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Posts posted by MaXX

  1. Byron, no offense, but I guarantee you that you have the time, it is just a matter of making it a priority (even if it is really hard). The trick is figuring out if it is WORTH the sometimes heroic effort to get there. If you are committed, then follow-up with the discipline to do it. No compromises. Compromising is contagious. It is not a "one-time" thing. It will override what you are trying to accomplish. I would suggest doing nothing or making a commitment you can make vs. starting out, then missing, then starting out.... When it becomes a priority in your life, you just do it. I don't mean to beat you up as I know you are busy and your schedule moves around, but if this is important to you, then you have to make the time.

    Sorry if that seems crass.

    BTW, I can be more descriptive and many of these lifts can be done differently with dumbells or machines, or bench's, depending on what is in your gym.


  2. Byron, bottomline, you need to make this a habit, commit to it being a habit. Since you are not going to enjoy it, this is going to be tough. What do you enjoy? Have you ever lifted, worked out in the past????

    I played 13 years of football and was completely burnt out from lifting, running...that I took the last 4 years off. I turned into a lop of shit (because I travel a lot for work and eat out all the time). Anyway, 6 months ago I got back into the gym. I wanted to find a way to add muscle (like I was in college), but drop the extra fat I am carrying around. I do not mind running, as long as it is not for a really long time (over 20 minutes-30 minutes 2-3 miles). Anyway, one thing I always liked before lifting was getting my body warmed up. So I used to jump rope, run, do the elipse.... So for me, it is a means to an end to avoid hurting myself when I am lifting. Typically I run about 13 - 18 minutes at a pretty quick pace (8.5 - 9 minute miles). This gets me sweating, warms up the body, but is not so long that I get bored and start thinking 'I can't run anymore". The trick for me is to run hard for a shorter time.

    Then I lift. Nik provided me with his work out regiment which is absolutely great for me. For football, we were always working on adding mass, strength and quickness. Most of our workouts were 4 sets/5 reps or some 8-5-2 pyramid (1 set 8 reps, add weight 5 reps, add weight 2 reps). Well, for me today, that does not meet my goals. Plus, 3 sets really is not enough to really work the muscle. So I am doing 4 sets of 10 of everything and each day is focused on a different muscle group which keeps fatigue to a minimum and allows you to focus and get results (plus I am never at the gym longer then 2 hours which includes run, lift, steam bath, and shower). In addition, I am working areas I have typically ignored in the past such as my back. I can really see results there! Here is what my workout looks like

    Monday: Chest and Triceps

    Flat dumbell bench

    Incline Dumbell bench

    Decline Dumbell bench

    Fly's on a machine or cable crossovers

    Dips (4 X 20 on machine)

    Skull Crushers

    Tuesday: Back

    Lat Pulls

    Close Grip Pulldowns

    Low Rows

    High Rows

    Back Extensions

    Wednesday: Shoulders

    Seated Dumbell press

    Machine Press

    Side raises (on machine)

    Straight arm raises (in front)

    Upright Rows


    Thursday: Biceps

    Curls (on machine)

    Curls with EZ bar (bent bar)

    Seated Dumbell curls

    Curls with straight bar

    Friday: Legs

    Front Squats

    Machine Press

    Leg extensions

    Leg curls (hamstrings)


    Good luck!


  3. No, OEM are expensive (like $13 a jet). I ended up going to a local Performance Shop (Schmallenberg Racing) and he stocks all Keihin Jets. I think it ran me $20 for the four pilots (I used the Factory Pro Kit for the Mains and Needles).


  4. European Jetting

    What's that?

    If you own a Repair Manual, the 97-98 bird came with different Jetting for UK Models and US Models. The UK being Richer. Here are the Jetting settings. I bumped the Pilot Jet up 1 size to a 43 or 45 which took care of my hesitation between 1500 and 3000 RPMS too. It is an Option in the Factory Jet kit, but they do not provide the Pilots.

    US is:

    Carbs 1 and 4 = 140

    Carbs 2 and 3 = 142

    UK is

    Carbs 1 and 4 = 142

    Carbs 2 and 3 = 145


  5. Ditto, I have a K&N (you don't gain much flow but you don't have to replace it, just clean it every 50k miles) and Factory jet kit. With my MIGS, I found the European Jetting with then new needles/setting perfect for taking out the flat spots.


  6. Should be the same or similar (two bolts...).

    BTW, you are the one with the tight lips. Always exercising your jaw muscles at the Gym!!!! 24 inch cranium (measured at the jaw) to match those arms!!!!


  7. Hi MaXX, matey,

    I am looking to get the handy industries stands since a while. I am in a similar situation as you matey. I would ideally like something that works for my XX and TL. Could you guys tell me which stands you have with reference to the following page?


    Since my only option with the XX without any modifications may just be a stand with rubber pads (as specified on the page), I wonder if these would work on the TL as well.

    Sorry to use your thread for a specific question Jim.




    It is the Universal set with Rubber Pads ($99). I don't know if they will work on the TLR, I would assume so though.


  8. I've been using the Handy Industries stands for 2 years now, no problems. They are $100 delivered to your house and if you put the pad right behind the last weld on the swingarm under the axle, they do not move. Good luck on spools. You can probably buy some bolt on/rivet on spools made for some other kind of bike but you will have to drill/tap the swingarm.


  9. Hey Bruce, happy to help you out. It is going to be tough to find the time but let me know when your tires come in and we will try to get something worked out. My garage is packed full of bikes, 4 wheelers, sleds that the tire stuff is way in the back and tough to get too. Let me know though.


  10. Yeah, Nik has them. I rode his bike for 500 miles on the way out to NeXXt. Would have never been able to do it without earplugs. Riding behind him is something else. I used to think my old Vance and Hine's Carbon Fiber cans were loud, but the D&D's are the difinitive "Loud Pipe King"!!!!!


  11. Yeah, he checked them and I think they told him the same thing (time-wise anyway). If I recall, he checked to see if they could ship them directly to him and they couldn't so he would need someone like you to help him out Chris, but anyway, they did not have anything in stock and it was going to take the same amount of time.


  12. Ronnie, it is time for a new chain. Mine is just starting to grind now and it will undoubtedly start to clunk shortly (primarily in 1st gear, starting out). This is normal, it is time for a new one.

    Buy the way, check your sprockets. If they are OEM, you are probably OK for another chain (you may need a new front though). I am getting two chains/year sprocket now and I flog my bike pretty hard (replacing every 15-18k miles).


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