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Posts posted by DeaconXX

  1. Man, unless you're working with fused vertebrae, I'd be surprised if you didn't have a 3 plate DL in you already that can be brought out with some minor fine tuning. You'd be surprised how a simple hangup can stop your progress.

  2. Damn, 1350? That's an impressive number, man, nice work.

    Thanks. Impressive is relative though, since I'm the LITTLE GUY in my circle :blink:
    You're an animal. :-) Its that 500+# deadlift. Some day.

    a LOT of it is DL, yeah. I just don't like going that heavy anymore.

    Now that I'm thinking about it, I say 1350, but that was peak and in retrospect, I don't think I can / want to maintain that. 1250 gets you into that 3 plate, 4 plate, 5 plate lift range. As an OCD number chasing lifter, I can accept that.

    5 plate+ Deadlift

    4 plate+ squat

    3 plate+ bench

    2 plate+ Overhead press

    1 plate+ ...bicep curl / preacher curl?

  3. Pffft... you old guys.

    Seriously though, these days my cycles are less about "how big can I get" and more about "how hard can I go without getting hurt".

    Got off a LONG, overly complicated, VERY effective powerlifting cycle and I think I'm going to back off a minute. That is to say, never do that again. I'm going to downshift to a 5x5 to maintain the "big 3" and do like Redbird with more mobility and conditioning work. If I can keep a 1350 powerlifting total and still do a 5k whenever I feel like it, I'll consider that a win.

  4. Brett pretty much hit it, like others on here. The key to long term is to work out with a purpose in mind.

    I'm getting a little too old to be chasing 1 rep max like I used to, so I've kinda shifted my lifts to something I can maintain long term. I can't do the 90%+ stuff either, so I keep my ranges sub maximal and just increment them every so many weeks. Contrary to popular belief, you can get strong as hell without ever lifting 100% or spending 4 hours at a time in the gym. I'm closing up one such cycle now, and instead of maxxing out, I'm just upping my numbers by 15 lbs and repeating. I'm the strongest I've ever been by a long shot, my joints don't hurt, and I'm never in the gym more than 1.5hrs. If you (or anybody) PM's me an e-mail address to send it to, I have a spreadsheet you can look over to see if it makes any sense for you.

    You reach for a goal, you stumble some, then you improve your accessory work and put in the volume on your primary lifts. Before long, you're a lot stronger than when you started, and in the end that's all that matters; Be the strongest version of yourself.

    BTW, I'm a numbers chaser, so that keeps me going. in the beginning I wanted to be stronger than whatever, then it was 2 plate this and 3 plate that, now I'm just chasing numbers. If I can just get 3 reps at XXXlbs... That goal keeps moving, so I'm never really satisfied.

  5. That was my goal. Hit multiple strength properties but bias toward hypertrophy and all big bang for your buck lifts. Just finished week one and I feel good though I tried something a bit different and did less warm up and then ramped up to my max on the last set. Typically I would warm up and then do some low rep sets to get up to my working weight and do all of the sets at that weight.

    Studies have shown that too much warming up and stretching decreases lifts. Get your joints used to some pressure and hit the weight.

    I guess it depends what your goals are. If you're pushing weight to tone up, then you're probably on a nautilus machine anyway and the principles don't matter. If you're actually trying to gain then you have to be exactly that scientific about it.

    The more weight you lift, the more warmup you're going to need; same if you're getting some mileage on you. Anymore, I have to start with a nearly empty bar and work up. You'll know what I mean when you do 3 top sets and they're still getting easier.

    On a proper peaking cycle, you'll actually do what they call "over-warmup". Bench example, 5x135, 4x185, 3x225. 2x225, 1x315, 1x365, then your working at at 315 for 7-12 reps.

    It was told to me once, that "I started getting stronger when I stopped listening to 'scientists' and started listening to people stronger than me". You can google Over Warm-Up and you'll see articles by Charles Poliquin, Paul Carter, and others that can explain it a LOT better than I can.

