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Change transmision kit


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Sorry, it's in spanish, if anybody want traduce, please, tell me and I'll do in may "spaninglish". Perhaps if you look the photo. you learn too.

Os pongo más o menos lo que hay que hacer en el caso de una CBR1100XX.

Lo primero, hace falta un lugar de trabajo porque la grasa que sale de las zonas escondidas que nunca se limpian es increible. Tambien es bueno tener disponibles todas las herramientas a utilizar para no volverte loco.

En mi caso he aprovechado el taller de un amigo, la moto al elevador con el caballete y a priori no hace falta sujetarla con cinchas si el caballete apoya bien.

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Seguidamente se localizan los tornillos que hay que quitar para extraer el bombim del embrague (ojo, que por aqui puede perder aceite y además entrar aire, con lo cual la moto irá mal y habrá que purgar el embrague, por lo tanto sujetar bien las piezas del bombim al extraerlo) y la tapa que cubre el piñon:

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Una vez extraido lo comentado, se deja ver el piñon y toda la porquería que se acumula ahi, sobre todo grasa con carbonilla que se hace una pasta negra que cuesta limpiarlo (aunque no es necesario, mejor llevarlo limpito ya que tengo la oportunidad)

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A continuación cortamos los dos remaches de un eslabon de la cadena:

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De tal forma que la cadena ya queda suelta, ojo, no quitarla porque servirá para meter la cadena nueva enganchando una a la otra con el eslabon partido, pero antes hay que quitar la rueda para sacar la corona (en mi caso porque tiene dos brazos la cuna).

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A continuación podemos sacar el piñon, recordando que no podemos quitar la cadena, es decir, que lo sustituimos y la cadena la sujetamos para volverla a engranar en el piñon nuevo:

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Siguiente paso, desmontar la rueda, quitando el eje, teniendo cuidado que no se suelten las pastillas de las pinzas de freno y para trabajar comodamente en la extracción de la corona y montaje de la nueva y ver si están bien los silentblock de la rueda (esto no es obligatorio ni mucho menos y además tener en cuenta que luego cuesta encajar los silentblock), desmontamos el bugget:

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Quitamos la corona vieja y ponemos la nueva, aprovechando para limpiar todo lo que se pueda limpiar.

Una vez la corona colocada, nuevamente a montar los silentblock y la rueda a su lugar:

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Pasamos la cadena nueva, enganchandola con la vieja con el eslabon viejo, por el piñon y la corona, y ya la tenemos sustituida, se mide a ver si es el largo adecuado, en caso de sobrar cadena hay que cortar un eslabon, aunque en realidad son dos eslavones los que hacen falta perder por la estructura de la cadena, y ahora sólo queda poner los remaches con una remachadora (ojo, los remaches tienen que ser buenos, no valen para este tipo de motos unos topes que venden porque pueden partir):

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Tenemos que comprobar que el eslabon de enganche gira sobre los de su alrededor adecuadamente y no se queda enganchado.

Y ya lo unico que queda es volver a montar el bombim, la tapa y comprobar el embrague, que no ha debido de tocarse en toda la operación y limpieza general de la zona por la cantidad de grasa que hay

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Con la cadena, piñon, corona y todo limpito, a por otros 30.000km más :wink:

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(sorry if the original spanish made more sense....)

Sorry, it's in spanish, if anybody want traduce, please, tell me and I'll do in may "spaninglish". Perhaps if you look the photo. you learn too.

I put to you more or less what there is to do in the case of a CBR1100XX. First, a place makes lack of work because the fat that leaves the hidden zones that never are cleaned is incredible. Also it is good for having available all the tools to use for not volverte crazy. In my case I have taken advantage of the factory a friend, moto to the elevator with the small horse and a priori it is not necessary to hold it with cinchas if the small horse supports well.

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Next the screws that there are to clear to extract bombim of the clutch (eye, that this way can lose oil and in addition to enter air, with which moto will go bad and be necessary to bleed the clutch, therefore to hold the pieces of bombim well when extracting it) and the cover are located that the pinion covers:

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Once extraido the commented thing, it is let see the pinion and all the nastiness that is accumulated there, mainly greasy with fine coal that becomes a black paste that costs to clean it (although it is not necessary, better to take it limpito since I have the opportunity)

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Next we both cut rivets of a link of the chain:

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Of such form that the chain already is loose, eye, not to clear it because it will serve to put the new chain hooking one to the other with the divided link, but before is necessary to clear the wheel to remove the crown (in my case because the cradle has two arms).

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Next we can remove the pinion, remembering that we cannot clear the chain, that is to say, that we replaced it and the chain we held it to return it to gear in the new pinion:

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Following step, to disassemble to the wheel, clearing the axis, having taken care of that does not loosen the tablets of the brake clamps and to work comfortably in the extraction of the crown and assembly of the new one and to see if they are silentblock of the wheel well (this is not obligatory far from it and in addition to consider that soon costs to fit silentblock), we disassembled bugget:

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We cleared the old crown and we put the new one, taking advantage of to clean everything what it is possible to be cleaned. Once the placed crown, to mount silentblock again and the wheel to its place:

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We passed the chain new, hooking it with the old one with the old link, by the pinion and the crown, and we already have it replaced, is moderate to see if it is the adapted length, in case of exceeding chain is necessary to cut a link, although in fact those are two eslavones that make lack lose by the structure of the chain, and now only is to put the rivets with a riveter (eye, the rivets must be good, are not worth for this type of motos tops that sell because they can start off):

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We must verify that the enlistment link turns around on those of his suitably and it does not remain hooked. And already the only thing that is is to return to mount bombim, the cover and to verify the clutch, that has not had to touch in all the operation and general cleaning of the zone by the amount of fat that there is

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With the chain, pinion, crowns and all clean, to by others 30.000km more: wink:

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Immb- Esto es para cambiar la cadena, verdad?

Si, es para cambiar la cadena


(sorry if the original spanish made more sense....)

Thnak you very much for translate to english

WHat was the question ?

That is the answer.

Exactly, that is the answer for change the transmision kit.

I don't query anything.

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