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Everything posted by Emillard

  1. Sharp bike. Buying a bike used like this with all the upgrades really is the ticket. Even the BIN price is probably 2k over what a super clean stock model would go for. However, if you are gonna add that stuff to it anyway...
  2. My 02 never gets that hot but it sees 220 all the time. My fan kicks on at 217 as well. I never had a problem overheating and it's 90+ with mucho humidity in the summer.
  3. Emillard

    Increase HP

    Oh I dunno. It's on Ebay so it must be worth it. After about 6 beers Ebay solves all my problems.
  4. Very cool. I never thought of that. Thankya.
  5. Do I have to pull the tank to replace the air filter or can I just prop it using the spanner tool? This is my first time under the hood, and I wanna keep things as simple as possible.
  6. My bird came with Heli's on it from the preivous owner. While I like the riding position, I think I'm getting a bunch more windblast because of it. I've tried just about every screen...stock, Givi ST, ZG ST, laminar lip+stock, and a DB of some variety. I get tired after 3 or 4 hours because of the wind pusing me back. My hands get tired from holding on (from getting blown back), not from wrist pressure. I'm 6'1 so I'm not extremely tall. I had this same issue on my ZZR1200 and decided that the less comfortable stock clip-ons outweighed the wind buffeting of the heli-bars. I do a fair amount of 80-100mph interstate riding...much to my dismay. I was just curious if anyone ever tried the Heli's / VFR bars and decided that it just wasn't for them and went back to stock clipons. Since I've never ridden the bird with stock bars on it, I don't really know what I'll be in for. Thanks for the input.
  7. Not a bad idea, but not the path I want to go down yet. C'mon, someone on here has to know how to get this stupid thing off. Problem solved. A quick phone call to Throttlemeister set me straight.
  8. Not a bad idea, but not the path I want to go down yet. C'mon, someone on here has to know how to get this stupid thing off.
  9. Thanks. I looked and there is no allen head bolt to remove. I'm still stuck and wondering how to get this phucker off.
  10. I bought my bird with Throttlemeisters installed. On a long ride this weekend, the throttle side end fell off some place. Since I have no idea where it is, I'm replacing the bar ends. I pulled off the clutch side and everything looked normal. However on the throttle side I have a question. WTF is this metal piece sticking out? I assume I have to remove it somehow to put new "normal" weights on it but how? Thanks in advance. BTW, I have clutch side weight for sale if someone is interested.
  11. Emillard


    2002 with Staintune slip-ons and stock everything else. My low has been 28mpg and my high was around 36. I average around 32mpg with mixed riding. Now a question. What would adding a PC do to the mileage? I'm sure every bike is different, but with my current set-up is it worth it? In terms of gas mileage? In terms of performance gains? Thanks.
  12. I had a neighbor that worked at a Saturn dealership that attempted to change my rear tire. It worked "OK" but it did leave some scratches on the wheel. I don't mess with it anymore and just have a motorcycle shop do them now.
  13. You may be right. I came off a ZZR1200 when I bought my bird at the end of last summer. The bird felt like a sewing machine compared to my ZZR. Maybe as time goes on, however, I am starting to nitpick (or become more familiar with) the bird. Hmmm.....
  14. I have an 02 with just under 16K on the clock. I have noticed that the bike is very smooth until about 5,400 RPM, at which point some vibes start creeping in through the pegs and bars. I have not had the valves adjusted recently (don't know if this matters) and the only other mods are Staintune slip-ons and frame sliders. I also have a new chain and sprocket but the vibes were the same before this change. I was hoping I didn't upset the balance of the engine by removing engine bolts and replacing them with the sliders? Has anyone else experienced this? Does a valve adjustment at 16K make a difference in the smoothness? Thanks!
  15. Well, it looks like it would be about $22.00 to ship to the UK. I was figuring it would be about $15.00 here in the states, so I could let it fly to the UK for $62.00.
  16. Almost new...literally used one time. ZG Sport Touring screen. Smoke color. Reason for Sale: My bike came with a Givi ST screen already on it. I wanted to try the ZG to see if there was a big difference in wind protection. The answer for me: Nope. Now, I'm just trying to recoup some cash. $55 includes shipping. PM me.
  17. You and me both. I don't commute on the bike, so riding is for pleasure only. That being said, I like to stretch the bikes legs out a bit when I ride. I don't like getting geared up for a 15 mile loop. So 50F is usually my limit. It just ain't fun below that and my tires slide all over the place.
  18. Ahhh yes, looking back it all makes sense now. Gosh, what it was like to be young and stupid.
  19. Thanks XX Rider. I did what you suggested and it worked great. I'm going to limit my curiosity from now on.
  20. Alright, I may have messed up the CCT before I even installed it. Upon opening the package of the new CCT, I looked at the key thingy and pulled it out. So, as I am now trying to instal the thing, the descended CCT will not allow me to bolt it on. So, did curiosity kill my new CCT or is there a fix? Thanks.
  21. Good, then it's not just me. Second gear is a peice of cake, get it good & wound up 9k then chop, it will come up with some massaging, but by the time the wheel is up you have to balance quick or set it down, because you are out of motor (IE RPM's) of course it is dangerous as you will be approaching 90-100mph rather quickly FYI When the front wheel comes down at those speed's it will sound like an airplane touching down. Thanks for the info. I was kind of indirectly soliciting that information w/o sounding like a complete squid.
  22. Good, then it's not just me.
  23. Hmmm...interesting. I've tried chopping the throttle in the 2nd and can't get it to come up. Without standing up / bouncing it, do you need to clutch it up? That would seem like a short life expectancy on the clutch for a bike of this heft.
  24. Yeah, that sucks big-time. At least people that look on Craigslist know the geographical area the bike is located. I had my ZZR1200 on cycletrader.com. I got two people that were interested, one from New Hampshire, one from Portland, Oregon. I live in Kentucky. The guy in Portland wanted to meet me half way...that's a 9 hour drive buddy...not happening. The guy in Portland was set to fly in and ride it home until he did a "mapquest" the day before he was supposed to arrive. He said he didn't realize that Kentucky was that far away from Oregon. I mean WTF, did people not pay attention in Geography class in junior high?
  25. OK guys, First and foremost, thanks for all your help. However, all the help in the world wouldn't have helpe me because I'm retarded. All of the trouble shooting that I did was worthless. Why? Because I had two power cords mixed up. I had the power cord that goes from the socket to the relay box going into the "out" jack on the relay box and the cord that goes from the relay box to the V1 plugged into the "in" jack. I can assure you this will not be the last time I do something this stupid.
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