  6. Seems like that plan's a good mix of strength and hypertrophy, as well as being balanced. You're hitting the big stuff AND the associated accessories, no room for time wasters.

    I might give it a try here in a couple weeks once my current cycle is over. My program has me peaking so often it's wearing me out. I think it was designed around... "chemically assisted" lifters.

  7. I always swear I'm going to post something in here and never get to it. I'm finishing up one 10wk cycle, starting another so I may as well post SOMETHING.

    This is basically computed off the percentages off your everyday max lift, so your numbers will keep your training all sub-maximal. Accessory lifts will be whatever you choose: Choose wisely

    *Week 1*


    Warmup to working weight...

    Deadlift 5 sets of 2 @ 80%

    2" block pulls 2 sets of 3 @ 85%

    2" deficit pulls 2 sets of 5 @ 75%

    Pendlay rows 3 sets of 10

    Pull ups (palms in) 3 sets of 10


    Warmup to working weight...

    Flat Bench 3 sets of 10 @ 70%

    Close grip bench 2 sets of 8 @ 75%

    1" paused bench 3 sets of 10 @ 65%

    Dips 3 sets of 10

    Overhead press 3 sets of 10


    Warmup to working weight...

    Squat 3 sets of 8 @ 65%

    Front squat 2 sets of 5 @ 70%

    Paused squats 3 sets of 8 @ 60%

    Leg curls 3 sets of 15

    Calves 3 sets of 15

    *Week 2*


    Warmup to working weight...

    Deadlift 8 sets of 3 @ 65%

    2" block pulls 2 sets of 5 @ 70%

    2" deficit pulls 3 sets of 8 @ 60%

    Pendlay rows 3 sets of 10

    Pull ups (palms in) 3 sets of 10


    Warmup to working weight...

    Flat Bench 5 sets of 2 @ 80%

    Close grip bench 2 sets of 3 @ 85%

    1" paused bench 2 sets of 6 @ 75%

    Dips 3 sets of 10

    Overhead press 3 sets of 10


    Warmup to working weight...

    Squat 3 sets of 12 @ 65%

    Front squat 2 sets of 8 @ 75%

    Paused squats 3 sets of 12 @ 60%

    Leg curls 3 sets of 15

    Calves 3 sets of 15

    *Week 3*


    Warmup to working weight...

    Deadlift 3 sets of 12 @ 70%

    2" block pulls 2 sets of 8 @ 75%

    2" deficit pulls 3 sets of 12 @ 65%

    Pendlay rows 3 sets of 10

    Pull ups (palms in) 3 sets of 10


    Warmup to working weight...

    Flat Bench 8 sets of 3 @ 65%

    Close grip bench 2 sets of 5 @ 70%

    1" paused bench 3 sets of 8 @ 60%

    Dips 3 sets of 10

    Overhead press 3 sets of 10


    Warmup to working weight...

    Squat 5 sets of 2 @ 80%

    Front squat 2 sets of 3 @ 85%

    Paused squats 2 sets of 6 @ 75%

    Leg curls 3 sets of 15

    Calves 3 sets of 15

    Weeks 4-6, you basically repeat those 3, but you increment the percentages by 5%. Weeks 7-10, there are some subtle changes like rep ranges and movement focus and week 10 is a de-loading week, assuming you were going to a weight lifting competition that following Saturday. Since there's NO WAY I can compete in my weight class yet, I just take the deload and do a test day and use the new 1rm for my percentages.

    It looks complicated at first glance, but once you've done all the math it's deceptively simple.

    OH, and I have this in excel because I'm too lazy to do the math over and over so if someone wants this in a spreadsheet, drop me a line.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Roman chair is great for rehab, but only hits a small portion of the the posterior chain.

    You guys are going to scoff, but the single best thing I've done for total back strength is deadlifts. I went from not being able to bend over my sink to pulling in the 500 range. I've had zero framers-elbow (I refuse to call it tennis elbow) or carpal tunnel issues with the motion.

