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Posts posted by AlphaBird

  1. Very Nice---what was the final spring size---should say 19, or 21 or something on the spring??? Dont forget to shim it---

  2. I defer the Octane question.

    Regarding the XX and Damper's. The XX is a big, well balanced, 500 lbs. bike. I have never, ever, had it shake its head in some crazy manner. If you are going through a bumpy corner, it will move with the bumps but it is very predicatable and confidence inspiring. If I had the $200+ for a damper, I would put it some place else. (JMO).


    Ditto to what MAxx said---my 929 definitely needs a damper(and has one)---the XX doesnt need one---I have ocassionally gotten wiggles--but no full-on slapping like the 929

  3. I was working on a front end swap. Free is just the kind of pricing I love too!

    RC-51 forks are inverted and 43mm, right? Holy cow, that's only a 1mm bore and I can use the stock triple.

    Mith, allow me to be your love slave in trade? If not, I can offer up Gus, MaXX's dog, one of my girls (Great Danes if you prefer Big & Black), or I can just send your my unlimited vist card to "Carl's Chicken Farm" who's slogan is "There's a reason there's a lock on the door. My business keeps it your business. Politicians welcome." :D

    I could be wrong, but the 43mm is the little dia, ie the lower fork tube-I just checked---looks like you will need closer to a 5mm over bore---so the stock triple wont work--you would need the RC51 triples--front end/wheel, and a way to hang the bars

  4. I find it curious what a debate this has become. Most AFM racers(in Norcal) that ride Hondas use either Lindemann or Dan Kyle.Warchilds perspective comes from the experience of close to 250 very satisfied customers at www.fireblades.org---NOT one has had an issue with their forks. There are MANY stories of people having there forks done by others---or doing it themselves with very substandard results. On the XX you may not even notice these as you are not pushing the enevelope as one would on the racetrack---go to an AFM race and try to find Racetech valves in a racebike-you wont find very many--I wonder why?---Although I respect Mirths skills/experience---I havent heard hundreds of awesome reviews of his forks. For example---one of the really big issues with Honda forks is there suseptibility to stiction--I hear no mention of this in any XX threads. Furthermore---No one has seen a "picture" of these valves---why would you buy something sight unseen---One of the uses with "big valves" is high loading chatter. The fluid dynamics behind valve sizing/performance are of the variety of a 5th order differential equation. Ohlins/Showa spends a ton of R&D researching these---so the bigger is better philosphy aint that simple or everyone, especially Ohlins would be using it---and I gaurantee it aint present in the beloved Ohlins rear shock.

    My buddy did his own 929 forks with Rcatech valving(both comp/rebound) and was NOT a happy camper---he went straight to Ohlins after that and was quite happy. He has ridden my 929 and says that it is loads better than the Racetech setup. I push my 929 to mid-pack AFM times and have yet to notice any performance limitations of the forks than Dan Kyle rebuilt---ie NO chatter, no understeer/over steer, wierd tire behaviour, etc. I know numerous RC51/929/954 users that have the same Dan Kyle rebuilt forks with the same results.

    What I find interesting is that everyone seems to ignore the Moriwaki RC51 link that Dan has has such good results with---and has worked its way into the production RC51----yet Max/others pooppo this as a "work of fiction".

    I am not trying to promote anyones specific agenda here--I encourage all to make a very informed decision.

    Below is a rather interesting review of the "fork issue" from a pretty respectable indiviual that has spent along time racing Hondas

    "There seems to be much discussion of hydra-lock on Max's part, yet no one has discussed cavitation in that entire debacle. In a sealed space as long as there is air, force, movement and fluid, there will be cavitation and the larger holes will allow the "air charged" fluid to percolate whereas with the smaller holes, the cavitation factor will be reduced through an increased straining effect. As LTL pointed out, the valve face contour will have a profound impact on damping reaction time as well as efficiency as the face of the valve has to slice through the fluid wall as the suspension moves in and out. Most of these valves wouldn't last 10 seconds on a flow bench, so I wonder how their fluid dynamics rate from one type to another???

    At any rate, methinks Max said a lot last year when he admitted that he rarely get's on the WERA board until he's "had a few . . .".

    Review of Stock/DK,Ohlins


  5. Thanks at least the price seems right as well... much cheaper than my last set of M1s...

    Kind of concearned about the stickyness.. I am getting pretty used to the rennsports on my 600 race machine  :)  

    Thanks all


    Im running Rennsport RS2s (take offs)---stick frigin awesome--might even get 1K out of them :roll:

    Needless to say---I dont go in a striaght line very often---when I grow up Ill try the AVONs

  6. Should be Interesting in a few months when the higth mileage figures start showing :grin: , I have the Roads, which also handle like the Avons according to everyone's replies :cool: . I think these are the best two choice's as far as grip and mileage in a single tire are concerned. A fellow rider has a ZX1200 and has a set of AV45/46 in his basement, the 200 series is about 8mm in tread depth :shock: .

     My prediction for next year is Metzeler will be feplacing the MEZ4 :wink:  


    I saw a 250 the other day for a custom Harley---that thing was massive

  7. Involute is right.  If it runs worse at higher altitude, then the filter is MORE restrictive than stock.  Fuel mix is too rich at sea level, and becomes richer as altitude increases and oxygen input decreases.

    If it ran better as altitude increased, then the problem would have been that the fuel mix was too lean - that the jets weren't allowing enough fuel in to bring the mix to the proper ratio.


    So as many have said, the fix is to increase the air flow by cleaning the filter.  Sounds clogged with dust and/or excessive oil.

    Yep---More alt--less air--too rich-makes sense to me

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