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Need solid advice on chain replacement


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I have read through the forum and see the two schools of though on chain replacement. On my "new" 97 'Bird I had new shoes put on this weekend. It was pointed out to me that the rear sprocket is "shark finned" and thereby toasted. This along with the chain was replaced by the previous owner 7-8K miles ago.

I plan on going back to a steel 45T rear and replacing the front with an OEM unit. Bike has 39K on it with the front never having been replaced.

My question is, Do I need to shell out the additional cash for the chain or can I forego a new one this time around? Chain looks good and still plenty of life in it according to the wear indicator on the swingarm. I will replace if recommended but could use the cash other places. Need solid advice please.

Thank you


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I replaced both my stock sprockets with aftermarket ones at about 8K on the stock chain. No trouble so far and everything is wearing nicely. I'd say just change the sprockets and go with it.

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For what it's worth I'm just now replacing a cahin with 5000 miles on it with a new one and new sprockets at both ends. Bike has 46000 miles on the original sprockets, and I wrestled with the same issue regrding replacing a relatively fresh chain since I'm changing sprockets.

My solution was to order a spare rivet link type master link for my existing chain and a new chain for the new sprockets. When the new chain finally goes, I'll reinstall the slightly used one since by that time at least the sprockets will be slightly worn in. If you consider this option, just make sure to cut the existing chain master link to remove it and the new link will replace it later.


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Guest rockmeupto125

It's probably okay...but I wouldn't expect to get more than another 5k out of it.

The chain and sprockets wear together...but unfortunately not at the same rate. Some folks like to replace everything together...but 4 thousand miles down the road....they have all worn at different rates. Its only a perfect matching set once.

Because your rear (aluminum, right?) is trashed, and your front sprocket is older than Ver....well, it's pretty old, that has to have prematurely worn your chain. It won't show much now, because its still pretty new, but guarantee, those bad sprocket have affected it.

BTW...what's your criteria to ascertain "looks good?" The wear indicator is not much of an excuse for a diagnostic tool.

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Thank you all for the responses. While keeping the coffers full is an appealing idea, I think I am going to go with the magority and start fresh in this instance. New sprockets and chain all the way around. Might be able to pinch down the road but a good foundation is prolly the best way to start.

To answer your question, Joe, other than the wear indicator, the chain is nice and shiney, no flat/tight spots, o rings look good (from what I can see) hence my "looks good" statement. But then again up until now I didnt know you had to change sprockets out with the chain :)

Thank you all again


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