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Little Mo

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  1. Does the research say if there is an average level of ketones that should be in the blood?
  2. But what if the restaurant is making your eggs with margarine and using MSG? I know you are anti-dairy but isn't real butter better than all those chemicals they put in margarine? Most restaurants I have ever asked told me the only thing they don't put MSG on is the salad. I thought the ketogenic diet that has had good results was a very specific diet with very specific ratios? A majority of calories come from fat. It seems in the Atkins or other similar diets most of the calories come from protein? If you have any info on the diet being used in adults I would be very interested. I am just not finding anything but childrens studies. I would love that. I have been taking nasty terrible drugs that kill my brain for 10 years and now my poors sister is having to do the same. Not to mention what the actual seizures do to our brains.
  3. Thanks for the breakdown of your diet. I have been looking it over and it makes sense to me. I don't know if I would have enough self control to be able to follow it but I am still interested. I tried going low-carb a couple of months ago just to see what would happen. I lasted about 1.5 weeks before I gave up. I felt hungry all the time plus, I am such a carb addict I could not live without bread. I can see the reasons and benefits of staying away from sugar. It is just the willpower that is the problem. I can also certainly understand your reasoning for staying away from man-made foods. But, then that eliminates being able to eat at restaurants? I hate cooking so I tend to eat out pretty frequently. A couple of specific questions: How about pistachios? Why not cashews? Artichokes? Why is it always “no salt”? What would you do if you could not eat beef? My genetic problems really have a family history. The most major being epilepsy. My aunt had it when she was a child and now my younger sister has recently been diagnosed with it also.
  4. Let me introduce myself: My name is Moriah Swampnut's sex toy I ride an '01 SV650S (after a few years of practice maybe I will get to graduate to the XX) I have one little one...Nathan age 5. You keep mentioning your diet as cyclical ketogenic-paleolithic. Could you tell me what daily menu might look like? Maybe elaborate on your diet. Did I miss where you have posted this already? My interest is not for weight loss (do you remember the pics Swampy posted?) but for health reasons. There are some genetic problems I have that I wonder if a better diet may help. Also, a better diet for my son to help his body fight any bad genes I might have passed to him.
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