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Superbrace question


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Hi all,

I need some help on this one. Just installed the Superbrace on my Bird, model 2001. All fits perfect but, I noticed that there is no clamp force between both plates of the Superbrace and the front forks :roll:

I checked both plates of the Superbrace if there is some dirt in between but nothing to be found. Initially I had the impression that the Superbrace fitted quit tight but when I tried to move the Superbrace a bit upwards, I noticed that I can move it upwards! You have to pay close attention to this to notice it.

Question I have, is this normal, I find it rather strange and I expected something that fits very firm....

Are there any others who noticed the same, or can you check if you have the same "problem"?

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Guest rockmeupto125

I've not heard any complaints of that, Marc. You should pull that off and have a machine shop place an inside micrometer on it. If possible, you should mic your fork tubes as well....it would be extremely unusual for them to have worn that much, but I suppose anything is possible. Measure, and you've got some concrete information to contact the company with.

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What Joe said, measure. I would bet that you got a brace that came out too large on the i.d. It is more likely a machine shop to turn one out that is too big than your forks being too small (measure those too just so you have the info) if the forks were worn that much you would have oil leaking out all over the place. Get you brace somewhere where they can accurately measure the holes, the difference in holding and slipping could be as small as .005" so unless they can measure that closely then you are spinning your wheels. Also, it could be there is not enough clearance in the clamp (not allowing it to clamp before it bottoms out). Any of these problems is prolly from the machine shop that made them so more than likely they are going to be the ones who can tell you what the problem is.

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Marc, can you take a few digital photos of your Superbrace installed and post them so we can see what you see? What you are describing is pretty much unheard of, but it would be useful to see the *exact* placement of your Superbrace, so that we might be able to better help you diagnose the problem.

The correct placement of the Superbrace is fairly close to the top of the lower fork tubes (and were the plastic OEM fork protectors reside) in such a way that the Superbrace is *just* below the beveled portion at the top of the lower fork tube.

Can you post a close up photo of your install? That would help immensely....

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Hi guys,

Thanks for the update. I took some pictures as asked by Warchild, hope this explains the situation:



I did some measurements and I found that the diameter of the Superbrace holes is 63.4mm. The diameter of the front fork is however 63mm, see pictures below.




I guess that I've got the "Monday Morning" model as they say over here.... :roll:

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Yes, I purchased it through the group buy. I have contacted Superbrace also about this issue.

Good deal... I'll hit 'em up on my end as well....

It does appear that you indeed have a "one-off" machining job, or a different Superbrace was paackged up and erroneously labeled for the Blackbird.

Either way, it obviously ain't right, and needs to be fixed. I'm sure the dudes at Superbrace will hook you up proper.

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Nope, not a one-off issue. My first brace was incorrectly machined. The hole centers were off. I got ALOT of stiction. Sent it back, got another, better but still not right,sent it back and got a refund. I am NOT impressed with Superbrace.


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Nope, not a one-off issue. My first brace was incorrectly machined. The hole centers were off. I got ALOT of stiction. Sent it back, got another, better but still not right,sent it back and got a refund. I am NOT impressed with Superbrace.


One of the many reasons I'm not wating my money on one. Those things need to have the tolerances held very close.

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The XX doesn't really need it anyway. A flaw in the design that I saw was there was no "plate" which bolted between the fork legs which would allow for slight variances in tolerances to width from fork leg to fork leg, just the solid brace clamping to the fork. I would bet if everyone who has installed a Superbrace really checked their fork action before and after, there would be some unhappy campers....

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Yes, I installed it just like the instructions said. I even torqued the brace bolts in steps, 2lb.,5lb.,7lb. and finally 10lb. Even stopped at 7lb,still the same result. Keep in mind, my forks have been reworked, tubes polished etc. and operate like a knife through warm butter. All my tools which require calibration have been calibrated within the last year to 18 months so I know the specs I am working within are correct.

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Yesterday, I compared the mechancal dimensions of my SuperBrace with the one of our Dutch Blackbird Owners Club chairman (Helvet). There was indeed a difference in hole diameter. I measured my SuperBrace on 63.4mm and his on 62.8mm. As the fork diameter is less than 63.2mm, the cause of the problem is obvious.

The help and response of SuperBrace was very good. Scott@SuperBrace offered to have it replaced. This Monday, the SuperBrace will be returned and a new one will be sent back :)

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That's unfortunate your's didn't work out for you, xrdracer. I didn't have any issues bolting mine right up. Fit's perfect, let's me really rail around these new roundabouts in town, and I can take them cloverleaf exits a helleva lot faster. I love mine.

Seems there are more and more roundabouts being built around here in the Tri-Cities the last few years, replacing 4-way stop-signs and making a big difference in getting through town in a timely manner. At first a lot of bonehead drivers who can barely drive as it is were all confused by them, but they really do help prevent T-bone collisions and speed up intersection time. I can see why they are so popular in Europe now...

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Just found out that returning the SuperBrace from The Netherlands costs 20,- USD and takes more than 2 weeks :evil: Shipping from the States to The Netherlands costs 5,- USD and arrival within 3 days, what a pain....

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Just found out that returning the SuperBrace from The Netherlands costs 20,- USD and takes more than 2 weeks :evil: Shipping from the States to The Netherlands costs 5,- USD and arrival within 3 days, what a pain....

So bend over and take it like a man!

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