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Posts posted by xxtailweight

  1. Also, you're on the right track adding weight training, but switch up your workout.

    Your body will adjust and get used to a certain kind of exercise if it's all you do, keeping your body guessing will get you a lot further, as well as gaining muscle throughout your body, rather than just in your stationary bike muscles :)

  2. What seems to work really well for me is cooking much more than I'm going to eat (a lot of things are cheaper when you buy a little more, it seems) and freezing it. Only problem is that once the school year gets going, I have a hard time actually finding the time to cook a big meal or three per week, so eventually my freezer stores run out and I'm living off of smart ones again :icon_biggrin:

  3. Wow... Go Dave! 75lbs is a lot... as in more than half my weight! Heh.

    I really like the weight watchers foods, but if I go overboard they tend to get expensive. Well, health food in general is expensive!

  4. How y'all doin?

    My goal got a little more specific- I'm trying to fit into my grandma's wedding dress by Christmas. I guess that's about the same goal as before, but much more meaningful. No weddings in the future, but my grandma is getting up there (90 next Feb) and I plan on wearing her dress... so I want to make sure that she at least gets to see me in it, considering I don't have any plans to get married within the next few years.

    with the WW I ended up dropping about 15lbs total but totally fell off the bandwagon towards the end of the year. Dumped the boyfriend, had to find a new house, finals week was insane and had some other issues besides.

    SO... I gained some back, not all of it (thank goodness) and started running. I actually gained a little bit there, too, but I'm guessing it's muscle because I don't look fluffier... in fact I actually started looking better.

    Unfortunately I sprained my ankle this past week hiking, so now I'm kind of screwed for a week or two for running. Fortunately I'm still eating well though.

    Also, I'm taking rock climbing and a weight training class this fall, so hopefully that'll help me out big time! Getting strength training in 2 days per week will make it much easier on my workout schedule since I'll just have to worry about stretching stuff and cardio on my own.

    Brett--- you're doing great! I'm really impressed, dropping that much weight is a real bitch but you seem to be doing just fine! Out of curiosity, how many points do you get per day? I'm at around 20 and find myself dipping into the weeklies pretty often... plus not drinking is tough with my friends/ boyfriend around and alcohol is a LOT of points.

  5. Brett- I'm doing the WW thing as well and to be honest, I love it! So far, I've dropped a bit over 7lbs so far. I'm not going to meetings simply because I've got a lot on my plate at the moment with 15 credit hours (but I'm actually in class for 18 hours per week. Gross) and 35 hours of work plus homework. The online thing has worked really well so far, especially since I'm online for half the day anyway.

    I went to the gym today for the first time in a while and it felt really good. Only ran a reeeaallly slow mile and stretched, which is a lot less than I usually do, but it felt good!

  6. I have started my first ever get-fit-this-year new years resolution! Stumbled upon this group again and wondered if anyone else out there was doing the same?

    My goal is to lose close to 25 lbs OR to be able to fit into a 2/3 dress size. I'm not overweight, (close, but not quite BMI-wise) but I have a pretty tiny bone structure without any real curves... so when I start getting curves that's kind of a problem :icon_eek:

    SO... anybody got fitness-related goals this year?

  7. I know, I know... easier said than done (and I need to work on this big time as well) but just go move. Even if you just get out for a walk sometime, it's a LOT better than nothing. Not only will it help physically, but it usually helps you out mentally as well. I don't think I've honestly ever come back from a walk/ run and felt worse than when I left. Tired, sure... sore, probably, but you still feel a lot better about yourself then when you go to McD's!

    Oh, and I don't know if this applies, but cut out pop, candy and fast food. If you can do that you'll probably lose some weight even without exercising.

  8. Yeah, this weeks gonna be a dud for me too. I had the flu for three days and barely ate anything and didn't DO anything either. Jumped on the scale yesterday morning just for giggles (I hadn't eaten anything besides a couple juice boxes and some mini-wheats for running on three days) and I weighed in at 134... but I'm pretty sure the Sunday am weigh-in isn't gonna show any real improvement now that I'm actually eating again.

  9. Actually, one thing I've kind of been having trouble with is being able to figure out rough estimates of calories. I have an eating/ exercise plan that I'm feeling really good about, but sometimes it's hard to tell about how many calories I'm eating. I live on campus and therefor eat in the cafeteria the majority of the time and the cafeteria that I go to doesn't list nutrition info anywhere. Could you recommend a good calorie calculator online or something of that nature?

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