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Leaving the bike outside during the day


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Don't even know why I'm asking. Lately I haven't been taking it to work. Dunno how short a commute makes it worth gearing up but for the past two weeks....17 miles each way hasn't been worth it to me.

Yeah, I hate to say it but everything has to be just right to let me justify gearing up for the 17 mile commute. I work weird shifts, no covered parking in a high bum rate area (motorcycle cover was stolen by one of the fuckers a few months back), and Alcoa Highway is just shit during rush hours.

When I DID have my cover, though, it only took me about 30 seconds to put it on. I did not secure it, however. And if I had brought it inside between uses (so it would not get stolen) then my time would be even longer.

And when I do come in wearing my gear, every fucker in the joint wants to talk to me about bike shit and tries to make witty comments that are totally lost on me.

"Izzn't it HOT in all that stuff?"

"Dontcha know it's s'posed ta rain today?"

"How can you ride that? Ain't it cramped?"

Everything is "right" for my commute. Super safe parking lot......my building is on it's own secluded campus........no worries at all. Security guards make rounds as well....cameras too. Weather is usually great.....BUT .......lately I feel like an idiot gearing up for such a short ride. Not to mention it's a pain in the ass....compared to just getting in my car and heading out.

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My Bird is garage kept when not in use but that is not often. I work at a sand plant so the dust is really bad. I am always washing the damn thing. I have a cover but no place to carry it. My back pack has my lunch in it. Once I get my Givi I will probably start using the cover.

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Don't even know why I'm asking. Lately I haven't been taking it to work. Dunno how short a commute makes it worth gearing up but for the past two weeks....17 miles each way hasn't been worth it to me.

I ride 12 miles each way. It aint much but it's something. I occasionally sneak out for a drive at lunch. Riding is riding. And 2 minutes to gear up saves me a LOT of gas money vs. driving my truck.

...and I always put my cover on.

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Don't even know why I'm asking. Lately I haven't been taking it to work. Dunno how short a commute makes it worth gearing up but for the past two weeks....17 miles each way hasn't been worth it to me.

I ride 12 miles each way. It aint much but it's something. I occasionally sneak out for a drive at lunch. Riding is riding. And 2 minutes to gear up saves me a LOT of gas money vs. driving my truck.

Maybe I'll get back into it but the XX saves me no money since tires go way faster than any car tires. 12 miles....now I know I wouldn't be gearing up for that.

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