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Posts posted by DeaconXX

  1. It's not hard but it's not a one man job. I've done several commercial and a few more residential.

    You will DEFINITELY want a broom finish and I advise against less than 6". In Oklahoma, the fiberglass is good, but not necessary if you have the right steel and proper expansion joints. Do it as a monolithic pour in the AM to buy you time to fix fuckups before they're permanent. Rent a good bull float and saw cut your joints.

  2. Very good. now I'll just look up what you mean by sponge.

    So you can mud instead of tape?

    if you use the self adhesive mesh stuff, you stick it to the wall and mud over it. If you use the regular paper tape, you have to lay a mud bed first, set the tape in the mud with the putty knife and mud over it.

  3. You'll want to use a surform tool to rasp down any rough edges to a bevel. Make sure the faces of the sheets are the same level, check with a 6" or better putty knife. make sure all your screw heads are dimpled into the paper then you should be ready for mud.

    quick synopsis:

    -mud/tape the joints, mud over screw or any other small holes

    -sand or sponge

    -feather out the joints

    -final sand and your done.

    a tip on the screw holes, mud across them at an angle with the first stroke, then at a different angle with the second stroke, they fill perfecly the first try (most of the time)

  4. Just found this on another board. I don't think its for me but holy crap this guy is an animal. Check out some of his demo vids.


    There's a part in there whree he uses a sledge hammer as part of a workout. I can personally attest after swinging a sledge hammer for a few days that it will wear you OUT.

    Very unconventional, but it looks like his program focuses on strength rather than being big and muscular.

  5. Doesn't your Pit Bull have plastic on the lifting tabs? My (non pit bull does) and it never moves or slides when I work on it. Do you have the 6mm shim in the rear? That would make your swing arm at more of a angle.

    Yes and Yes. It has rubber on the parts that contact the swing arm and I have the 6mm shock shim. I even thought of just tapping a bolt into the bottom of the swing arm to act as a stop on the lifting tabs.

    Anyone got suggestions for a good location to tap for spools?

  6. You're gonna have to look to google for any info on those. Most folks here will argue it's necessity on our bikes. There are some seriously fast bikes here that don't need it so unless you're putting down monster horsepower, a little suspension work like dropping the nose a little will keep you pretty planted on launch.

    You DO mean for drags right? God knows they don't handle.

  7. My pitbull shand has tabs that lift it from the swing arm, but it doesn't stay put when I'm working on the bike. came off the stand once and the tab scarred up my swing arm pretty good. If you're gonna use a stand, I'd DEFINITELY go spools.

  8. With your build, I'd do cardio on tues/thurs and lift on mon/wed/fri.

    How you split it up is up to you but what I would do is:

    mon: Chest, biceps, abs

    wed: Back, triceps, shoulders (delts and traps), forearms, abs

    fri: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves...and abs

    you can swap bicep/tricep days in connection with back/chest depending on how you want to work the muscles. Chest also works tri's, so by splitting it this way I'm essentially hitting them twice in a week. Also, I'm not starting my tricep workout half pumpd, which helps me work them better. My habit is to omit some leg exercises because I build there easy; I get my leg work from cardio. Same with forearms, it's worked colaterally. In place of those exercises I'll focus on something that may have felt under-worked on the other days. Most people prefer to work shoulders on a chest day, but bench hurts my shoulder, so I try to spread it out. Definitely work traps on a back day.

    Everybody's body responds differently, but this is what works for me.

  9. don't forget my 1.2 loss for the week!

    Lacy's ekg showed only an occasional anomaly even during her spells, so they told us nothing. She had a heart monitor on for 30 days and after analysis they found nothing drastically wrong.

  10. That was our first thought. Ironically her step dad had that and eventually needed a transplant. WPW is usually accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure because the heart isn't pumping effectively, where Lacy's blood pressure skyrockets. The cardiologist seems to think that this isn't what she has.

