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Everything posted by Chizuck

  1. I'm afraid I can't be of much help to you with the wiring, but am curious about this racecar you're powering with a 'bird motor. What kind of series do you run it in? Got a website or any pictures?
  2. Howdy all, This is actually my first post to this chat group, although I've been monitoring the site since I started looking to buy a 'Bird back in the spring. Can't tell you all how informative and entertaining it is, a hearty thanks goes out to Swampnut and the other central players that keep this circus going. I'll post a profile to give a little more background about myself once I figure out how to work my digital camera, but for now I've got a quick question: I did manage to get a 'Bird in late July (had to drive from Virginia Beach up to CT to get it) and have been riding it nonstop ever since. It's a '99 (black, of course) and the guy I bought it from had installed an aftermarket exhaust routed to the right side with a couple Two Brothers carbon fiber pipes stacked vertically. It looks pretty trick, but in order to install it he had to remove the centerstand, and told me that to reinstall the centerstand I would have to get some sort of stop or bumper or something to prevent it from hitting the exhaust. I have the centerstand and all the hardware (I think) needed to re-attach it, but I don't know what this bumper thingie should look like or where to get one. Anybody have any experience with this sort of thing? Would I be better off just getting a service stand for the bike? It's coming up on 15K and needs some chain lubing, etc. and having a way to get the rear tire in the air would be very helpful. Thanks, Chuck
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