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Posts posted by DaveK

  1. 12 minutes ago, superhawk996 said:

    Does it come already programmed or is that a dealer job?  Fuckin dealer wanted $220 just to program a key for my pickup, I didn't bother getting the price for the key and cutting.  I got a key with programming from a locksmith for $85.


    This easy....



  2. 5 hours ago, SwampNut said:

    It didn't come with them???  Does it do phone as a key?  I never actually use the cards, had to find it just for the joke.


    That's the first photo.... the Digital Key in my Apple Wallet.  It's also on my watch.  Works like a charm. 


    I won't use the card... just wanted one to have. 

  3. 8 hours ago, racer212 said:


    Sometimes, I'm just stubborn.


    I went to the 10K event with the intent of just walking it if nothing else. I had paid $75 entry fee and had nothing else to do. Earlier in the week I had tried to run on my gym treadmill - even at a low speed - and couldnt take it. My knee just hurt too much.


    I had spent a couple days reading about ways to reduce knee strain when running. I iced up - applied some K-Tape as recommended instead of my velcro on knee brace- I think the tape made a huge difference.  Popped 4 Advil. 


    I decided to start at the very back of the pack and try and jog a little ways from the start line - I didnt want to be seen as a gimpy old guy lol. Weather was 26F, low clouds and biting wind. Course went up and down the Snake River - and you could feel cooler air off the water. Patches of ice on the course too.


    So I set out at a slow jog and found that if I kept that speed up my knee wasnt TOOO bad - so I stayed with it. There was a pack of lovely ladies going about my speed that I paced off of. It wasnt easy. I hadnt run that kind of distance since I was in high school. I turned up my music and sort of zoned. Suddenly found myself 8K in and still jogging. Climbing one of the final hills started to really set my knee off but at this point I decided to do my best and jog the rest of the way - which I did. Only time I walked was on a really iced up bridge over the river.


    I didnt set any speed records but I was far from last. When I had decided to try this my goal was to finish in under an hour. I came in at 1:06 mins. Had there been no ice and my knee been it better shape I would have beaten the hour easy. All those lovely younger ladies finished behind me... 


    Did sort of hurt my feelings to be scored in the 50+ group though lol

    Nice work man. Congrats. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Zero Knievel said:

    The progress, or lack thereof, so far….


    Finally have someone coming out to look at the situation.  I think I know what I want to go with for the whole house.




    However, circuit-level protection is more problematic.  While some companies do make breakers with incorporated surge suppression, they are in only 2 or 3 amperage ratings…which doesn’t meet my needs.  If a circuit has a 60A breaker, I presume it’s for a good reason.  More so, from what I can tell, these special breakers require a panel from the same manufacturer (or so the literature claims)…just as my existing panel offers better short-circuit protection only if you use their brand of circuit breakers.


    So, as far as redundancy, I may be SOL.  I’ve not found any in-line or outlet-level 240V suppression options.


    I don’t know if an electrician or HVAC person would be the right person to consult, but I really want redundant protection for the AC because that fucking control board (3 times replaced so far) is damn expensive.


    Terrible reviews on that model.  Also, way over priced on Amazon.  My suggestion is to not get that particular model.  Super bad move.  Keep researching. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 30 minutes ago, Zero Knievel said:


    This is why I'm asking here.  The electricians in my area either don't install whole house/circuit surge suppression devices or have a lack of experience doing so.  I was willing to hire an electrician, but I want one who can recommend the products that meet my need.  I don't want to pay a guy to come out only to demonstrate that he has no idea what he's doing in this situation.  Installation of these devices is something you can DIY with basic electrical knowledge.  Knowing which items are best for your application is where you need someone knowledgeable.


    The reason for surge suppression on the breaker is because they don't make plug-in 240v units.  The breaker-level application is for redundancy.

    You know best. Do it yourself. 

    • Haha 1
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