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Everything posted by K9XX

  1. I've tried most of them and love the Airblades. Heres the black one on my bike in Towanda Heres the black and clear on my bike now No buffeting, looks good, and just as think as the stocker, which I liked a lot. JMO.
  2. K9XX

    Devil slip on

    They sound outstanding!! :icon_clap: :icon_clap: Hard to come by in the states, usually have to be imported at high prices. Attach just like normal slip ons. Weeeeeeeee Is that what you meant by any experience? I don't have them, but have heard them on the Bird before.
  3. K9XX

    Front rotors

    Throw an FI front wheel on there. That's what I did. I've had 3 sets of rotors on now, all for FI Birdies, with no fit issues
  4. I use Mobil 1 in 0W40 cause Northman does. And he is really fast, so that's what I do No really, I like the 0W40, runs nice and cool and revs quicker......in my mind anywho.......
  5. Mine couldn't either. I went to an automotive paint supplier and they color matched my bike with this handheld thingy. 1 oz bottle = $45 But worth it if you can't stand the nicks and scrapes
  6. Bring Bungees and I'll pierce my nipples before I get there. Just got mine did last week. We'll match.....coooool
  7. Okay.....box of rubbers.......er....rubber bands added to the saddle bags
  8. You dumb Visionary Can't wait to mount you, I'm gonna use that new bar setup and one of us will be squealing :icon_pray: Scot.......you rock
  9. I synched the carbs when I jetted at 6K miles. I'm right at 30K now and haven't looked at them since jetting. A can of Seafoam here and there and a regular flogging is all she needs
  10. K9XX

    Floor Question

    Smart man :icon_clap: I did the same thing, only way to get it done right
  11. Don't know about measurements.... I always go by the wear bars or radials, whichever shows first Throw the cheap tread on there, you'll have peace of mind
  12. K9XX


    Get a stand, Duane. I love my cheapo Targa stand. I think it was around $70. Adjustable width and sturdy as hell
  13. I agree with John, do the simple, cheap fixes first. I am right around 280 with my gear on and I have no shuddering even after a hard ride and lots of braking. Something is not right.
  14. K9XX

    from plugs

    Yes it will Mine have been in place for 3 years with rvt. Good stuff.
  15. I love my Airblade screens. Black: And clear: Great protection, and it keeps the lines of the Bird pretty well, IMO. Usually can be had for around $60 on Ebay
  16. You will go through A LOT of fluid before it is right. In my experience.......when I did the line transplant last year, I had to go through one of the BIG bottles of fluid before I found resistance in the lines. I also followed the sequence in the manual, it works, but you will have to do it a few times. I found tapping on the calipers witht he plastic handle of a screwdriver also helped release tiny air bubbles. I had to go for a short ride, looking for pothiles and such to work the suspension good. Then return and bleed again. I bleed the nipples that were connected tot he front brake first, then the rear. After that, it was perfect!! The air works itself up to the reserviors during this initial ride, so I am told. At any rate, it took the better part of 2 hours for me to bleed the Bird by myself. When you think you should be done, you are prolly about half way Good luck
  17. K9XX

    xm radio

    I use the in line amp from the Aerostitch catalog. Cheap, I think around $15 or so. No batteries and very easy to use, nice and loud too
  18. Hope you have some time....you are about to get 100 or so responses......
  19. DO IT. I like Tim's strobes on his Bird at hookers last year $60 sounds good. Link?
  20. 87 is fine too 91 is the highest we can get where I am. I run 91 to keep the combustion chanbers clean, but she runs fine on 87 as well.
  21. This guy...... Had this many miles...... Oh yeah....that was um....2 years ago. I know he has poured on quite a few more since then :icon_clap:
  22. I know I like the commercials Seriously, I know a few guys and gals from work that use it......but they are already in great shape....and use it only to help sculpt the last few pounds....FWIW
  23. K9XX

    Sacred Stool

    Lookin 100 times better Justin!!! Woot
  24. :icon_clap: :icon_clap: :icon_clap: I wanna get forked!!!
  25. How many miles since the last drain? Dino or Synthetic? That's baffling, haven't heard of the Bird doing this, especially with such low mileage. You must have a leak. Or you only put 3 quarts in the last time. Either of those will make me feel better :icon_shifty:
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