a gas/drink stop, otherwise I take it off and put it away.

I prefer the MRA Vario screen for my longer trips, and it doesn't leave a lotta room for a dash mounted RD, and that's where I wanted to put it since I used a RAM mount for my GPS in the steering triple... so I went with the Adjustable Windshield mount from Legal Speeding.com. Works great, easy to take off RD and put into Givi's when going in somewhere for awhile, fairly easy to see, but I still use my Etymotic earphones to hear the warnings, cuz you'll miss them visibly from time to time. I was a little concerned with drilling holes in my Vario, but used a drill bit on a Dremel tool and it worked like a champ.

When I use my Powerbronze DB screen (more room underneath) for shorter trips, I use the windshield mount that comes with the Escort (I've purchased a couple of mounts over the years and spare suction cups) and use 3M Threadlock to wedge it down on top of the dash and between the Escort mount, seems to hold ok.

Both ways keep the RD underneath the windshield and out of the elements and right in front of you.

I hardwire the X50 through an auxiliary fusebox under my seat and have the wires running through the plastic and around the speedo cluster to where they lay on top of the dash, ready to go. Seems to work ok for me, fairly quick and dirty, if you will.

I'm sure there are a ton of web sites that sell these things and mounts as well now... I don't really know whether one is better than another... I think you have to figure out what works for your application and other installed farkles...

Good luck

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Thank You for the info. I did a search on radar detectors and got some good info, especially on mounts. Does anyone have any personal experience with the TPX "motorcycle specific" brand of RD's ?

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