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  1. SO here is the nose art I am lookin at, quality of the photo is poor but it's from back in the 40's. NWS Might not want to open this at work.
  2. You've got a great start on an old bomber theme , first by blatently copying Joe's idea :roll: Aye that be true! But I did ask before I did it.
  3. Funny you should mention that, I am looking at putting the nose art from my father-in-laws B-29 0n the bike, when I find the color photo I'll post it....she was called "Little Gem" and flew out of Siapan, 2nd B-29 over the first mass raid of Tokyo.
  4. I saw Joe's XX on the site and thought his graphics looked great so I PM'd him and he was good enouh to give me the leads on his idea. So after lowsiding on the freeway I decided to follow through and get the sharks mouth graphics on my bird. I took the photos of Joe's scoot over to the paint shop and David, the painter, fixed my XX up. Still have some more work to do, like getting a Flying Tiger airbrushed on the lower cowls but so far it turns heads. Thanks for the Ideas Joe!
  5. Live and Learn! Low sided the bird on the left side hard enough to break the mirror mount and crack the upper cowl. I checked the Stay pretty close, eyeballed it and took a few measurements and all looked good, besides that stay is pretty damn stout. I got the plastic back from the paint shop and was buttoning her up when I noticed not all the cowling was dropping in to place like it used to, it was off just a touch but still enough to put stress points on the plastics. Now It looks like two more weeks of waiting for a new stay! Lesson Learned: order the frickin stay ! It's cheap compared to the aggravation of not riding.
  6. I have one of those, it's a Blue Sea, very sweet to be sure but I can't fit it under the seat unless I velcro it to the CPU. It's an ATC which is the larger bladed fuses. If you can find an area on the bird to mount it let me in on it cuz it really is a nice fuse block.
  7. Anyone have a line on an ATM fuse block. I have tried all the local auto parts places and radio shack, lot of ATC blocks but no ATM blocks. I low sided on the freeway so the fairings are in being painted, whilst the bike is down I decided to wire in heated grips, and put a couple of Jastek plugs on the XX for heated gear, only hang up is finding an ATM fuse block.
  8. My compression damping feels spot on but the rebound seems lacking with the 2.5wt Silkolene, feels like my forks are topping out. Diving into the corners and powering out is very good but slab riding and choppy corners it's just not right yet. I think the fix will require valving but in the meantime I will try heavier oil.
  9. Installed the Wibers shock and fork springs yesterday. Used the 150 mm airspace Silkolene 2.5 wt oil up front and a 640 rear shock. Rear was setup by Wilbers for 220lbs rider, 40lbs of gear and Sport side of touring. Took the bird up to Sandia Crest today that being the closest twisties not more than a 2 hour ride away. I hit the slab and thought mmmm, little better than stock but not a lot. Finally got to the Crest Highway and took it easy for a few miles to feel out the new suspension but soon I was pushing the bird through the twisties. Front end is super! Linear compression way better than stock and the Wilbers springs really shined on the downhill off cambers. Rear needs a wee bit of tuning, I did not change the factory settings but wanted to use them for a baseline. Soon I was riding to the point where the rear would break loose and slide yet the front end stayed glued. This is much better than ever before and I feel a different set of tires will be on order. Rebound needs tweaking, on the smooth stuff it was very good but if there were dips or irregularities the rebond was to soft and the rear end( pogoed sp? ) a bit. Now I am looking forward to a ride up iin Colorado to really work the Wilbers.
  10. Thanks Pete, that's what I am looking at. With the way I ride I was not sure the Road Attack would last. I hear good things about the Contiforces, look forward to your post.
  11. Nah, fixed it with a gummy worm.
  12. LoneWolf

    Flat foot!

    So the Bird got a flat foot today, roofing nail. Not surprising with all the contsruction going on around here. Old tire had a couple thousand left in it so I plugged it with a gummy worm and rode home. Now I am looking for new shoes and I want to try out the Conti Road Attacks, they look good, I have read Dale's thread on them and many others yet am still willing to give them a try, at least compare them to the Avons. I read here that the front Road Attack is made in Korea?? and the rear in Germany. So I wrote the USA rep. Greg. His reply was quick and he stated that the Korean plant specialized in the kevlar belted tires and the Geman plant in the steel belted tires. Front Road Attack is Kevlar and the rear steel belted as evident in the FJR photo. So those of you on the Road Attacks, would you buy them again?
  13. Appreciate the tip gearjunkie! I have had trouble with the cap for some time thinking I needed to lube the tumblers and release mechanism. It really did not take much adjustment but now the cap opens easily and no mo twisted keys...
  14. I dunno, I've done it both ways and it's come down to replacing sprockets with the chain, but then I make more money now than I used to. Get in a cash flow pinch and I will go back to keeping the sprockets as long as they look good.
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