    Might not be a bad idea for Redd to learn to take BP, so she can check herself out.

  11. That sounds ALOT what's going on with Lacy, Redd. She says she can tell when she's going to have a spell because her forehead or nose will go numb, then right before she passes out she gets elevated body temp and her heart rate goes nuts.

    They initially thought heart valve leakage was the main concern but if your heart's not pumping right, your heart rate will go up and your blood pressure goes down. In this case, both went through the roof (HIGHLY un usual) She had a Trans-esophogeal EKG that ruled out ventricular septum problems, so the doc thought she was fine. They gave her a tilt-test and she failed that pretty bad so they know SOMETHING is wrong but what it is is anyone's guess. The medical journals I've been reading say that similar symptoms accompany strokes, which explains the passing out as a lack of blood to a part of the brain. So I'm thinking a dye-test would make any blockages show up.

    So, she's on some sort of blood pressure medication and beta blockers, which seemed to make the problem all but go away.

    Personally, I think something's still there, and I want them to find it before we try to have kids and it becomes a serious issue.

  12. Crap! What kind of problems has she been having?

    We don't know yet, aside from assorted problems related to an eccentric pulmonic valve. They have her on beta-blockers and something to moderate her blood pressure. Seems to be working because she's not passing out any more.

    I figured I'd request thoughts and prayers from the board when we found out what the problem was, but we still don't know

  13. No movement for me today.

    I expected that...

    Eating is going great.....excersize not so great...Im having some problems and I have an appointment with my cardiologist on Monday.

    Damnit NO, Lacy's having heart problems too!


  14. I wouldnt take that....

    Your body will get a metabo boost from it....but once your off it. Your metabo will drop and there you are back at square one again. The best metabolism booster is to build muscle, try to stay away from any stackers.

    But its your body.....do what you want.

    My sister lost some weight recently and I asked her what she was doing.

    Apparently she makes her own "stacker".....everyday she takes a baby asprin, 200mg caffiene pill, and a primateme tablet......(yes thats a pill for asthma)

    she drinks about 2 sugar free Rock star energy drinks a day as well.....

    She claims it gives her the extra boost for her workouts (Im sure it does)....

    If I took that...I would literally have a heart attack.... :icon_eek:

    She's concocted a homebrew ECA stack (Ephedrine, Caffiene, Asprin) which is essentially what made earlier ephedra based fat burners so effective. Hard to make the homebrew work becauuse you need to get the proper proportions of each ingredient.

    Oh, and the NoXplode is a vaso-dilator so you should get some crazy pumps from it, but that's it's primary function, the creatine is a secondary. I saw most of my creatine results from Cell-Tech (muscle-tech brand) awesome stuff. Creatine serum is always going to be the best but it's hard to find and pricey.

  15. Yeah I was gifted a scale that measures your weight, water percentage, and bodyfat. It's pretty accurate depending on the ammount of water I have in my system. The better hydrated I am, the more accurate it seems to be. I have a buddy that's a P.A. and he checked me with calipers, tape, and some sort of electronic hand held fat measuring devide. All of them read within an acceptable tolerance of the scale so I believe it.

    Helps me out alot because of my build. measurring inches lost definitely isn't the most effective guage for me.

    Last week I lost one pound, but 4% bodyfat. 1 pound loss in a whole week and normally I woul've given up!

  16. Damn woman, that's alot of cardio. What finally broke my cardio plateu was going from 2 miles at 25% effort to 1 mile at 75%-80% effort. I would dead RUN for a period of time then walk some then do it repeatedly. Lately I've had very little time for any training at all so I'm just playing tricks with metabolism. I have alot of muscle mass so the fat burns with minimal activity.

    I eat ALOT (every 2.5 hours or so) and very healthy. Tyzo's right on the money about the how-to. I weighed this AM and I'm only down a pound from last week but my body fat keeps going down so that's keeping me motivated.

    Official weekly results tomorrow...

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