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blackhawkxx last won the day on July 12

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About blackhawkxx

  • Birthday 01/01/1871

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    Southwest Pa

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  1. Thanks for the comment on my photo's. 



    EM-Downy & Chickadee 2.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Crusty


      Birds are quite adept at recognizing threats, and ones that are not, after some experience being around them, them being humans. In my case, I am out in the same areas taking photographs and do not have a dog with me.


      I often meet people walking their dogs, asking me what I am taking photos of with a big lens etc.


      I say; "birds' and they mostly respond that there are no birds that they see, must be why I use a big lens..


      I am a dog owner, but I would never walk my dog in a  wildlife reserve or wetlands sanctuary. The birds are long gone before you are even aware of them if you have a dog with you.

      This Green Heron landed about 12 feet from me, checked me out nervously, then went about his fishing while I sat and watched, and took pics.56e80d5fe5705_EM-GreenHeronClose.thumb.j

    3. blackhawkxx


      Impressive!  I wished I lived out in the country, somewhere peaceful. 

    4. Crusty


      It is a choice I made after deciding to leave city life, wearing a suit, and going to work with my back against the wall all the time.


      I was just fortunate enough to find/have  a woman that supported my walking away from a pretty good job.

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