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Everything posted by jimakazi

  1. It's the result of informed reseach - try it one day :twisted: I trusted my dealer to put the correct chain on :oops: Wasn't a guess, it was misplaced trust. Since it wasn't lasting I have done some extensive reseach on the topic, going to the RK and DID sites, printing out the specifications and compatibility charts. I have also supplied these to my Honda dealer. Well if you call availble for at least the last 18 months as newest, but yes it is their best chain for the XX. Well at least they were right about the color :wink: No thanks. :bigpuke: Having checked the specifications and consulted with others on this site, and more informed people at my Honda dealer [than the parts boy], and also 2 other dealers the consensus is that it is the better chain. If your local dealer has told you the DID is an inferior product you should be making that the issue. Finally :pissedfingers:
  2. "I think?" well as one who has actually checked and printed out the freakin chart the ZVM is the top chain and it is the chain their site lists as the XX replacement.
  3. About ALL of you - people ! :twisted: :wink: I thought the LED's were red - they are white......... :???: Cheers, White when off - red when on! Anyway Joe I'm up for some - better rear lights, brakes etc very much on my agenda since being rear ended.
  4. Richard If anything the RK XSO is worse than a DID ZM. I currently have the RK XSO [Honda dealer claimed it was an upgrade]. It's done about 17000km [10,500 miles] and is COMPLETELY SHAGGED [as in well into Replace chain, surging, noisy. And I just commute! I got 24,000km on the stock.
  5. jimakazi


    98 Carb 45mpg 99 FI 39mpg
  6. You poor misguided fool! :sad: ZVS is DID Honda OEM part [you won't find this chain on the DID site]. ZVM is DID afternarket part. The correct RK chain is the RK 530GXW [which you have brought] however overall the DID ZVM chain has better specs and would last a LONG LONG LONG time [longer than the RK!] Be warned the blackbird does not deal kindly to inferrior chains. Last time I replaced my chain the dealer fitted an RK 530XSO which is rated for a maximum of 1000cc. At 10,000 miles [16,000k] it's fucked. If you have more money to throw away please sent it to me :wink:
  7. Dunlops are infamous for cupping, and since having 220's on my bike I now know what cupping is [NEVER having experienced it before]. My last set of tyres were Dunlop 220's, the fronts cupped to shit after 13,000km and the rears wore down to the rubber bands under the tread [i was on tour]. They are certainly no better that the Bridgestone BT020 and have worn out a lot faster. I think a lot of riders judge tyres based upon the old and usually worn out set they pulled off and the new set they just put on - of course the new tyres are going to seem better - but even if you stuck to the same tyre brand they would be better as they are new.
  8. jimakazi

    Chain Kit?

    ZVS is Honda OEM part. ZVM is DID afternarket part. Be warned the blackbird does not deal kindly to inferrior chains. Last time I replaced my chain the dealer fitted an RK 530XSO which is rated for a maximum of 1000cc. As the sales person siad this was a signifincat upgrade on stock I'm pissed to find it's actually not rated for the Blackbird at all. At 10,000 miles [16,000k] it's fucked. I did a little research on the net. I find that in the UK the same RK chains carry a 20,000 mile warranty – that’s 32,000k -whjen fitted to the correct bike! The correct RK chain is the RK 530GXW. Overall the DID chain has better specs so that will be my next chain.
  9. The top of the hose goes onto the tank breather outlet, the T allows the breather to outlet either side of the bike.
  10. :oops: I passed up on an oportunity to get some stainless scorpians last year - at dealer cost [1/2 retail] Dealer ordered the wrong pipes and didn't want to pay to ship them back to England from New Zealand. As no one had them I didn't know if there were any good. :roll: Now I do So aaaarrrrrggghghhhhh! :mad:
  11. Please be aware the the BT010's are designed for lighter bikes, the BT020's are designed for bikes such as the XX.
  12. The accident [rear ended by unlicenced driver while stopped at lights on XX] back in June distroyed my "new" low carb eating habits and also my exercise stopped. It has taken a good 6 months for my back and kidneys to return to normal. I'm back eating low carbs and my wife has joined me - which makes it MUCH easier to prepare meals. The Gym is going well with weight training, spin classes and running. Anyway my goal is to reach my pre accident weight by end of March [120kg], and to do a 160km cycle race in November [hopefully having shed another 10kg]. Given theres no new blackbird news "yet" I've sucummed to the need to buy a new bike and lashed out on one of the rider propelled kind. I figure it will assisrt the weight loss, and certainly help achieve the cycle race goal.
  13. jimakazi

