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NASCAR bits for the BIRD?


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Seriously....don't flame me too badly please, but:

I was tuning in and out of the Rockingham race between checking shit off my 'Honey Do" list this weekend and noticed them talking about spring rubbers and how they will stiffen the chassis. It got me thinking....

Now...knowing just enough about suspension to have the knowledge to ask this question: Could spring rubbers help stiffen up the rear of the Bird? What would the effects be? Advantages? Disadvantages?

Let me know.


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Knowing what a hassle it is to adjust preload with the stock shock, having a custom made, easily removable spring spacer (spring rubber) may be a pretty good solution for when you ride with a passenger.

Pull the rubber for solo rides. Add it back when it's time to ride with a passenger.

Maybe them NASCAR boys ain't so dumb...

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First there is a tread about cruisers in The Pub and now NASCRAP here. :???: Nascar guys know very well how to tune the car when you are only allowed to use 19th century technology :) .

They probably banned preloads on shocks so those rubber pieces are way around it.

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Florida ain't the SOUTH, it's a YANKEE state. No accent or nothing. The SOUTH ends in Georgia :lol:

True! Florida is Havana North. :grin::grin::grin:

OK (NASCAR aside), so all of the suspension threads mention going with a stiffer spring on the rear...correct? I think that is what I read, but now I am not sure.

So you are saying that adding a spring rubber would affect preload, but would it perform "similar" to adding a stiffer spring? If this is something that could help out the ride, I doesn't really matter where the technology came from. "If" the spring rubber would work, than I think it would be a lot quicker and easier make a quick suspension adjustment without having to do a whole lot of work.

I already alluded to the fact that my suspension knowledge is low, but I have not heard anything yet that would indicate this is a bad idea. (tapping foot) I'm waiting!!! :grin::grin::grin:


The spring rubber they showed on MY tv was way too big for the bike....man, it was like 3 feet wide and 6 inches think. :lol:

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