    Also, you can rig some nylon strap loops so that the pulling is done by the elbow and not held in the hand, that way you can do some rows.

  9. As I am a cheap old fart, can you give me a better idea of how much you are looking to get?

    I don't know, $90 shipped? It might sound assenine, but I'm not in a big hurry to sell these. I posted them in case someone might have needed them more than myself, so I'm not going to be "giving" these away per se. In fact, I plan on putting a few miles on them sometime in June if I still have them by then.

    TOXXIC's right. They sit just above my lower pipes, so high mounts aren't advisable.

  10. I'm starting on a Paleo diet. I tried the fricken raw vegan, couldn't do it. Tried vegetarian, I like meat too much. Paleo is almost Atkins. Apparently you eat what you can gather and what you can kill (greens, fruits, vegetables and meat) No grains, no processed foods. I ordered a book, the Paleo Blueprint, so I have a better direction on where to go. I lost all the horsepower I gained a year and a half ago...

    I know that didn't really help you any, but I'm going through the shaky shakes too. I think it's sugar withdrawl. I eat an apple or a banana and it goes away.

    +1 on the paleo diet. I went from crap diet to paleo diet, then started reducing carbs until I was under 20g a day. I've had great resuts combined with lifting weights. I'm down 30lbs and I haven't done ANY cardio. You're probably feeling ketotic hypoglycemia. Like mentioned above, eat a banana, an apple, some grapes, etc.

  11. Are these still avail?

    Do you have a model #?

    Approximate Sizes?


    Holy thread resurrection!

    Yeah, I still got them and they're STILL unused. No model number, but here the some specs I stole from the interweb:

    High quality expandable saddle bags

    (sized for sportbikes)

    Only $119.99 / $99.99 - 29% off!

    MSRP $139.99

    order now

    Durable 600-denier nylon construction with stain/water resistant coating

    Reinforced sides and bottom

    Hook and loop adjustability

    Heavy-duty "D" rings on top

    Complete with rain covers

    Plastic stiffeners on bottom and side

    Zipper expansion to 12 inches wide

    Non-slip material used on bike side

    Heavy-duty rubberized handles

    Reflective stripe on sides

    Adjustable water bottle/misc. carriers on each bag

    2-way zippers

    19"L X 6"W X 10"H compressed


  12. Stator cover pending sale to Kellehar.

    I wouldn't mind sending off parts for paint, but what about shipping? Could be hundreds if I go fedex or UPS ground. I guess I could build a crate and send it freight right?

    Did you have a dollar figure in mind that you're looking for if you're selling them?

    Shipping won't be that much.. the parts stack together pretty good, and only need to be separated by a layer of cardboard between them to keep them from scratches. They're not big enough to fall under the "UPS oversize" criteria. Stop out at your UPS store and get an estimate to 53704.

    If you'd like to consider having them painted, Anna's painter did the black on my 97 XX lowers last year for about $300. I had to provide decals, and he did the decals and everything. Whether that same deal could be put together on these, I don't know. I do have a guy here in Madison who I had do my Katana, and I'm guessing he'd do a similar deal on the lowers, but I'd need to get them to him and let him give me the estimate.

    Maybe 700 range for the whole deal?

    PM sent...

  13. Stator cover pending sale to Kellehar.

    I wouldn't mind sending off parts for paint, but what about shipping? Could be hundreds if I go fedex or UPS ground. I guess I could build a crate and send it freight right?

    Just paint the bitch flat black.

    Then, the next time you Dave it up around a low-speed corner, it will be a 15 minute fix.


    I had an old car that I treated the same way!

    I'm more serious about doing that than you might think.

    C'mon people, I thought someone was looking for busted plastics a couple weeks ago. Probably not worth the shipping, but I really hate to throw then away. maybe I'll turn them into garage decor.

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