    What chain

    I did a search but didn't get the answers I want. If I get the info perhaps Carlos or Joe could add it to the Info/FAQ section. OEM chains are the: RK50LFO-ZI DID50ZVS Neither are currenly listed on the RK site http://www.ftmbiz.com/rk/specs_xwring.htm or the DID site http://www.didchain.com/spec.html What were the original specs for either? I'd like to know of they were worse of better than what the dealer fitted as a "significant upgrade" a RK GB530XSO [Max CC street 1000, tensile Lbs/ft 9,200, Max wear life indicator 750]. This chain has basically run out of adjustment after just 7,500 miles which is just UN-FUCKING-ACCEPTABLE. The appropiate RK chain would appear to be the 530GXW or GB530GXW [Max CC street 1400cc, Mtensile strength 10,000, Max wear life indicator 1000 with std=100] However the DID site recommended replacement; the 50[530]ZVM has WAY BETTER specs [tensuile strength 10,400, Max wear life indicator 3,700 with std=100] For anyone with a 2003 XX manaul whats the current OEM chains? Thanks
  14. They used EBC FA261 pads fior the left front and rear brakes [2 x NZ$79]. When it went back a different service man worked on it and I think he may have ordered "genuine Honda" becaus the cost was about NZ$125 for the pads! [i havn't got the invoice yet so I can't check]. Thanks for the help.
  15. Mines a 2000 model so had the old style black box regulator which cooked, the new once seems to be the 2001 part with big fins, so its an upgrade on the original part for my model [if you see what I mean]. And there are a few differences, like 44 tooth rear sproket, not 45 on the US and Canadian models [strange].
  16. Thanks European model 44 teeth, US Canada 45 teeth - ref Haynes manual.
  17. I tried it, very satisfying to get all that gunk cleaned away, but no difference. Also I've realised it's when the bikes in neutral is when there is an issue, activating the clutch makes things better, so clutch likely all OK. Thanks anyway.
  18. 2000 FI -worst fuel use 31mpg [track day]. -best 41mpg [high speed run] -normal commuting 37mpg
  19. [Edited from original topic] When I start my bike and it's running in neutral it has a lot of mechanical noise, but when I pull in the cluch it runs smooth and quiet [even idles OK]. It's like neutral is semi engaging a gear or something. I recall seeing a post a while back about lots of noise when the bike is started on the side stand - but starting it in the upright postion is better. Same for my bike. New oil [shell SX4] and filter, hydraulic clutch fluid, made no difference. I've cleaned all the gunk away from behind the front sproket / clutch actuator [suggestion from someone here] and again no difference I hardly ever use neutral anyway so it's no biggy - just curious.
  20. I have the bike in bits tonight [reconnecting the petrol tank breather tube which was left off] and the new regularor has a big set of cooling fins so maybe Honda have upgraded the replacement part.
  21. The chain has 110 links. The rear sproket has 44 teeth. I didn't check the front as I don't have a new gasket for the clutch release mechanism. It started life on the edge if the green area, it was never in the new chain area. Now just on the border of ereplace chain after 12,600km [8000 miles] which just sucks.
  22. Well I've got the fairing off and been checking for any disconnected hoses [without removing the fuel tank] and I found the petrol tank breather hose was disconnected [and plenty of missing fairing clips - and Honda are the only ones who have ever serviced it]. I took photos to take to my little chat with them tomorrow. I've reconnected it and run the engine and the petrol smell seems to have dissappeared. At least I've confirmed the Honda dealers service staff are not fit to be let loose on it!
  23. Well Joe I would not be freakin surprised. When I got home after the regulator replacement I found the earth lead for my alarm had been left off the battery. I'll check this out!
  24. The sprockets are as they should be [already checked] but I havn't yet counted the links but thats a good idea. I'll post how many links there are.
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